Gorilla and black bird

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    • #221959 Reply

      The setting was the last house we lived in. It has 3 large windows looking over the backyard. A large couch faces the windows with the room between the couch and windows. 3 of my 4 brothers were in the room and my dad (My dad was alive in the dream but he passed away in 2017 .) 1 of my brothers and I think my dad were sitting in the window seals which almost reach the ground. My husband was on the couch and I was somewhere in the room closer to the couch. My son was standing by a window. My daughter was in the room but not close to the window. We were all talking when a very large brown gorilla jumps over the back fence, he is caring a very large black bird, I think it was a raven but larger. The gorilla banged the bird against each window, so 3 times if I remember correctly. I jumped but I wasn’t afraid. I thought it was strange that no one got up to see what was going on. It left and we went on talking like nothing happened. I see it jump over the fence again. The bird no longer in it’s hand. The gorilla was angry and getting ready to charge the window. I told everyone to get out of the windows and got my children to go to the back bedrooms and lock the doors. I knew the gorilla was going to smash the window. As I was yelling at everyone to get out of the room, the gorilla charged and ran into the window cracking the glass. I woke up then.

      I noticed that I was not full of fear in the dream. So I immediately wrote it down and asked God to reveal the meaning.

      I remember ravens can symbolize evil spirits. At first I thought the gorilla was symbolizing something scary, however I don’t think the aggression was aimed at me. I have 4 brothers, and 3 sisters. None of my sisters were in the dream and neither was my mom. So it seems to me that the gorilla killed that bird. And that the bird represents evil spirits. I believe God was showing me that the gorilla is so much stronger than the big bird. He’s a strong man. I don’t know if a gorilla can represent God in a dream, but as the idea came into my mind that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. In my mind, the gorilla represented the strength of God within me, that God fought the battle and the enemy was dead, the stronghold of depression and fear of man, and even passivity in the life of my brother’s was over. I noticed in the dream that the men did nothing. Also, my brother that struggles the most with depression wasn’t in the dream….however my son was and he reminds me a lot of this brother. So overall, I got this image that the gorilla was fighting the enemy, much bigger than the enemy, and he was freeing my family from generational curses. After that idea came into my mind, I was excited about it. I can’t figure out why no sisters were in it. I’m still praying over the dream. If this is the correct interpretation, it is such a beautiful thing. Any insight is appreciated.

    • #224192 Reply

      Hello C,
      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything I share to the Holy Spirit as he alone gives the accurate interpretation. There will be three windows of opportunity or in time where by the source of provision for you or your family will be affected and it will almost feel like it’s shattered. The source of this affliction is not of a man. You have been alerted and this battle can be one fire spiritual warfare using the armour of God. The gorilla in the instance in your dream is negative, and on the contrary, the raven is positive in this instance in your dream. Think of a Elijah and the raven and Luke chapter 12 verse 24.

      I also pray for healing for the members of your family wherever needed In Jesus is all mighty name I pray, amen!


    • #225609 Reply

      My apologies for the typo *battle can be won by spiritual warfare using the Armour of God…”


    • #228717 Reply

      Thank you for responding F.E. This has been a learning experience for me. I thank you that you share to take every interpretation to the Holy Spirit. It seems this has been a test for me and I wasn’t going to share this here but I sense that I should.

      When God gave me the initial interpretation, I believe He was telling me not to ask anyone for interpretation, but rather to believe that He can speak directly to me. So my thoughts went like this: “If I get confirmation of this interpretation, the impact will be stronger than if I don’t, but if I get a different response to the dream, it might be something that will have a negative impact on my thought process and ability to hear from God.” So I know now that I shouldn’t have asked for interpretation and this process has built my faith and reliance on Him. Plus there is so much background in my family that I would’ve had to share in order for this scenario to make sense for anyone interpreting.

      God has been doing so much in my life over the past couple of years. A gorilla is a gentle giant. They are not how they are portrayed in the media. God was showing me that I am like a gorilla. I am empathetic and quiet. But God inside me is a strong force that can conquer the enemy. God gave me this image of how big the gorilla is compared to the large bird to help me overcome. Even though that black bird was very large, the gorilla was 5 times bigger and had no trouble crushing the bird. I strongly believe God is showing me how big His strength within me is. Even before I got the interpretation from you, I had used this image in my mind while battling the spirit of timidity. I have discerned and dealt with many in my life over this past year: depression, self pity, rejection. So when this other heaviness came upon me and threatened to take away my ability to be used by God, I asked God what this was and why I was all of a sudden overcome and unable to move forward. He put that picture in my head again, that He is the size of a gorilla within me and the enemy is that black bird and I can easily take it over. Timidity came to mind and I was able to bind it and move out from under that hopeless spirit that keeps me down. God definitely gave me that picture to remind me of His power within me.

      I thought about the interpretation given. It could definitely make sense to me if it resonated. I already put on the armor every single morning, so I wouldn’t need a reminder to do that. I keep in mind to seek God first and all other things will be added that is needed. So I’m not concerned about finances. Although we are waiting on God every month to pay off everything. My mind is not bombarded by it. I want His presence and purpose in my life more than anything else. I have words bubbling up within me and want an outlet to share. So it’s my battle with the enemy and the trap he has my family in that has kept me down for many years that this dream gives some breakthrough to.

      God bless you for your time F.E. I didn’t know if I should respond with this or not. ”m trusting God can use it in some way for someone. I repented for asking for an outside interpretation when God was telling me to trust in what He says to me. I’m beginning to believe that I am a chosen vessel to set captives free. Not because of me, but because it is His choice. I wondered why God didn’t use a Lion in the dream. Well, a Lion doesn’t bring an image of a gentle giant, but a Gorilla does. It is only when one messes with a Gorilla’s territory that a Gorilla becomes angry. The enemy has been messing with my territory and the gentle giant is awake! LOL. What a picture God has given me. Praise and Glory to His Holy Name. He is so personal and incredible. I’m in a learning process and I’m thankful for those on this website and those interacting with this website as we learn together.

    • #229402 Reply

      Hello C,

      Thank you for sharing. I contemplated if I should respond and here I am. Please take your interpretation back to the Lord as I humbly believe it is amiss. I know I am human as well and know, see, and prophesy in part according to the scriptures.

      Please also read the article on this forum about the gift of discernment especially as it pertains to dream interpretation.
      Dream interpretation is, indeed, mainly a combination of word of knowledge, word of wisdom, and prophecy. Skill has its merit and I encourage it, but I rate it at 1% as compared to the revelation provided by the Holy Spirit.
      You are right that traditional imagery may not apply in dream interpretation, hence the rationale for seeking the Holy Spirit. The raven is deemed evil in some cultures but the Lord Himself created them. Context is key in the dream and again the leading of the Holy Spirit to have an accurate interpretation. Yes, ravens can be evil in some dream contexts, but can be positive. I sincerely hope that you read the scripture that I provided in my initial post.

      Another reason that I decided to respond was that I thought of you as I read Psalm 147 this morning, especially verse 9. You might benefit from Psalm 146 as well!

      May the Holy Spirit give you clarity in Jesus’ Almighty Name, Amen!

    • #229405 Reply

      Hello C,

      By ‘amiss’, I mean that there are some components that might be accurate but the full interpretation that you provided is not quite right. Sometimes, the Holy Spirit provides levels of revelation that may be revealed in layers because we cannot handle it or that we are not emotionally ready to receive it in its entirety. Sometimes, full revelation might come years later!!! Your dream may have insight about your family’s past but also about the future.
      May God give all of you Grace as you navigate current and future circumstances, in Jesus’ Almighty Name, I pray, Amen! Not by power or by might but by my Spirit says the Lord! Hallelujah!


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