Front Lawn, Church, Ditch, & Watery Meat

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    • #310683 Reply

      1) I’m outside on the front lawn but I don’t perceive it that way at first, at first I perceive that I’m in the house sleeping- I am in my pj’s. Then I realize I’m outside, but I feel like even though I am outside I felt like people can’t see me.

      2) I was then at a church – I was in the ladies’ room, washing my hands, but I heard a lot of voices, of people I know in the church making small talk. I realize I had been transported by God from the front lawn into this church. I really didn’t want them to see me or notice me because I’m in my pajamas. I heard the last person leaving and out, I was letting people know “Hey hey hey I’m here!” Nobody really heard me. Finally, they heard me and started yelling “Someone is in there, here she is!” – and they opened the door.”

      3) Next, I am then on a sidewalk path. I saw my adult brother as a little boy. He was laying face down in the dirt and kind of like a ditch or trench that went along the side of the sidewalk I was walking on.

      He was mumbling and grunting and trying to move forward and I was saying “No no, no, brother’, no no no” and I picked him up, I was hugging and kissing my baby brother telling him no – and to come with me.

      4) I was now in another church – this time with my brother. It was 3 00 am

      I/we heard a lot of people preparing things and rustling around.

      I came to a room where I sitting thinking, I was trying to figure out some things about my life, wanting even more of God to get closer, and spiritual things as well as in Scripture.

      Next, I was talking to a man, a Reverend of the church, who had the gift of prophecy and dreams about the things I’d been thinking about.

      Then I went to the kitchen and I saw this lady in the kitchen, near her, saw meat thawing out in a tray on the counter, it was in a pool of water it was more and more water seemed to be coming from it, like drowning in it, and I noticed it also looked like it was going bad or spoiled.

      I tell the Reverend about what I saw, and he looks over at the kitchen counter and says “We’ve been having a lot of problems with meat spoiling…” and he looks kind of concerned and he starts to investigate and talk to people in the church about the problems they have been having with this and ordering more or different meat.

      5) The minster/rev. and my brother are talking he started listening to the minister as he talked about the things of God and how God operates, the importance of knowing him, he’s listening intently and talking with the reverend and asking questions and I’m thinking to myself oh my gosh he won’t listen to me, but he’s listening to the reverend so that’s good. I’m glad I brought him.

      Then I woke up.

      Thank you for any Holy Spirit-led reflections or interpretations of this dream you are led to share.

    • #311026 Reply

      Hello Prism,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I share to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      I believe that your dream is saying that your current church in the future or a new Christian fellowship all in the future will experience a “watering” down of the Word of God (meat) but you will be instrumental in encouraging and guiding others during this process. You may seem alone, invisible in this transition as if not heard by others but your prayers either to date on in the future that entails seeking God (3am- this powerful and I think of this time when God seems to speak to people who diligently seek Him) will not be in vain. Be encouraged!


    • #311394 Reply

      F.E. Thank you very much. This resonated with me in my Spirit and I have taken it to Holy Spirit in prayer and I believe it is accurate. The Lord is pouring as was my prayer. Now that He would make mold prepare and regulate me to be His servant and obedient listener in all things is my journey. You are a blessing.

    • #311451 Reply

      Hello Prism,

      May Yahweh Alone be praised!

      Thank you very much for the kind words “you are a blessing”. It warmed my heart and brought tears to my eyes!


    • #311661 Reply

      It is true, you are such a blessing. Your gift and kind spirit always blesses me.

      May God’s Favor be upon you!


    • #311833 Reply

      Thank you very much, once again, Prism! Your kind words (previous and current) have been a balm in a way that you cannot begin to comprehend!

      Shalom, Shalom, Shalom!

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