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    • #193881 Reply
      Matthew Onguru

      Today in my dream I saw that I was given a chance of seven people in my family to be employed in a water and sewerage company,it is an affiliate company to where I am working, but nobody knows me there and I’ve never been there before.
      This chance come as a result of a raffle they did to determine who should get the offer. In the dream I was contemplating to give this to my three children for two of them do not have a job and my son’s job also is not stable, like now with this lockdown they will survive on half salary, then I thought of my nephews also, for your Information, this is one of the well paying company in this city.
      As I was still in this dream the scene changed and now I was in a supermarket as I was buying, the cashier gave me a paying voucher worth $100 to pay for whatever I wanted but it is only for that day. Again, here I started to think on how I could buy some stuff and send to my daughter who went back to where she was living in another town. In reality she came to visit me recently because they’ve fallen away with the husband and Life was unbearable and she was unwell, so because of the recent lockdown she went back urgent because there was a business room being renovated for her to open up a business, so in the dream I thought of sending her some food stuff for her up keep,
      As I was still on this, another ticket was given to me $10, this is now for me to by the things I want but the ticket last for only that day, as I was still in this another cashier lady came with a nother shopping voucher for me but it is only for that day. Something to note here is that all workers in this supermarket were wearing blue overcoat.
      Now in this last voucher I decided to share with her for I found myself overwhelmed. As I was still with her, the scene changes again and now i was going to see someone and as I reached the vicinity of where they stay, it was as if a young drunkard man went there disturbing their peace, as I come I went direct to where this commotion was behind a barrier and I found myself talking like a police officer, and when he heard me he took off not to be seen again and everyone there was amazed , asking, how comes this man fears you like that, we have been trying to contain him but he is very Wild then I woke up.

      2) during the day time I was a bit busy preparing some grain for grinding but all the time my eyes were very heavy I just want to sleep, then I went to sleep and the time for my Bible reading was just one hour a part, then I said let me just rest even for some minutes, as i slept in the middle of the sleep I woke up suddenly with a dream.
      In the dream I was driving a Land Rover in a very high speed but I don’t know where I was going, but as I was maneuvering a corner in a very high speed suddenly I found I was approaching a bridge and there were a lady crossing over the bridge, so I wanted to swerve to avoid hitting this Lady and at the same time I was going to land in the deep, that’s the time I woke up and it was exactly one minute past my bible time.

    • #193897 Reply

      Hello Matthew,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I say to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      I believe that both dreams are given to encourage you.
      You will/or have the opportunity to help your family members, but are overwhelmed of who to help. Rest assured that although it might seem that your resources are being depleted (from fullness $100 to $10), you will always have miraculous daily provision (like manna in the wilderness for the Israelites) to meet all your needs through unexpected Divine sources (people in blue). This will be a very testing time for you ($10), but it will also result in a testimony ($10 and Land Rover).

      After all of these hardships, you will embark on a new journey and have the ability to navigate harsh and smooth terrains (Land Rover). It might be confusing in the new circumstance during the transition (bridge), but slow down as well when you get overwhelmed and not sure what to do.

      I pray for grace for you and your family and kudos for you for having a caring and generous heart for your family.


    • #193927 Reply
      Matthew Onguru

      Thanks I do appreciate, in fact in reality by now all my resources are depleted, even I am surviving on debt, but I thank God he is faithful in all situations.

    • #194119 Reply

      May Yahweh Alone be praise, Matthew! He is Faithful and True, El Emunah!

      You have spiritual authority so please use this during this season, this is authority is evident/confirmed in your dream in the following excerpt “…as I come I went direct to where this commotion was behind a barrier and I found myself talking like a police officer, and when he heard me he took off not to be seen again and everyone there was amazed , asking, how comes this man fears you like that, we have been trying to contain him but he is very Wild then I woke up.”

      Shalom and much grace to all of you!

    • #194555 Reply
      Matthew Onguru

      Thanks F.E May The glory be to him forever for his undeserved kindness he shows to us always, I do appreciate.

    • #194561 Reply
      Matthew Onguru

      Today I woke up in a very disgusting dream.
      In the dream it was all about sexual activities. It was as if I am being shown a video and in the video, they were as if in a training session. When you enter the training hall you chose the number for your training.
      The numbers were labeled like this.
      Soaring 1
      Soaring 2
      Soaring 3
      Soaring 4
      Soaring 5
      So here some were masturbating, some go in pairs, some were far some were near and when one climaxed they have to show it, let it be viewed then take their numbers and show it up in the air, Now hear I saw at afar end a lady after her climax scrolling down with her genitals in her mind displaying them to me subtly then she stared at where I was with lots of jewellery In her neck. Near to me in the screen is also a man full with sexual sweat displaying his climax with a lady. In the dream This scenes were shown as occurring under the water,
      To me, I see this as total demonic and in the dream I felt very saddened with what I was seeing but there was nothing I could do.
      Please help me to know what is happening here, everytime something good is going to happen to me spiritually sex dreams comes and all is gone, this can be the seventh time. I am feeling very much disgusted and tired with this.
      However may God’s will prevail.

    • #194565 Reply
      Matthew Onguru

      Yesterday before the disgusting sex dream of today, in the dream I saw myself with others trying to work on a water pipe , in the dream I saw that in the pipe which brings water in the house was placed adjacent with the door of the main house and in the connection of the pipe next to the door, a hen was tied there.
      So as we were trying to find out the flow of the water, we found that there was a default in the water metre and it was leaking all around. I tried to fix it but was not able. Then a certain you man came and pressed the top of it, and that’s it, everything was done, the leaking water stopped and the area dried up and it became as if it is new and well functioning then I woke up.

    • #194566 Reply
      Matthew Onguru

      Typing error.”the a certain (young man)

    • #197175 Reply

      Hello Matthew,

      Thank you for sharing your dreams, I can understand how disconcerting they can be. I saw the dreams earlier and I’ve been pondering if or not to answer. I was not to touch one of them at the time and now I have some sort of go ahead.
      Please take everything I say to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the interpretation. Here is the essence and I won’t be dissecting each element.
      Dream #1
      Water can be good and bad. Please ask the Holy Spirit to reveal where an unhealthy source (spiritually) might be “leaking” into your environment. The tied up hen is disconcerting. I think of the scripture Matthew 23:37. Here is a rhetorical question for you, “Who in a protective/leadership role is being “tied” up?” The young man may be a Godsent to help ‘fix’ the troubles that you are currently experiencing.

      Dream #2
      If the two dreams are related, here is what I sense. The young man helped stop an healthy ‘flow’ and you were able to see the negative spiritual state/pervasions (may be literal or metaphorical) of what is going on in the people around you.

      I hope you cancelled the dream when you woke up. I also pray that you and others around you continue to keep a Holy and pure life that is accepting and pleasing to God. The enemy always looks for ways to attack us when we are spiritually and physically weak. He sometimes chooses our dreams to torment us. Continue to cover yourself with the Blood of Our precious Jesus and wear the Armour of God both in waking and sleeping life. Shalom!

    • #197191 Reply

      My apologies *unhealthy flow!

      • #200477 Reply
        Matthew Onguru

        Thanks a lot FE I do appreciate.
        That Scripture Matthew 23:37 talks volumes to me and that rhetorical question, very sound.
        I am working on what God showed me in regard to this young man. And hopefully I will see a breakthrough in that matter.

    • #200813 Reply

      May Yahweh Alone be praised, Matthew and Amen!:)

    • #201875 Reply
      Matthew Onguru

      Please this is a quick one.
      As I was resting today in the morning at 10:00 am I found myself in a dream whereby a person was killed.
      This person had something in his hand on the right side which was mine but he refused to give it to me, we pleaded with him to no avail. Then the person who we were with wrestled him down to the floor trying to arm twist This thing from him.
      I couldn’t remember what it was, even this friend of mine also I don’t know who he was.
      Then this friend of mine fixed him on the ground and stepped on his neck suffocating him to release this item but he refused.
      At last this friend of mine said, weather he obey or not we’ll take it. He stepped on his beggars and throat at once, while loosing his fingers holding the item.
      Unfortunately, he died in the process.
      Now we started to look for ways on how to dispose the body.
      This friend of mine said,lets put him in a sack tie a rope around his neck and tie him on the bed as if he hanged himself.
      As I went back to observe him, I found that he is dead but still able to see.
      Then I said to this friend, it is now the third day, the body will start to stink.
      At that moment, we thought of bringing a car to carry it for disposal. Then a thought strike our mind that in this compound of mine there has not been a car ever since. When people will see a car coming in, they will know that there is something unusual then they will know what is taking place.
      From this point I am not able to remember some parts especially the ones in connection with a lady who we were with in the congregation who literally wanted a portion of where I am staying now which belongs to a brother, in the congregation however,I am paying for staying there. The part she was playing in the dream is connected with blood.
      Prior to the dream, at night, before I went to bed, as I was praying I felt the presence of the Lord very much heavily over me.
      Then I woke up 3:17, searching into the scriptures I stopped at Exodus 3:17 but I didn’t do the usual praises then worship but just stayed quiet before the Lord until 4:59am.
      At the quite time, I got a lot of information in regard to our country however, I’ll be working on them.

    • #202370 Reply

      Hello Matthew,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything I share to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      I believe that this is a warning dream. Watch your actions (words and anger) with people in an attempt to achieve things in your own strength. Be VERY careful of who you involve in all of your activities for justice, etc. Do not slander anyone to accomplish a goal as you will be found out. Take your battles to the court room of heaven. I hope the following scripture Psalm 57 and Psalm 24 give you encouragement.


      • #202390 Reply
        Matthew Onguru

        You are right F.E. On the night of 7th, may at exactly 00.07 am-midnight the Lord woke me up and I just did my normal prayers. Then on eighth again the same time I woke up(00.07 am-midnight and my attention was drawn to the time). As I follow along in the Bible, I found that I am to pray Psalms 7 and 24:7… To my life which I did. Thanks to him, my great shepherd who never slumber.I am very much grateful for the way he leads me in the way of uprightness
        May praise and glory be to him forever,

    • #203811 Reply

      May Yahweh Alone be praised, Matthew! Much grace to you!


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