long dream, odd as well

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      Dream –

      So there were multiple scenes in this dream and all the details were hard to recall when I woke up.
      -1st at some sort of tables where you play games. I was with a guy my age and others probably some friends, I dont know any of them personally. There was a guy a little older than me that was working there, maybe at the prize table. For some reason i got the impression he had an interest in me.
      Next part of dream I am looking at clothing to buy, shirts etc and all with my old college logo on them (I graduated in 2017). That same guy my age was there, I believe we were dating or at least interested in each other.
      Then I am at a restaurant sitting at a table, must have been on a date with that guy. (This part was odd) – there was a plate of food in his place and I took the food apart with my hands, like it was not edible or it was not his meal. I might have thrown some of it away. It turns out later it actually was the meal that he ordered. I thought the man was maybe in the bathroom and I was waiting for him, only I turned around and saw him sitting at a table and talking to people that I could not see who they were. Maybe this guy was stringing me along. The guy that was older, the same one from the game place. I noticed he was at a table perpendicular in front of me. He was watching me, not in a weird way, just looking over at me. I was embarrassed that I hadnt ordered any food. I went over to him and asked if he would make me a meal, and I just somehow knew that I could trust him to make food that I would like (I have food allergies so I am very careful what i eat). The guy I was on the date with came over and accused me of liking the older man. I brushed it off and said “hes older than me”. (which was odd, he might have been only a few years older, maybe 2-5 yrs). I believe the man my age was the “better looking one” too.
      The next part of dream I am at a waterpark. I know both men were there somewhere, the “older” man was probably working there. There was some sort of disaster going on, a natural disaster I believe. There was water flooding the place. I went and helped some people, including the owners of the waterpark, him and his wife. I helped them to higher ground. I saw the man I was dating and was disappointed that he didn’t look relieved that I was safe.
      Last part of dream – the disaster must have been over and time had passed. I knew somehow that the man that was “older” was getting ready to see me, like a fresh haircut, etc. We met up and were walking toward eachother…..and thats all I remember, I woke up.

      For context I am single right now and not seeing anyone.
      Please help with this dream, GOD bless you!

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