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    • #140555 Reply

      I had two dreams recently. In the first I remember looking down at my bare feet and saw my feet and ankles were being attacked by a swarm of wasps. I began slapping them off and noticed that there was no painful sting, only a mild itch like a mosquito. It was still very concerning and I continued to slap the wasps.

      The next night I dreamed that I was sitting by a fire wearing my husbands socks. I propped my feet up next to the fire to warm them and they got burned. I had blisters on my heel. The rest of the dream involved walking around tying to find a hospital but the only one available was the VA and I am not a veteran. I was concerned about the blisters but they did not hurt and I was walking around just fine. I eventually gave up trying to find a hospital and met back up with friends and family again for a meal at the end of the dream.

    • #141719 Reply

      IT sounds like you may be in for a bit of attack that will look frightening but really be harmless. (Wasps bites-really like mosquitos; you thought you needed a hospital–your foot healed and you wound up eating dinner). Everything will be fine.

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