Open Windows

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    • #333022 Reply
      Kimberly Williams

      Woke up on the morning of the Eclipse (4/8/24) remembering the dream I had during the night….i woke up and only my daughter Makayla, my nephew Christian and I was home. Christian was in the living room (not sure why he was over and I don’t remember what he was doing… I think he may have been playing his virtual game). I remember that as I walked into the living room of my house, I noticed all the windows were open and I could feel a slight breeze and see the sheer white curtains blowing. I immediately asked Makayla why the windows were open or who opened the windows. I don’t remember her reply (she was on the other side of the house in her room), but my next question to her was “did your dad open the windows?” As I asked the question, I went through the house closing the windows (I was primarily in the living room) and I locked the windows. However, when I checked the window after Iocking them (I.e. I tried to see if I could lift it open it again), the window would lift open again with the lock on. I remember being a little perplexed that it was doing that and I couldn’t understand why it wouldn’t lock. Then I think I woke up from the dream. What really had me perplexed was the fact that when I first saw the windows open, I don’t believe I saw the any screens on the window, so it made me feel like anything (bugs especially) could get in the house. However, I don’t remember feeling afraid or anything in my dream, I was just trying to seek out why they were open.

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