A dream that bothered me

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      Hello,God bless you.I had a dream and In my dream I had gone back to my old workplace;a nursing home.And when I went an old friend that has passed away,who also had worked there;came in to start her shift.And when she was me she pulled back like she didn’t want me there and she made this face me like why are I here,like agitated or something and I stayed back from here because I know she has passed so why do I see her is my thought and then by seeing her I asked if I d(as is pass),then I was wondering if the cooks sister has really passed because I am seeing one that has passed and I didn’t want to ask the cook about her sister.I began to make beef stew with one bag after another of brown gravy,trying to make it stretch.Three bags I noticed a lot of the pans were missing and not put into the serving tables for lunchtime and then I see this well dressed man with two earrings and one is large like black stone smooth like an elephant body pursay but without trunk,it caught my attention and then I asked the cook if it’s the new owner and the cook says no my boyfriend.and I look at the cook and he isn’t in work attire he also has a suite and I wake up.i am bothered by this dream.But I have also been worried and fearful about my health issues and also I am wondering if it’s my mind or does it have something to do with the woman who I saw the crow imagine.Because also she watches me a lot and she has also rubbed her hands across my back in real life and I don’t like that or that when she does or did that . Can you tell me what you feel it means.I know we have dreams from enemy,God and dreams we dream.Thank you God bless you

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