Water balloon fight

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    • #313072 Reply

      I had a dream where I got into a water balloon fight with some kids. They bought the water balloons and we went to this field where all the kids sat back except for one. The kid who was playing against me was tall, black, and fast. I noticed he was too fast and I couldn’t hit him, but he kept hitting me really hard and the balloon wouldn’t burst open. He was way too intense and the way he played didn’t make the game fun for me. After a few throws of a single balloon back and forth, I decided to stop playing and I turned around to go talk to the other kids sitting behind me. When I turned around, the balloon hit me in the back of the head really hard and it hurt me in my dream. I got angry but I didn’t say anything. I picked the balloon up and examined it and I noticed it was reinforced and designed not to explode. I correct the kids and told them that they should check the balloons next time because that wasn’t very fun. They got upset and left.

      We all met up in a hotel, but after a little while, they left and the whole place was empty except for a silver metal ruler on the ground that I picked up. I went out to the parking lot of the hotel and they were all in a truck ignoring me, and the driver was the angry black teenager/kid. They had a really small ugly dog that followed me through the parking lot.

    • #314091 Reply

      Hello Daniel,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. I sense that you might already know the interpretation of this dream. Do you care to share with us?


    • #314355 Reply

      I believe the playing field was deceptive and a game that was rigged by the enemy. When I examined the game and the kids, it was incredibly deceptive with false demeanor by them. The hotel and the ruler strike me as how I examine people and situations around me and weigh or measure them against truth. The angry kids in the truck in the parking lot, followed by the dog, strike me as a final reminder of the betrayal. Dogs represent evil in most dream interpretation. I am unaware of the differences in meaning for the field, hotel room, and parking lot…I know these have meaning but they have not been revealed to me yet.

    • #314375 Reply

      Hello Daniel,

      Thank you for sharing. Please take everything that I share back to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      The following excerpt “We all met up in a hotel, but after a little while, they left and the whole place was empty except for a silver metal ruler on the ground that I picked up. I went out to the parking lot of the hotel and they were all in a truck ignoring me, and the driver was the angry black teenager/kid. They had a really small ugly dog that followed me through the parking lot” is about YOU!!!

      You need to measure grace (silver ruler) to who these kids represent in your waking life. Don’t park (parking lot) in the hurt of the betrayal/hurt and/or carry it around with you (might be represented by the little dog). This too shall pass (temporary location-hotel). The parties in waking life that might have caused you the hurt have moved on (hotel-also represents temporary location)but you need to let go and measure grace. Note, that they left the hotel. May the God of justice give you grace to surrender everything into His Hands.

      Betrayal hurts but resentment and bitterness will hurt more and prevent you from entering into God’s best and destiny for you (Hebrews 12:15). I speak from experience, sadly. I recommend reading Psalm 37 in the Names of God version (available on the online biblegateway)and your eyes not only will be opened but you will be pleasantly surprised and encouraged as well 🙂 Also remember old testament Joseph Genesis 37. Don’t let any of this hinder the exaltation/promotion that is coming.


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