Satan wine/blood

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    • #321522 Reply

      I saw a weird dream. I first closed my eyes and it’s as though a vision but, more of a dream. I saw eyes and then these eyes turned into snake eyes (liquid, yellowish/creamy colour and I opened my eyes.

      I went back to sleep and I see myself in a dark room looks like a restaurant but it has dark setting. I see a table where a man is sitting I join him but (for some reason I feel or I see myself that in this restaurant I’m with another man or I thought the man sitting I was to be sitting with him/ and/or that table was to be reserved for us – us as in me and the other man). However, I sit on this table a plate is offered with food which i eat from (the food looks creamy beige colour with light yellow). Then I’m told that this is not my table so I move to another table right next to it and reluctantly unsure if I should take my plate and the fork that I was eating from, but I decide to just to take only the plate since it’s mine and had already eaten and the man I felt/thought I was with as he’s waiting for me to get up agrees with what I did.

      So whilst we sit at the new table a waiter approaches us and I see a little steel plate holding different types of mini objects, glass, I think food as well. I don’t fully recall. So the waiter asks me if I want wine (I don’t drink alcohol btw) and I agree, which was I realise it was one of mini plastic objects on the steel plate, I found it strange that it was in a proper glass, but it appeared that it was obvious so to my surprise a mini glass was right next and it would be from that glass I was going to drink from. But prior doing so, I see a writing right in front of me (I don’t remember all of it but I do remember the word Satan)and it’s as if the waiter is saying this to me that this wine is ‘somewhat blood’ or something but from what I gathered it belonged to Satan?!

      I woke up and did not like what i saw, I canceled it and prayed. Could you please help me interpret it.

    • #321529 Reply

      just to add when I agreed it was then the waiter (I think he meant he’ll need to check with the enemy) and that writing was shown/appeared to whom the wine it belonged. And I as I read that I woke up straight away

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