Reply To: Prayer for Nigeria

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Jehovah Nissi,

We declare your sovereignty, providence and power over Nigeria. We declare that you are King of Kings and Lord of Lords and that every nation under heaven is your footstool. We declare that Jesus sits at the right hand of God interceding for the saints and administering justice, truth and righteousness through the systems and governments on earth. We petition that you send down fire from heaven to burn up the false activities, practices and efforts of the enemy in Nigeria’s elections and that you reverse all of the tactics that seek to steal, kill and destroy.
Your courts in heaven reigns Supreme and we petition in agreement with the saints in Nigeria for a reversal, removal, and reinstatement of your agents and your will and way to be done.
Comfort, strengthen the saints in Nigeria and put a hedge of protection around your people when militants attack and or as they plot and plan. We thank you that you are greater that your word does not come back void and that no weapon formed against your people will prosper. Glorify your name and may your light drown out the evil and darkness. In your name, Amen.

Exodus 15:3
The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name.