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    • #139554 Reply

      I have had two different dreams with two different people driving while I’m in the passenger seat. The first one was a friend of mine was driving and she drove off a cliff. Then the next was my spouse was driving and he drove us off into the water off a cliff. I hardly ever remember my dreams but for some reason these two stick out. I’m just not sure what they mean.

    • #139563 Reply

      In my experience personal cars are a representation of self or your personal ministry/salvation. This two dreams could be related. Jumping off a cliff is negative even in the physical realm and after waking up how did you feel? Your friend would be misleading you in an issue or will do so in the future. As for your spouse it could be he is about to make a bad decision that will cost both of you or he has already done it.
      Always ask the Holy Spirit for interpretation and pay attention to how you feel once you wake up from a dream.

    • #139565 Reply

      Hello! With the driving dreams it is my experience that the people driving have a strong impact in your life. Either a strong influence or you trust them. The idea of going off a cliff perhaps means that you might feel you’re losing control or giving these people too much control over your emotions, as water represents emotions. Do you wake before you actually crash or do you crash? Are you currently going thru something in your life that you feel you have no control over and might be overwhelmed? perhaps the dream is giving up the control to someone else, God, but not fully in faith, hence the crash. I would pray over releasing fear and control. Place it all in God’s hands.

    • #139568 Reply


      Thank you for your responses. The dream with the water I woke up before we started to drown and I felt tired when I woke up. My spouse and I are going thru something’s and I had an appt with a divorce atty on tomorrow but it was cancelled due to the pandemic. I will definitely pray more about these things bc I just feel like there are messages that I need to take heed to.

    • #139570 Reply

      You are welcome. It is well in Jesus name. The scene with your spouse definitely represented something in your marriage as it was about you two. God is a God of restoration and there is nothing he can’t fix. With your friend you have to find what’s the connection or influence she is bringing in your life going by the other dream it isn’t positive.
      I am led to share with you this verse. Psalms 50:15 And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me. Shalom.

    • #139598 Reply
      Betty Pierce

      I dreamed I was in a waiting room in a hospital with my husband, my grandaughter, Mya, was there and she needed to go to the bathroom, you had to go to the first floor, as we walked together I saw an escalator going down but didn’t want to wait so we took the staircase down, we got to 6 floor, there was a man on the steps , he looked dangerous, we came out in a bad looking neighborhood so we went back to the 7th floor.

    • #139761 Reply

      You can ask the Holy Spirit to simplify the dream because sometimes the parable isn’t that easy to crack. Also look at your life, your relationships with your husband and grand daughter. Bathrooms are a place of cleansing or you can say deliverance. Hospitals also could be healing/sickness. The fact that something was trying to stop your grand daughter from accessing the bathroom could mean an impending spiritual attack. You need to stand in the gap for her as grand parents and pray for your family to combat any evil plans of the enemy. God reveals to redeem always. Shalom.

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