marriage restoration and employment

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    • #234384 Reply
      Elizabeth Williams

      Good day, I am thrilled to have come upon your ministry and your website. I am inspired and finds lots of information that can help me in my spiritual walk. I am asking for prayer for my husband who has left home for the 5th or 6th time and is now living an adulterous life.

      Also I had a dream about a woman being pregnant for my husband, and was plagued with that thought for a while, am not his judge, only God is but I did see a baby picture on the screen of his phone recently and he said it was his niece which I don’t believe. I am asking for prayers for healing for his soul. I am in the process of finalizing my background check for a new job at a hospital and am asking for prayers that all will go well with my background check and it will be successful. My husband needs serious prayers. Thank you

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