Reply To: To heal my mom who suffer from foot ulcer

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Dear Sindhu,

I hope your Mother’s foot is all better! Prayer is powerful – God LOVES it when we remind Him of what He has said to us.

BY JESUS’ STRIPES, by the beatings He bore on His back, WE ARE HEALED. That is in the present tense. Our Adversary – the Slanderer-Liar called Satan – maliciously intends our harm and that of our loved ones. BUT – praise God – we have an Advocate with our elder brother, Jesus, who possesses ALL authority and who speaks on our behalf to the Maker of the Universe, our very own dear Father, the source of love itself!

THIS Father is rich in tender mercies when He sees His love expressed by one for another – and He will never give you a stone when you ask for a fish! He LOVES you and He LOVES your Mother, whom He chose to carry you to adulthood. May He surround her with His favour and rebuke the devourer for His sake and remove all blockages to the flow of His life and love to and through your beloved Mother (and Father as well as your self) so your entire family can experience His sweet life with al the power and love and sound mind of His Holy Spirit.

Sing praises to His holy Name! Halellujah!
