Prayer for my labs Payton and Remington

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      I prayerfully ask in your assistance for healing for my Labrador dog Payton and Remington.

      Payton will be having surgery to remove cyst under left arm and underbelly so it will not hinder his walking ability.

      Please pray for him .

      Pray that his bloodwork and pre op work prior to his surgery and physical work up on June 11 Saturday will be go well.

      He is scheduled for surgery on June 16 Thursday.

      Please pray for the vet D.r Cody who will be performing the safe surgery in hopes that God assist the vet surgery to perform the surgery safe and remove all cysts

      Can you also pray for my yellow Labrador Remington so he can be healed from his arthritic pain, uncomfortable soreness for his acl on his right leg, and prayer for removal of any pain from his body. I don’t know if his breathes harder or heavily sighs are related to some uncomfortable pain that it’s hurting, so I hope God send me some type of discernment to judge my pets pain levels.

      Please keep both Payton and Remington in your daily prayers.

      They are my best buddies who have been through so much with me.

      All prayers are much appreciative and very needed.

      Thank you all and God Bless all of you.



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