In cold wooded wilderness

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    • #246212 Reply

      My sister thought she was playing/tricking me and leaves me, when we are in Colorado or in the Montana mountains. The tour leaves me behind. I proceed to walk back to our vacation cabin. All of a sudden, I wasn’t alone and I was with a hunting dog breed (hound). He was frightened, he stood behind me because he knew I would protect him. I didn’t know what was after him. A wolf appeared. I gave the dog the signal with my head-nod, we would run. A prepared my right arm just in case the wolf attacked. I assumed he would attack because he was on my right side. We ran, the wolf attacked my right arm. I flung him over the cliff thinking he would drop but he didn’t. I continued to run and made it safely on the other side on a lower rock ledge. The dog ran with me but was to slow to keep up. The wolf attacked the dog and I could hear it whimpering above me. Next I saw blood flow down, so I knew the dog was dead. I eventually walked from miles out of the wilderness and made it to our cabin before nightfall.

    • #248244 Reply

      Hello Danielle,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I share to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      You and someone else/?friend (the hound) are very vulnerable but you are the “stronger” of the two. There is an individual that is a “wolf in sheep clothing.” You are discerning this and trying to fight this individual and protect your ?friend. Your friend will/is falling victim.
      I suggest that you go into spiritual warfare prayers (e.g., using the Armour of God- Ephesians 6:10-18) for both yourself and the friend as this can be averted if it hasn’t happened already. I pray that the wolf (it could be the enemy or an actual person)in your lives will be revealed to you by the Holy Spirit.


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