Old house

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    • #189692 Reply
      Gayle Allen

      Every now and then I keep having dreams where I end up in the apartment I grew up in. Last night I dreamed i was awaken to come outside and find 4 bikes laying around the yard and having to stand up to some teenagers and tell them to get it together and stay off my property because they didn’t live there. I look around and my grandson was standing next to me. I told him I’m not afraid of them and I’m not backing down. They left and I went back into the house this is the place i grew up in from childhood. I haven’t been living there in over 40 years. It seems like my dreams either start at the old house or I end up going back to the location. I can’t figure it out. I have great memories there it was my childhood home.

    • #190155 Reply

      Hello Gayle,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I say to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the final interpretation.

      Is there something from your past that you need to deal with, perhaps through prayer? As an example are there perhaps 4 issues from your childhood or seen in family members when they are young that might have caused some sort of rebellion (teenagers) that is raising its head now and you can now see it in your grandson? There might be a generational issue(s)(people do not normally own apartments and so the issue may not be ‘yours’ but is in/attached to your family somehow. I pray that the Holy Spirit gives you clarity, in Jesus’ Almighty Name I pray, Amen!

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