Help interpret dream of attending school

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    • #318753 Reply

      Dream- going to class then realized before lunch A that a person who I use to attend diceplship clsss was hosting a class. I skipped lunch and attended his class instead and I notice he was getting old during class… the people there were dressed with exposing clothes. I said to him during class “that everyone is stepping back spiritually instead of going forward”. He couldn’t hear me until he got closer and I told him again. I went to the bathroom or did something and notice time is about to be 1PM and I panic and thought I was late to my next class, but the teacher said no not yet. The next class is like at 1:15pm. Then I was doing something and then I was laying down on a table that look like cafeteria, messing with my hair… some more time pass by, then I went to look for my purse and the teacher had all my stuff out of my purse (by the way he looked young again). I had some old coins there and he was really wanting to keep one (he didn’t say but I felt it or more like heard his thoughts, for a minute I got a bad vibe but then I was fine) and I wanted to be nice and told him he can keep a quarter that was 1905. (In real life I have some old coins, I use to carry some around very long time ago now they are in jewel box). I also saw the exact purse I carry around now. Is like he was trying to find something not sure what. Then at 1:15 he said now is time to go. I saw others leaving and I left confuse not knowing where to go. I was not sure what period to go to. Btw, I use to take diceplship classes with him.

    • #318992 Reply

      Hello Giron,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I share back to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      Does Luke 1:15 or John 1:15 mean anything to you in the context of your life and dream?


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