Couple prayer

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 7 years, 8 months ago by Guillermo Cedeira Cedeira.
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    • #21933 Reply

      I would like prayers for my son and his girlfriend to work things out. To get along and be able to comunicate with each other and resolved their disagreements. I would like prayer to dissolve anxiety and distrust. I would like them to have respect for each other and be kind to one another. They must communicate love to each other. And do their best to live a good life, work hard, pay their bills and be honest.

    • #21936 Reply
      Guillermo Cedeira Cedeira

      Susan nos unimos a tus oraciones para llevar ante el Señor a tu hijo y su novia, para que puedan encontrar la concordia en sus relaciones
      Pediremos al Señor que ponga Luz en sus corazones y que descubran que desde el amor, todo es posible si sabemos amar al otro, y nos olvidamos de amarnos solo a nosotros mismos
      Con todo el afecto, en el nombre del Señor.-Guillermo

    • #22049 Reply

      I am asking for my ex husband Scott and I to very soon be together as a a couple again. He contacted me after 26 yrs ago after his wife had passed away. He and I have a strong bond and can talk and tell each other anything . Its very strange and people don’t understand that he and I were young kids when we married and divorced without ever having closure. strangly enough we never got over one another, we both admit that we stil very much love each other and have a strange desire to be together. I can only believe that this is God’s plan. I am a Christian woman and Scott is not. I have helped him with grief over his wife and just being that listening ear for him. He has the desire to take care of me and I have the desire to take care of his needs. I pray lord jesus that you soon put us back together again. I know that this is God’s devine connection that no man can seperate. Thy will be done! we have such an unexplainable bond we both don’t understand. I had been praying for months that God would lead me to where I need to be…before Scott had contacted me. i live in NC and he lives in Louisiana. I am willing to give up everything to be with him in Louisiana. I feel I am being sent to witness to him and show him God’s pure love. I feel he is being sent to me to help and guide me to what God’s plan is for me . Please pray for us to soon be together again. In Jesus name!

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