Dog on leash turned to alligator

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    • #333941 Reply


      I hope it makes sense but I saw I was walking to meet my sister mascots like I got off a train station (not sure) but I see a concert going near the exit/entrance, as I was making my out i can hear music and at the centre attached to the concert food stall with a lights (looked a little demonic) even though it was a day time.

      So as I’m walking I hear the girl working there chatting with girl wanting to our by sweets and is asking about the price. For strange reason that brown (light) pancake somehow lands in my hand and I end up eating it (tasted caramel but sort of had a bitter of sour to it) so disgusting. I cross the road to meet my sister but she can’t see me but I can a pole that’s obstructing her view however I can see little dog that can sense my presence. To save the back forth (any disagreements I think there were not 100%) I walk up close to the dog and it’s my sister that’s holding on to it. So she approaches me but the dog she’s holding on to turn into a a huge alligator that’s want to attack me (and I tell my sister get it away from me, she says it’s ok calm down) but and it managed to attack me

      Thank you in advance

    • #333960 Reply

      Hi, you ate what you were handed and it led to bitterness. I believe it is related to something that happened in actual life. Please read this post. I believe it will give you clarity to your dream and what you are seeing concerning the alligator and the spirit that is behind the disagreements and how to handle it.


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