Cliff, colourful Iguana

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    • #217128 Reply

      Hi there,

      I had this dream in the early hours this morning after I woke up and fell asleep again.

      The dream starts of with me standing on the edge of a cliff with a rock “hanging” over the scenery at the bottom – lika a look out point.

      I take a step onto this rock and walk to tge edge of it, the scenery underneath me looks almost like a tree plantation/woods but it’s very far down. I remeber feeling a bit scared and dizzy from the hight and looking down gave me anxiety.
      So I go down on my knees to crawl back to safer ground but there’s a blue and green beach towel underneath me. As I crawl my foot slips on this towel and I almost loose my balace and fall off -thinking that it would be ok if I died now, I’ll be with Jesus.

      I get to safer ground, green grass and I move away from this rock, grabbing my skirt ( I was in a bathing suit,black tshirt on(??)
      Walking o dirt road bqck to this look out point, a white pick up truck passes me with an old man in it, I remember feeling aware and cautious, because I didn’t have my skirt on.
      He passes me but doesn’t even notice me.

      I see my phone in between a bunch of smaller rocks close to this look out point rock.

      I walk closer to get it and all of a sudden there’s this big Iguana staring at me…making hissing sounds and changing colour( green/yellow/turquoise).
      As I walk closer it ( the Iguana) goes completely white..I sense it’s trying to warn me to not come closer.
      I go closer anyway, walking around it, because I want to get my phone.
      It charges me, bites me on my finger amd I literally have to shake it off…in do that I shake it so hard it flies off, off of the towel following it (?) (gets blown away by the wind)
      I try to catch it.

      I wake up.

      I know it’s a very long and detailed dream ( I usually dream like this) but it’s very confusing.

      May God bless you,

    • #217897 Reply

      Hello Sue,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything I share to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      I sense that you might be having a hard time discerning when God is speaking to you and may not recognize who is for you, that is, sent from God. The rock you were standing on might be Jesus and you may be having experiences and seeing things that you are not accustomed to and it is making you a bit uncomfortable. The man in the white truck might be a positive figure. It also appears that you are feeling vulnerable.

      The iguana reminds me of a social chameleon (you can look up this concept) and it appears to be a Christian with a legalistic spirit (changing to white but hissing at you) that is preventing you from hearing accurately from the Lord (trying to retrieve your phone).
      May the Holy Spirit shed light regarding who the old man and the iguana are, in Jesus’ Almighty Name I pray, Amen!


    • #219578 Reply

      Hi F.E.

      Thank you very much for responding, I really appreciate it!

      What you said made a lot of sense when I think about it qnd what has been going on in my life.
      I will take your advice and take it to Holy Spirit.

      Thanks again!!
      Be blessed!

    • #219627 Reply

      You are very welcome, Sue and may Yahweh Alone be praised!


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