Mother leaves her dreams

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      My mom told me that she had a dream,in the dream was my great nieces grandmother who is a minister and or evangelist and my mom who is an ordained elder and a seer.My mom said she was in the dream,but then was outside of the dream looking to the dream and the other grandmother said my mom’s breathe stinks,my mom is outside the dream looking in and said to her why wouldn’t you tell me my breathe stinks.It bothered me when she told me the dream.Very often since a little girl she said that she does this leaves her body and can see into it our hold conversations while outside the dream but looking in.She said she was in church at waking life and that she was in the meeting but outside the meeting listening. THIS concerns me,a pastor said it her operating in her call as a prophet.Another said she is Astral projecting.My question is what is happening amd that she can and does do it and it doesn’t frighten of bother her but it does bother me and my heart and apirit.Can you help me holt spirit to walking on all truth because I don’t know or understand

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