Given an envelope filled with money

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    • #174582 Reply

      I dreamt that my father’s firstborn daughter from his first marriage came to my house. I met her and her deligation outside in the yard.

      I did not invite them in as we are not used to eachother. I did not understand why she would visit my home since our father whom I had been taking care of for many years has been called to rest and is no longer living with me. We never socialized. My father became ill after my mother passed more than a decade ago. I asked him to move in with my family so that I could take care of him. His other children only visited my home to see their father, nothing else.

      Without saying much, she handed me an envelope overflowing with money, said her goodbyes and everyone left. I woke up

    • #175661 Reply

      Hi Sue,

      I believe that this dream means that your sister is overflowing with gratitude towards you and is thankful for the care that you provided to your father and that she and her loved ones want to personally thank you.

    • #180716 Reply

      Hello Sue,
      Dreams are usually symbolic. They are rarely literal.
      Father’s oldest daughter – what character traits come to mind when you think of her? This is what she symbolizes.
      House – usually symbolizes someone’s life, in this case yours.
      You didn’t invite her in because you’re not used to each other – Someone or something that you’re not comfortable having in your life
      Hands you an envelope filled with money – a gift, blessing
      Said goodbye – leaving your life

      I can’t tell if the second paragraph in your description above was part of the dream or if you were just providing background information.

      Someone or something that you are not comfortable having in your life shows up unexpectedly and blesses you. As quickly and unexpectedly as they came, they leave. Whoever they are, you are uncomfortable having them around but they are not there to have a relationship with you. They are coming to release the blessing and leave.

    • #181503 Reply

      Many years ago my pastor told me during a seminar at church that I need to open my heart. If I don’t I won’t recognize and receive my blessings just because they are brought by someone I may not want to be a part of my life.

      This sounds like a similar message.

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