Mother in Law

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    • #219187 Reply

      Dear MOP

      I had a weird dream today. I dreamt of my mother in law said to have been dead for a while but now there was word that she has come back as a ghost and the family needed to have a meeting to discuss this. In real life she is alive but she is sick and is being diagnosed with loss of memory though now she is improving.

      So back to the dream. The family meeting was held and my mother in law was present in flesh in the meeting seating on a couch. So as everyone was seated I raised my head to see if she is really alive (I was seated directly opposite her but on the floor) and I saw her looking so beautiful, much younger and healthy. Then I smiled at her. She stood up instantly after our eyes caught each other. She was holding something round or ball shaped wrapped in an off white muslin cloth. This thing was the size of a tennis ball. So when I looked at her she was stretching her hand out towards me with that ball in her hand as if she wants to give it to me but from the moment our eyes caught each other she stood up instantly and got angry. Came straight to me and started shouting. She said that I used to be good to her making her rice with peanut butter, her favorite, but now I am a bad daughter since I am now close with “those people “ (and she pointed to people that I didn’t even see, there was no one in that direction). I was so shocked. But I woke up from the dream before I could defend myself.

      Just to mention…… I am and always in good books with my mother in law. She is always good to me and she sees me as her daughter. I love her and I feel she loves me too. The only “people” that I am close to now it’s only ABBA, Father who I am worshiping like I never used to. I don’t have any new friends or family members that I am sharing my life issues with so I really don’t know which people she was talking about.

    • #219536 Reply

      Question First: Is your Mother in Law saved??

      This death can indicate indicate spiritual death

    • #219589 Reply

      Hi. I will assume she is because she was baptized and she is a Church goer. I have never asked her though.

    • #219626 Reply

      Hello Anonymous,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything I share to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      I think that the dream is providing insight and encouragement. Insight of the confusion that your mother-in-law was/is experiencing with her cognitive impairment. Encouragement that things will improve. Think of the dream figuratively. Here’s a rhetorical question for you. Have you heard the expression “He/she is a skeleton of a man/woman?” I believe that the ‘ghost’ just represents that she is not how she used to be due to the cognitive impairment. However, the dream suggests that she will recover and she might disclose certain things to you be it actual or perceived of how she was treated (by certain people) because of her cognitive impairment.

      Much grace is needed at this time. Attempting to hand you the white ball makes me think of the expression ” the ball is in your courts.” Something is holding her back and it could be shame regarding her illness.
      May the Holy Spirit give all of you grace as you navigate this sensitive situation/period in Jesus’ Almighty Name I pray, Amen!

      Check her thyroid and Vitamin B12 levels as well!

    • #219855 Reply

      Hello F.E

      Thank you so much for the interpretation. I will ask the doctor about the thyroid and vitamin B12.

      God Bless you.

    • #219857 Reply

      Hello Anonymous,

      You are welcome and may Yahweh Alone be praised. My apologies, but I forgot to add Vitamin D to the initial list. I do hope it is not Dementia but either way, the dream has given you the strategy of how to relate to her and her fears.


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