Reply To: Prayers for Jennifer (cancer) and Jessica H (cancer)

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Jean H

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Lord hear me when I call, receive my prayers as incense, my hands lifted up as a sacrifice. Forgive me of my sins. Do not let anything block my prayers from reaching your ears. Jehovah Rophe I pray for Jennifer and Jessica H that they would be made well and whole again physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Heal their bodies obliterate the cancerous cells in body and soul. I pray for messengers of comfort for Saveria and family on the loss of her son and Marcos brother. May the comforters You send whether they be angelic, family, friends, or their Christian family may their presence, their prayers and whatever words you give them give this family a source of peace, healing and hope. Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on our souls. To God be the glory.