Reply To: Marriage

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Susan Kaluza

Hi Din,

I’m hoping this will be helpful. From studies and other mentoring I’ve received, it sounds like there is something generational about this plight of not being able to have men commit to the females in your family.

Where there is a repetitive negative occurrance; I always ask a couple questions, like: “Was there some kind of vow made over my life by someone in my family’s past. This VOW could be something as simple as “Nobody in my family will ever get married, we don’t have good luck,” OR “I had a rotten marriage, and I vow that I will never do it again and hope none of my children ever get married,” Vows carry a lot of weight, that’s why “Marriage Vows,” are important and are very serious business in the eyes of God when they are spoken AND when they are broken. So, look for that… was there bitter relationships and/or divorce in your family line, etc.

But look for Vow-making…as that could give some clues.

Secondly, I ask myself, is there something else, like witchcraft being placed against my family due to jealousy, hatred, covetousness, vengeance, etc.

So, pray about that. Pray that something that would be made clear to you, if it is a person holding something against you and your family. You didn’t say if all of your siblings are believing Christians, but I believe that if you ask God with an open heart, He will provide an answer. (sometimes God answers us in ways we are not looking for, and many times He answers through strangers. I’ve had that happen many times in my life.)

Thirdly, I would suggest you look at Christian websites like Expected End Ministries and Replenished Hope, just to name a few. I’m listing these because they have been monumental in freeing me from many situations that were blocking progress in my own life. Both of these sites deal with Soul wounds and issues that can block or hinder progress and blessing in your life. “EEM” is more geared toward soul (mind, will, emotion) healing and unblocking hinderances, and “Replenished Hope Ministries” is geared more toward the Prophetic and revelation that can give you insight and answers to unlock your issues.

I realize all of this is fairly general, but I hope this gives you some starting points.

Just for your FYI: I’ve taught bible study for nearly 20 years in rehab type facilities; I am also a published author, competitive runner, mother, and a wife (for 35 years…not for the faint of heart for sure!)

I prayerfully submit all this info to you and pray that it gives you some wings in your situation.
