PRAYERS FOR MORGAN (mental illness and addiction – intervention)

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    • #315098 Reply
      Chris Nihmey

      Hello there,

      I am requesting prayers for MORGAN. MORGAN is a 23-year-old on a dangerous path. She deals with mental illness and is addicted to marijuana. She has been abusive to her grandmother and has taken over her grandmother’s home. She refuses to leave and wants to take over the place. The family cannot allow this as it will enable her and only hurt her more. The family is going to begin an intervention. They are going to request that she finds her own place, finds a job, and gets the professional help she needs to get her life on track. Please pray that everything goes smoothly, and that she is fully receptive to change things in her life. They want to help her improve her life so she can recover and find hope and purpose. Pray that Christ guides them in all of this and that they lean on HIM through everything. Thank you.

      We ask this in His name. Amen.


    • #315392 Reply

      I pray in agreement that Morgan be granted repentance. Lord, we pray for a sound mind and a willing and obedient spirit to conform to your will and your way. We pray for those seeking to intercede and intervene that you give them wisdom, counsel and understanding and that they would walk in step with your plan and your way to deal with this situation. I pray for boldness, courage, and strength and I bind fear, anxiety, enabling, and doubt. I loose clarity, action, peace, readiness and faithfullness to you! May Morgan be freed from what has bound her and may she experience the love of Christ and be transformed. Be glorified in this Father and may everyone involved see and experience your power and grace. Amen.

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