School on top of the mountain

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    • #191595 Reply

      Hi! I had two dreams where I was in school and the school was located above the mountains.

      On the first dream I was in a gymnasium with other students wearing school uniform. We were gathered there for an assembly of some sorts. I remember I was holding a green plate and went to the sink beside the gym to place it among piles of other plates. When I went back to the line, I noticed that the gym floor was made of glass and you could almost see the top of the mountain below.

      On the second dream, I went to some place (the place looks like a retreat/recreation area but I wasn’t sure) with my former coworkers. When we got there, I noticed a grand wooden staircase that lead somewhere. I decided to climbed it. When I got to the top, I realized it was a school situated above the mountains. It has huge open windows and I can see that the tops of the mountain from there. I also noticed that I was looking at the mountains from a higher vantage point.

    • #192558 Reply

      Hi J,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. It is beautiful! Please take my interpretation to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the final interpretation.

      You will have mountain top training (school on the mountain top) in the things of God and it will involve you working/serving (plate) with others and giving life (green coloured plate) to others. This training will result in you seeing things from a higher, spiritual perspectives (mountain top) that will enable you to serve others better in the future (window). This is all possible because of your natural/spiritual curiousity to seek higher things (climbing up a wooden stair case) in a sacrificial manner, Hallelujah!


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