C-section delivery

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    • #195316 Reply

      I dreamed I was pregnant and that I was almost due. When I went to the hospital for check up, the nurse/doctor said that once it’s time for delivery she’ll just make an incision on my side and take the baby out (C-section).

    • #195547 Reply

      Hi J,

      Being pregnant means you are pregnant with purpose or a gifting that has yet to be birthed. Babies symbolize new beginnings, a new work, a new ministry or a gifting that you will be responsible for when you give birth.

      The late John Paul Jackson had a dream that he was going to have a c-section. He explained that it was a play on words that meant SEE Section. God was saying his ministry was going to be responsible for developing people who had a Seer anointing.

      Your dream may imply that you will give birth to a prophetic gifting as a Seer in the body of Christ.

      If what I’ve shared does not agree with you, may the Lord give you the correct interpretation of this dream.


    • #195554 Reply

      Hi, Tee!

      Thank you for helping me interpret this dream. I am actually about to join a christian ministry where I will be a part of the team that handles online evangelistic campaigns. Two people have also prophesied that I have a gift of prophecy or that I will prophesy. But I did not pay much attention to this before. I also dreamt previously that I was given a baby at the start of the dream but somehow forgotten that I have it with me. When I took the baby out of the bag and started caring for it, it vomited green liquid. Somehow that part of the dream was interpreted as I have this gift which I neglected but if I take care of it and rid of the false doctrines (green liquid) I will be ready to be used by our Heavenly Father.

      I have been asking God what that gift which I neglected could’ve been. So dreaming about pregnancy and learning about the possible word play in the word C-section provides tremendous insight. Thank you very much!

      • #195840 Reply

        Hello J.,
        Thank you for the additional confirmation provided to Tee regarding your dream(s).I saw the dream here and felt the prompting to leave it alone and let someone else interpret it. I have actually seen the exact video that Tee alluded to be the late Paul Jackson, a few times, in the past.
        I am very happy that you pondered and went back to God regarding the dream of the baby vomiting green fluid. All I stated in the interpretation was what I had the release to do at the time and felt the Lord didn’t want me to give you too much information at the time, rather give enough for you to search out the matter (Proverbs 25:2). Now that is done (*smiles) here’s additional information/confirmation.

        Please go back to the dream of the baby vomiting green fluid. You will notice that the baby was wearing a blue onesie and you later put it on your left shoulder. This implies (and with this c-section dream) that the gift is one of revelation, communion and prophetic (all positive for the colour blue). This gift is what you were born to do and destiny (left)an you will have authority (shoulder) when you develop and use it.

        Both dreams are a caution oh how to use your time and gift wisely. Do not take up new responsibilities at the cost of neglecting your prophetic gift.God has shown and confirmed clearly to you what path He wants you to take, you will be successful in, and be a tremendous blessing to others. Giving you these dreams might just be only the beginning. Hallelujah and enjoy! It’s a beautiful journey with the Holy Spirit 😀

        I hope that helps!


        • #195841 Reply

          In addition, please note in case that it wasn’t clear in my comment above – You already have the gift as per the other dream, you just need to start developing and stewarding it. This c-section dream is what is to come. The baby vomiting dream was alerting you to start using what was inadvertently neglected. As an example, you might have been a dreamer etc., but didn’t pay serious attention and perhaps might have had word of knowledge (only you know) and the dream was given for you to be a good steward and this one given additional clarity for your destiny.


          *please pardon all the typos in my previous comment 🙂

          • #196451 Reply

            Thank you so much for your obedience to the Lord, F.E! You have helped me navigate through a lot of what God is showing me in my dream.

            I could really say that there’s a lot to think about and ponder. Especially with the stewardship of the gift as I used to be part of a church that isn’t very open to the “supernatural” gifts of the Holy Spirit so I don’t quite know where to begin.

            Even so, that didn’t stop me from being curious and seeking for more before. I may have actually asked God to give me a gift of prophecy before when I was new to the faith.

            Thank you so much again for obeying God and sharing what He has revealed to you! May God increase your fruits and enlarge your borders!

            • #196610 Reply

              You are welcome, J and may Yahweh Alone be praised! Don’t be discouraged or overwhelmed, these dreams were given because God wanted your attention. He did the same for me and I started searching out the matter.The fervent and diligent search landed me here as well and I continued to search out other ministries/resources as the Holy Spirit led to develop and steward His gift of prophecy for me.
              I believe your presence in this ministry/website is Spirit-led. There are lots of resources here enlightening one about the gift of prophecy. Feel free to search out other ministries/resources as the Spirit leads. Each step of faith and obedience will be rewarded by Him 🙂

              May the Holy Spirit finish the work that He has begun in you, in Jesus’ Almighty Name, Amen!
              Thank you for your prayers as well!


    • #195743 Reply

      Hi J!

      Thank you for sharing and confirming the interpretation. It’s exciting to learn about the gifts God wants to birth out of us so we can fulfill his purpose on the earth. May God’s awesome plans continue to unfold in your life.


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