Airport and Elevator

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    • #189703 Reply
      Dee T

      Seeing a Gift shop that I walk past.I also see an Airport, in which the gift shop is inside of it. Walking around trying to find my car. Getting on various elevators – pushing buttons. Floor 2, 22, 8 go back down, another level. Saw Kirk Franklin, and a guy I knew from college who enjoyed gospel rap, is laid-back and an accountant. Hurrying up to push more buttons; didn’t want them or anyone else to get on. I like being on the elevator alone.

      Someone gave me a bag of fries – a lot. I ate a few but gave the majority to this unknown guy. In real life, I eliminated potatoes from my diet.

      I see Stacey Abrams in front of a classroom. She has a PHD at MIT?

      Elevation on the horizon?

    • #190154 Reply

      Hi Dee,
      Another interesting dream! Please take everything that I say to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the interpretation.

      The overall feeling that I have is that there is some sort of indecision regarding perhaps what ministry/calling/activity to pursue. You are probably trying or will try out different things to see your “fit.” Are you involved in the music and or politics? Are these areas of passion for you?

      The elevator numbers are significant as well and they vary depending on the context of dreams. This is what I sense for your dream context:
      2- division/separation (Are you separating from certain individuals? You mentioned you like to be alone. Do you have a competitive spirit? Not necessarily anything wrong with that. You might just be one of those who function better “alone”)
      22- It could mean double but I’m leaning towards sons of light. Which sons of light (Christ-followers) are you in contact with?
      8- new beginning

      It sounds like your new beginning might require a humbling of some sort (going down) but you will be a source of provision of resources (fries) to others in some venture/ministry that you may not necessarily like.
      Now humbling in this context may not suggest pride per se, rather aligning your will with God’s (e.g. James 4:7, you can check that out in various Bible versions).
      Just some thoughts that came to mind.

    • #190435 Reply
      Dee T

      Thanks for your suggested interpretation. Politics is definitely a passion of mine and so is music (singing) but have been placed them on the back burner for now. I do believe I am shifting in a lot of ways concerning my walk with God and career. We will see where He leads and guides me, as he promises to teach, guide and council us with his loving eye upon us (Psalm 32:8)

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