2 similar dreams

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    • #249701 Reply
      marquita garmon

      I think these two dreams are related so I’ll share both:
      First dream I’m at my elementary school outside of a classroom and the teacher is teaching the kids I’m waiting bc there is a little boy I need to speak to in the classroom but I dont want to interrupt the teacher so when she gives a bathroom break I walk down long hallway with the little boy toward the restroom and I tell him he has been chosen by God to be an example to his classmates thts his assignment and he asks me what about the other kids what are their assignments I told him I was only there for him no one else and I told him his assignment starts at noon and I sent him back in the class but when I released him I realized I didn’t lay my hands on him to release him in prayer but I didnt even know his name in order to call him back to me

      2nd dream
      I picked up a little boy from his class and took him away bc he was advanced and was not receiving the instruction he needed I took him with me to a huge building that had classrooms and a gym. I saw people sitting on the bleachers and I walked down a hallway to a classroom where there was only women but they were dressed in sundays best sitting at school desks like children. I went in to speak to the instructor to ask for a job referral I had a lunch for the little boy which I took out and placed on top of a projector machine like the type we had in school when I was small. I had a hoagie bread that I sliced in half and i begin to put meat on the bread i put meat on both sides of the bun which is something i never do the instructor pointed out what I was doing and I said I know I’m giving him a double portion then I asked her about the job and she said she had a training class for 12000 I said I already have student loan debt and I’ve had so many certifications I dont want to pay for another certificate or degree I just want the job already bc i have experience i got the sense that some of the other students felt the same and that the instructor wanted me to leave before i influenced her students

    • #249832 Reply

      Hello Marquita,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I share to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      I think that the little boy represents your leadership qualities and you feel that you are not utilizing or being suppressed from doing so. It is time to do so. 12 (time mentioned in the dream) is the number of government and administration. The cost of the training was 120,000 (12×1000).
      I think that your dream is an expression of disappointment and a bit of hope deferred. Please pray that Yahweh Saboaoth, Yahweh Shophet restore what is yours and that there will be no more delays for your destiny to be fulfilled.


    • #250033 Reply

      Typo 120,000=12×10,000

    • #250438 Reply
      marquita garmon

      Thank you for your interpretation and you had the number correct the first time it was 12,000 not 120,000

    • #250760 Reply

      You are welcome, Marquita and may Yahweh Alone be praised. Thank you for the correction.


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