A Dead celebrity

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    • #217974 Reply

      Please I need your help, this has been haunting me ever since I saw the dream and I can’t explain it.

      I had a dream, a well known celebrity (Artist) recently died and I never met him but surprisingly I saw him in my dream 2days after he passed on… he was a Muslim and In the dream i saw his fans waiting to hear him sing on stage but he walked passed them and walked into an Uncompleted building.

    • #219628 Reply

      Hello Judith,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us.

      I usually don’t do this but feel the need to give you the opportunity to reflect on the following rhetorical questions but feel free to answer if you desire.
      Are you a Christ-follower? If so, what do you sincerely sense in your spirit that the Holy Spirit is telling you about the interpretation of your dream?


    • #219848 Reply

      Yes I am a follower of Christ, and I believe in God the father. I’m not good at interpreting dreams but I think it means his soul has rested (I think).
      Please I need to understand this better. Thank you!

    • #219856 Reply

      Hello Judith,

      Thank you for the response. Only the Holy Spirit gives the accurate interpretation of dreams. I am a vessel that He uses to help others understand what He is trying to say and I’m grateful and humbled by this.

      Please take everything I share to the Holy Spirit as sometimes we see in part and prophesy in part.

      I sense that the artist did not finish the work (entered into an uncompleted building) that he was brought into this world to do prior to him passing on. Our Lord Jesus said that “there are many mansions in my Father’s house” and that is the scripture that came to mind the first time that I read your dream. The scene in your dream seems opposite to Our Lord’s description.

      This is a sad dream and outcome in my opinion.

      I encourage you to go on a journey of learning how to steward the gift of Christian dream interpretation especially if you dream a lot and receive Godly dreams. Play your part and the Holy Spirit will do His part. Check out Proverbs 25:2. I did the same and have never looked back, Hallelujah!


    • #219981 Reply

      Thank you so much. I believe the interpretation to be true.
      Yes, I dream a lot and I noticed that recently my dreams do come to pass and it scares me sometimes. Is it okay to share them here aswell? I’ll adhere to your instructions. Thanks! God bless you

    • #221766 Reply

      You are very welcome, Judith and may Yahweh Alone be praised!

      You are more than welcome to post as much as you like. Please note that I’m a guest just as yourself. I’m not officially a member of Missionaries of Prayer (MOP) and this forum is open to the public at large. Other guests are also welcome to interpret dreams as well. I do, however, think of MOP as my prophetic family for support and have gleaned wisdom from various postings to date 😊

      I am very happy that you are seeking out interpretation for your dreams and feel encouraged that you will be alright as you continue to steward your dreams and increase your intimacy with the Holy Spirit.


      I know what it means to have dreams that come to pass and the scary feeling that accompanies it. Fear is not where God wants you/us to be. Think of it as God trusting and loving you enough to give you “intel.” Pray for accurate interpretation and wisdom for how and when to apply the information.


    • #223201 Reply

      Thank you🙏🕊

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