Dream Interpretation Needed – this has haunted me

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    • #89404 Reply

      I don’t remember everything about the dream. The first part it seems like I was living in a new city. I was looking for something; a new job, maybe. I was walking around a neighborhood. Then I was in a building talking with people I didn’t know, but they seemed like colleagues trying to get me oriented. It seems like I was trying to determine the right thing to wear?

      Next, I was at the mall with my mom. She showed me a piece of jewelry she put on layaway or just bought. We went to the back of a eye store or shoe store (can’t remember) and I had an appointment to get my legs shaved. When I looked at my legs they were covered with fleshy hairs and they were moving rapidly (it was disgusting – they looked skinny uvulas all over my legs). I was wondering if I had a disease. Then it seems like my dad was with me. I wanted to go to the hospital.

      There was a third part to the dream. I may be getting the parts mixed up. In this part of the dream, I was in a new apartment. I remember seeing my neighbors through the window. They reminded me of the football players I lived next to in Portland. It seemed like I was looking for something? Not sure. I do remember coming from the back of the apartment and being surprised that my apartment door was unlocked. I remember wondering if someone was trying to come into the apartment.

    • #102439 Reply

      Trying to figure out what to wear is you trying to find out who you are. Sorry dont know what the fleshy hairs mean! Maybe you ate some bad clams..
      Somebody breaking into your place is satan getting into your life somewhere where your letting him in without realising.

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