Water moving bldg & parking lot Nursing

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    • #328010 Reply

      I have had 3 dreams concerning water
      1. I see a person standing in water up to their waist. There’s a heavy rain resulting in a flood. I’m being warned I can’t go through the water because it’s too deep..I have my 2 adult daughters with me. I get around the
      water to a building/ home and save children/babies( I call them mine) and my adult cousin from Louisiana.

      2. This dream and #3 happened the same night. I was in a bldg talking to a few people… while we are inside we are being moved by a body of water. We get to a destination and we get in cars…we are okay.

      3. I am in a schoolhouse and once again I’m talking and one of the guys looks out the window and says we’re moving….it was like “Noah’s Ark…..this time we get to a destination and I am ministering… teaching, preaching, passing out food, clothes.

      4. Before the water dreams, I dreamed I drove to a large parking lot of a University and when I looked up a sign said Nursing program…I remember asking in the dream,” why did she send me here?” Don’t know who “she” was and why Nursing…

      Still praying and believing for I interpretations.🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

    • #328312 Reply

      Hi Cheryl!

      I believe this is a warning dream of a devastation that is coming that will really test the foundations of the people. Floods can represent judgment. The fact that you were able to arrive to your destination safely and waded through the water without it overwhelming you tells me that you will be kept safe. You are also kept safe in “Noah’s Ark” watching all that is going on from inside. I also believe that in the midst of this coming “flood,” God is also entrusting to rise up as a minister — to bring forth the message of salvation and caring for God’s children as though they are yours. I believe you also have a teaching gift and you will see opportunity to use this as well. This is part of your destiny (destination). The Holy Spirit, “she,” is leading you, and you will be taught by the Lord and He is taking you through higher education with Him on how to “nurse” and spiritually care for those who are hurting from this.

      2 Peter 2:5 
“And God did not spare the ancient world — except for Noah and the seven others in his family. Noah warned the world of God’s righteous judgment. So God protected Noah when he destroyed the world of ungodly people with a vast flood.”

      Please pray this through and ask the Holy Spirit to confirm it to your spirit, as God alone has the understanding and the interpretation.

      Blessings to you!

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