Dream that I was still in the military

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    • #318966 Reply
      Maria Oramas

      Today Israel declared war against Hamas in teh 50 year anniversary of the 1973 war. I believe the dream I had in June 17 2022 is linked and I need dirrection.

      I had dremaed taht I was still in the military and received a new assigment that I never done before. I was to go to a foreign country and survey medical facilities to ensure that when the war began in that country there were facilities available. I noticed that I was wearing civilian clothes so we wouldn’t be recognized as militants. I was assigned with another female that had performed the task before. So, I began to walk with her and began to share with her that “I had never been entrusted to go before the troops before, this assigment is a great honor to do becase I was entrusted to performed the task. She responded “If you do this well, you will be performing this task more often and by yourself” I felt happy and honored. The people spoke a different language which it was not English and Spanish which I am fluent on. The was a man that joined us that spoke the foreign language, but eventhough I did not speak the language that did not stop me from speaking to the hospital facility attendants and continue my survey. So, I was asking if the hospital was available and if it was available for use? We continue to look for facilities and I asked this hospital attendant if we have casualties can we bring them here? The hospital attendant responded “no, you can’t bring them her to the main hospital you have to take them to 2 small cities and we could ony take 25 casualties. As this was answered we were getting ready to return to the US. At this time I noticed that other people was assigned the same task as me. The leader said which was the lady I was with, pick a partner because you need to return by twos, so people began to pair up. Women with women and man with men to keep integrity. I was paired up with the leader and I noticed that the men that was with us did not have a partner and I said” join our group is going to be ok” That pleased the leader also and she agreed of him to join us.
      Then the man said” the same that was done to Siria is going to happen here” (Which I felt total devastaion or destruction) and he said “no” because Biden is president, is going to be done in integrty, truth and honor. (I had a bad feeling about Biden) Then the men continue to say, “and honor can be many things…honor can be revival and I was real happy to hear the word revival.

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