Airplane, and Nakedness

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    • #164687 Reply

      My parents and I were heading to get on airplane with a lot of other people. It was a big plane. I ran ahead of my parents in the line.

      The attendants and pilots were all in the front (and somehow accessible from the outside?), and they were all naked. All of a sudden I was naked too. One of the attendants hugged me. It was very warm and comforting, and he hugged me for a long time.

      When he let go, another attendant greeted me …but he was suddenly clothed, and he wasn’t going in for a hug (which I thought he was), and it became very awkward. When I looked at everyone again, they were all putting on clothes. I was disappointed. But, unlike in previous dreams, I wasn’t still naked. Not fully. A shirt was wrapped around my waist and a towel was over my shoulders, so I was just barely covered enough for no one to be uncomfortable. (…at least, in the dream.)

    • #164695 Reply

      The aeroplane indicates a very large ministry of intercession and as an aeroplane goes to different destinations, it may be a worldwide spiritual ministry that you will a part of. Your parents represent God and the Holy Spirit. You say that you ran ahead of them in the line and I sense that you may be running ahead of God’s plans for you. Nakedness is about not being adequately prepared for ministry and can also show that you are not spiritually clothed and you feel very vulnerable by being suddenly exposed. The people putting their clothes on themselves are equipping themselves to function in the spiritual kingdom of God. The shirt wrapped around your waist covered your exposed private areas and would have taken the worry of being suddenly exposed away. The towel over your shoulders is covering up the burden that you are carrying. Are there some things that you need to deal with?

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