Dream About Eyes Staring at Me & Gorilla

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    • #206060 Reply

      In my dream, I was in a house, one with those door’s with post man hole in the door. Whilst in this house, I felt this ever-present set of eyes staring at me (I didn’t feel at ease or at peace, it’s like these eyes are staring right into my soul, but not in a good way – maybe like scanning me to hyper-emphasize my greatest fears and desires). As the dream went along, I ended up at the door and peeped through the post-man hole and saw this huge gorilla also staring at me (as if it wants to attack, but it cannot go through the door of the house. It’s as if I can’t stop peeping through this hole, but every time, I just see these big eyes stare at me (the eyes however don’t look like gorilla eyes, but I still know it is the gorilla standing there. It sort of felt that I am in a very safe space and that whatever is/was watching me from all sides, could not get to me, although I still felt a lot of fear and anxiety throughout this whole dream.

    • #206578 Reply

      Hello Lone,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I share to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      There are eyes on you that are not that of man although it appears as such. Please see Ephesians 6:12. However, I hope this song “Surrounded” is an encouragement.


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