Basement, grocery store… the end times?

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    • #252233 Reply

      I was chatting with a woman who was supposed to represent my ex boyfriends wife. He and I dated in high school. His wife and I were neighbors and were having a light conversation, but then we realized we needed to get to our homes.

      I went to my home (not my actual home but I guess it was my home in the dream). My husband and I began moving our kids and food into the basement. The basement had a couple of bedrooms. I went into each room quickly locking the windows. I knew people were trying to get in. We could hear people upstairs. They had broken into the first level of our home to try to take items from us- my guess is food.

      I tell my husband that I think I need to go to the store. I’m concerned that if I don’t go now I’m not sure if we’re going to have enough. On the way to the store I run into my friends husband. I ask him where she is and he says working at the daycare. I’m shocked that she’s working and that people are taking their kids to daycare because it’s a somewhat chaotic time. Things are shut down and people are trying to break into others homes to get what they need etc. he says something like “only a few kids get dropped off.”

      I head to the grocery store. It’s a Walmart. I noticed that two check out lanes have workers, there’s a huge line. Despite people stealing from others there are still people trying to shop and pay. The Walmart isn’t chaotic, there aren’t people fighting or stealing, but everyone is on edge. I look for non-perishable items that you can eat without cooking- instant rice and noodles, crackers, etc. I also look for fresh fruit and vegetables. The line is long. There’s a long display of eggs and milk right by the check out lanes. I think it’s weird that these items are out in the open, not in the fridge section- and that they replaced things that are non perishable.

      Then I woke up.

    • #252322 Reply
      Jud Lan

      Hi Kristin,
      There is a comparison to how life from high school has changed to how it is now; priorities have shifted making society operating in a parallel duality. There are those who are acting as though nothing has changed and continuing to drop off children for daycare, etc., then there are those who are very fearful and trying to steal from others. It even impacts how they think logically (eggs/milk out in the open at the check out counter) but they don’t address the wrongness of how it should be.
      The dream is showing you that you realize how convoluted society has become, but the warning is not to become afraid (hiding out in the basement and trying to focus only on your own needs). It doesn’t help anyone to shift into a self-preservation mode. Jesus has never called us to do that, but has always given us the keys to provide for other’s needs. Remember the old mnemonic: JOY = Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last. Jesus always cares for others and provides for their needs before his own and we are called to do the same. I pray blessings on you so you will not walk in the same fears as everyone around you, but will recognize who you are in Christ and rise up to be the Jesus they need to see everyday, in Jesus name, Amen.

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