Bathroom dream

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    • #161084 Reply

      I had a dream last night.. I pray to God to reveal it.. can you tell me what do my dream mean.. I kind get some parts..

      I had a dream I went to people house.. I don’t know if it was my family or people I grew up with.. I was sleeping or laying down.. I got up to use the bathroom and as I was using the bathroom I was peeing.. I saw a little bit of blood and when I wipe I saw a little blood.. I flush the toilet and it would not go down at first then the second time it went down.. as I was washing my hands I found three wet dollars in my pocket.. then I look at the clock I said shoot it’s almost midnight.. so I said good night to everybody and they said goodnight as well.. when I unlock the door and open it.. this girl said it’s 12 o’clock and the buses run crazy.. I was saying in my head I’m taking a Uber.. then this guy came out and said call the cab.. he gave me $21 dollars.. I don’t think it was my family it could of been people I grew up family.. the part was the numbers 3,12 and 21.. can u tell me what it means

    • #161124 Reply


      Dreams are very personal, and I don’t know you, so this is just my best guess, but maybe it will help. Please, let me know if it does. 🙂

      This quote came from “Bathrooms in dreams generally have to do with personal cleansing which would in turn prepare the dreamer for blessing and promotion. This may be in conjunction with a ministry, a career or job, a relationship, a church situation, a financial situation, etc.. These are important and generally positive or warning dreams since and purity and righteousness are critical for advancement.”

      When a person pees, they are processing and flushing toxins out of their body. In a way, your body is cleansing itself when you pee. In dreams, water is often a symbol of our subconscious, memories and our emotions.

      Your dream could be about processing and flushing bad emotions or memories out of yourself. You seeing blood when you pee could mean processing these things is hard and scary for you. Who wouldn’t be concerned if they saw there was blood in their urine?

      You also have trouble flushing the toilet, which indicates you are having trouble flushing away (or dealing with) these emotions/memories. You are trying to get rid of them, but it is hard to. They just don’t want to go away.

      But you finally DO flush them away, and then you wash your hands. This is another symbol of cleansing yourself. It could also be “washing your hands” of something, maybe a person or situation that you are finding it hard to detach from or get over.

      Then you find 3 wet dollar bills. The money could be literal (if money concerns have been on your mind and bothering you) but they could also represent something of value or gain – wisdom, productiveness, maybe benefit to your children. (Do you have 3 children?) Whether the money is literal or symbolic, the fact that its wet, and you only get it after you flush away the bad things and clean yourself indicates that, once you’ve dealt with whatever these bad feelings are, you will receive something of value in your life.

      The numbers: You see blood twice. You flush twice. Keep in mind, there are 3 dollars, but dollars are also one’s. So 1 1 1 . The clock says 12 and the man offers you the reverse of that, 21.

      You are right! Those numbers popping up in your dream do mean something! But it’s up to you to figure out what. 😉 Dreams are personal. God and your mind are talking specifically to you, so it’s less about what those numbers mean to ME, and more about what they mean to YOU.

      Think about the personal significance of these numbers. They could represent a date, a time, an address, an age, a Bible verse that is important to you. Is there something important that happened to you when you were 12? Or 21? Or maybe an anniversary that happened around the 12th or the 21st?

      The important thing about the house you were in is it has to do with your youth. After you flush away the urine (painful/bad emotions) and wash your hands, you’re ready to leave, but you are trying to find a way to leave. The numbers come out very strongly in this part of the dream.

      I think this means whatever the emotion you need to deal with has to do with these numbers. Again, once you deal with the emotions/memory – you will grow and move on. This is why you are trying to find transportation away from your childhood home. It’s symbolic of growing up and moving on. Perhaps these memories or emotions have to do with your childhood. They definitely have to do with whatever the 12/21/1/2 represents.

      Sometimes, things happen to us, or hurt us in childhood, and we grow up and forget about them, but they are still somewhere in us, hidden, affecting our emotions and how we treat ourselves and others. Is there something like that you’ve been avoiding?

      I’m not sure about the 3. It could be another part of the idea of moving on, because 1 – 2 – 3. You’ve gotten to the next step once you’ve dealt with the emotions. Here is your reward – the 3 dollars. It could also be a personal meaning and refer to something that you will have to think about. I know, I associate 3 with the Holy Trinity.

      Anyway, I hope this is helpful to you. Be well. <3

    • #161360 Reply

      Hi Janea,
      Sleeping in a dream can mean prayerlessness or a time of rest and refreshment. Laying down says that you are not standing in faith. The bathroom, urinating and washing hands all mean cleansing oneself but a toilet means spiritual cleansing. The tiny bit of blood suggests to me that you are experiencing some anxiety about your future or your destiny. Remember in the garden at Gethsemene, Jesus was in agony and He prayed and his sweat became like great drops of blood over about what was going to happen to him. The cleansing you are going through is difficult and hard to get rid of but you get it done. The girl represents the younger generation and that 12 o’clock is God’s appointed time for a vehicle to get you to your destiny and a bus also represents a large ministry. I sense the cab means that the road you are travelling down is costly especially if you are the passenger. A pocket is concave and most times concave things represent the heart and pockets hold things and so does your heart. I hope this helps you.

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