Bomb blows up city

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    • #311126 Reply

      My 13 year old daughter had a dream about myself and her floating above the ground of a tall building watching bombs blow up the city while metal is flying through the air. She is in shock we are still alive.
      I’m not sure if this is a spiritual dream. I known she tells me she doesn’t have dreams or at least doesn’t remember her dreams. I thought I might share in case it needs to be told? Thank you.

    • #312365 Reply

      Hello Scarlett,

      Thank you for sharing your daughter’s dream with us. Please take everything that I share back to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      This dream could have two meanings, #1, literal or #2 metaphorical. Metaphorically, it could be that some “explosive” issues may occur in your vicinity, city, or nation. Pray in tongues if you can.

      It’s interesting as I had a dream last week or so of a VERY tall man that came to where some of my family members were and he had what looked like a grenade/small bomb in his hand. He threw it on the ground. My mother wanted to run away/gasped, but I started speaking in tongues! The grenade/bomb did not go off and the man was taken aback by my response as if he was not expecting that. I’ve been reflecting on this dream recently. I believe it has to do with some “explosive” issue that was prevented in the spiritual realm from coming to pass in the natural. This dream was the first that I’ve ever had of speaking in tongues. Hence, my suggestion that you and/or daughter could speak in tongues (if the Holy Spirit has given you this gift) to prevent any spiritual/physical issue from happening.


    • #312514 Reply

      I will pray in tongues over this dream she had. I started speaking in tongues when I became saved as a little girl. I never matured speaking in tongues because I never practiced it until recently when I found MOP. I am now 40 years old. Thank you for your helping me. God bless!

    • #312798 Reply

      Hello Scarlet,

      I wanted to clarify something just in case it was not clear, it was my original intent but upon rereading felt that others may or not grasp metaphorical meaning. By “explosive” I mean that in a metaphorical sense it could be an issue or topic that might have “explosive” (bone of contention, anger, angst, etc.) effects as well.


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