Prophetic Word for November 2024 – The Red Horse

Prophetic Word - The Red Horse

This Prophetic Word for November 2024 and it is titled The Red Horse.  You can file this one under things I didn’t want to write about but the Lord told me to tell you.

Who is this word for?  Everyone in the United States.  And, Europe too I would say.

Earlier this year, around March 2024, I saw something when I was spending time with the Lord.  This was the first time I had ever seen them.  The horsemen of the apocalypse.  I told you in January about the whirlwinds and I believe the whirlwinds are connected with the horses.  Well, shortly after that I saw the horses.

Much like the whirlwinds, I only saw 3 of the 4 horses.  The red, the black and the pale horse, I think.  I’m saying I think because they were far away on the horizon and being that far away I couldn’t tell if the horse was white or pale.  I must say I was a little taken aback seeing them.  I didn’t really want to see that but the fact that they were out in the distance told me that it wasn’t time for them to come yet.

Revelation 6:1-8

I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, “Come!”I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.

When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other. To him was given a large sword.

When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand.  Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”

When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

Then I had moments, well two times, when I was so sure the United States was about to have a major attack.  I could literally feel the enemy and I would just sit staring expecting to see a bomb drop any minute.  It was that palpable to me.  But then I would feel them in the spirit turn back.  I would actually see their ships in the spirit turn around and leave.  Almost like they were given an order to stand down or some kind of deal was made and they decided to back up, for now.

Then about a month and a half ago when I was with the Lord again, I saw the red horse again. Except this time it was so close and he had a whole host of white horses standing behind him. Like he was getting ready to ride out.  That freaked me out and I just continued talking to the Lord and hoping it would just go away but it didn’t.  Every time I spend time with the Lord I see it with all these white horses standing behind it.  I’m not looking at the face of the rider because quite frankly, I don’t want to see that.

Then hurricane Helene came and when it went to the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee that really made me cry. But somewhere along the way I stopped crying about the people affected by the hurricane and started crying about the war and the fact that the red horse was pretty much ready to ride.

A week ago I noticed that the white horses behind that main red horse are now all red.  Like a sea of red horses.  That. freaked. me. out!

It’s not calming down, it’s ramping up.

I noticed something very different when I pray now which is why I felt compelled to tell you.   It’s not a question of if, it is a question of when.  Things feel very settled in my spirit.  Like it could happen any day.

I asked the Lord if I should share this with you all and He said yes.  Primarily because you won’t hear this on the evening news.  So for those of you that are waiting on the official announcement, that’s not how it’s going to happen.

What is your churches plan to handle any kind of attack?  Do they have one?  Are there armed people in the church watching the doors and looking at anyone new coming in?  Because you’re going to need a plan.

In order for us to hear something, someone has to communicate that something is happening.  We already know that they can shut down our communication systems because they’ve already done it.  Those I believe were test runs to see their capability.  When the actual event happens and you try to call or text your spouse, you won’t be able to because your phone won’t work because the networks are down.  You won’t be able to post it to social media.  Therefore, they can attack parts of the country and you won’t even know about it because that area has a total blackout where communication is concerned.  By the time you find out what’s happening in another state it will be hours later. It’s not one country that is doing this, we have more than one enemy.

Do you know what the US military uniform looks like?  If you saw people wearing military uniform would you know if it was the US or not?

You need to be aware of what is happening around you.  Hang up your phone and walk in and out of buildings being completely aware of your surroundings.  Get in your car and drive off being completely aware of who or what is around you. As they say “keep your head on swivel”.

You should never leave your house without putting on the Armor of God.  You should never send your kids off to school without covering them as well.

Sigh. I know, not fun but this where we are.

I asked the Lord how this red horse will manifest, let’s look at the scripture..

Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other. To him was given a large sword.

He told me that much like the past several months where things are piling up one after the other where you may feel overwhelmed, it is going to happen the same…one after the other people dying for various reasons.  No peace just people dying.

He showed me that it will come in many forms, not just war, if it is war then the war is going to manifest in many different ways, then there’s going to be people killing each other – not even an enemy nation, natural disasters, sickness and diseases.  It’s going to start showing up in many different ways.  It’s not just one way and it will be one piled up one on top of another.

Notice that the rider has a sword in his hand. That is the word of God.  This is the judgement of God.  That’s why it will come in various forms because you can have two people in a house and one gets judged while the other does not.  I don’t think we just get to escape this, the sword is His word.  The Lord has been sending the message of repentance and also calling people to Himself through salvation.

Notice the white horse comes first, this is Christ with the message of the Gospel.  He doesn’t want anyone to perish so He’s sent the message out through many of His servants and those who headed the warning, and repented, will be spared but the ones who were stubborn and refused to listen, they will perish.

We all know what the scripture says so you don’t want that red horse to show up and find you still living unrepentant.

Think of those people in the mountains of North Carolina, they didn’t think a hurricane would ever get to them, but it did.  They probably thought it was the most secure place on earth except they were like sitting ducks on that mountain with no warning of what was about to happen.

I’m not saying the people there were being judged, what I am saying is that sometimes the places where we find our security may not be so secure.

Our security is in Jesus Christ..and any place HE tells you to go, THAT is where you are safe! Ask the Lord when you see things happening “Lord, do I continue to stay here?”  Whatever He tells you to do that is what you should do.  Do not hold on to people (Matthew 19:29), places or things so tightly that when God tells you to go you refuse.  Remember Lot’s wife.

Anoint your house with oil whenever you feel led to and know that the Lord is able to protect you from whatever is coming.

I want to also remind you that in the midst of this darkness is when the Light of the Lord shines through you the brightest.  I cannot tell you the countless people that I’ve spoken to that did exceptionally well during Covid.  People were dying, others were in fear, people lost their jobs and businesses BUT there were people who were being abundantly blessed.  Your life doesn’t need to be bad, you can choose to follow Christ and watch how He blesses you in the midst of the chaos.  Listen and obey.

Isaiah 1:19-20

“If you are willing and obedient,
You shall eat the best of the land;
But if you refuse and rebel,
You shall be devoured by the sword.”
For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.

Pray and Watch and Watch and Pray.


13 thoughts on “Prophetic Word for November 2024 – The Red Horse”

  1. The day before Israel was attacked last year I had a dream that happened all of a sudden. I was asleep like normal and then all of a sudden I am seeing something before my eyes that I can’t make out. I try to focus my eyes. Suddenly, I see fire and flames. At first they are close up and then like a camera the picture zooms out and I see more fire. The whole scene is on fire and then I see a giant knight on a horse. He has the old school armor on with the silver helmet and all…similar to the picture in this post, but only he is on fire. He has the shape but the color is fire. He is fire colored, so red. The flames are red and orange and black like fire burning. His back is turned to me while he sits on the flaming horse. Next to him is another flaming horse but only a partial view. All of a sudden the knight turns in what feels like slow motion, but anlso what feels like wow weight or power and looks at me. At least it felt like he looked at me and I was afraid to be seen, but as he looked he didn’t seem to want to come after me. I had the sense he was waiting. Waiting to go and just happened to turn in my direction waiting for the word. He had a burning sword in his hand. His eyes were large and hollowed out black. He had the helmet on and yet I saw his eyes so I would say the eye part of his helmet was open or his eyes were like that and the rest was the helmet. Hard to explain…and he and the horse were moving slightly like horses do in anticipation where they kind of go forward and backwards but the person on the horse is holding them as steady as they can with the rope or rein? I was afraid until I realized that the knight and horse could not see me or that the knight didn’t want to harm me. Felt more like he saw me see him as he waited to go, but I was not important. Wishing to go or knowing when he could go was the focus. I woke up. Got ready for work. In the car opened IG or some news and saw Isreal was attacked. I wondered if that was what my dream was about and prayed.

    Somehow I missed this message on Oct. 29th. I ended up here after reading the restoration word from 11/8. When I saw the horse I was reminded of my dream. I read the article and it resonated with me and the dream.

  2. I asked the Lord to lead me to Scripture that would
    Would help me understand what I so strongly feel in my spirit. I flipped to Zechariah 1. I read chapters 1&2 then came to this site as I had received the email and knew there was a new post. Wow. Thank you Nicole for posting thank you Jesus and Holy spirit for leading.

  3. This message is so on point and confirmation! Bad days are truly ahead and the church needs to wake up and repent! My security is in Jesus Christ! I wholeheartedly believe that God will protect and cover His own during times of uncertainty, crisis and famine. He has done it for me personally, so many times! God is faithful! Thank you for the heads-up!

  4. On night 18April/morning of 19 April 2024, I also dreamed of 3 horses, in my yard, 1 Red Strong Horse, it was running and kicking and tearing up and eating the yellow bamboo, Then I saw 2 more horses standing in garden in top of stone retaining wall in my yard. A black one and a mottled white/grey colour one (pale horse), the pale horse looked week, not strong and was wearing a muzzle, they both started to climb up the ridge out of the property and into the nature reserve next to my house.

  5. This post is timely. Prophet Nicole, you did not make a mistake in giving this prophetic message because I am one of those looking for more understanding of my dream and this post is a great help to my confused mind.
    2 weeks ago, God led me to war and roar in realms and dimensions by praying in tongue. I don’t know what was transpiring in the unseen realms but I was compelled to obey. He would wake me up at 3 am always. And I’m even wondering why at 4th watch because I usually pray around 12 am. He said He’s calling all the watchmen in this hour to pray in tongue each night. There was a night were in the midst of my prayer, I fell into a nap. Then suddenly there was this very strong force pushing me up that prevented me from sleeping. So I continue the war in the spirit by praying in tongue. I saw different kinds of creatures in the spirit where faces are terrified. Then I heard the phrase “multiple failed”. After 7 days of praying in tongue for 45 minutes each night during the 4th watch hour, He showed me in a dream very similar to the image of this post above, the warship, the spewing vengeful smoke all over the place, the horses and warring soldiers, and the creepy scene. Yeah, it looks so scary and that was my terrible feeling at that moment while watching in the distance. I thought I was in a real situation. I thank God it’s just a dream as I woke up. My mind was so confused about what message His trying to convey with that dream. As I’m thinking about it I heard the word “THE SHOW”. So the scene was portrayed on a movie screen that looks so real.
    Only then did I understand that God called me to intercede in the nation not only in my country where I have been so affected by what is happening in our politics now. I could sense that some leaders were spiritually attacked why they behaved in some types of way. You will not think of any type of behavior that will come out from them because they are known to be trustworthy, and respected and appear to have a clean record. As I was thinking about why they behaved a certain way I heard the word said; “they behave the body” and then I heard “fallen angels”. I don’t know why I’m sharing this stuff.
    Anyway, Thank you for this prophetic message. It gives me a better understanding of my dream. And the prayer points I will add them to my intercession about the elections. Along with it I also read the voting guide for Christians and it is of great help to me too. God bless you with more prophetic revelation.

    1. I have been seeking the Lord about this specific thing. I said Lord, I cannot pray for salvation of a person who I don’t believe is truly a human created by You. I feel the Holy Spirit has confirmed in me that that is what i/ we are seeing.
      And I have been praying in the spirit A lot, more so than ever before,
      God Bless

  6. I was really moved after reading the warnings of the horses and I always told myself this could only be the Holy spirit ministring to us thank you Mop for the prophesy s May you continue to warn us about what God is speaking I always asked you to pray for my son who was on drugs God has set him free but there was a price that was paid they almost beat him to death but because of prayer God had a plan for his life and I believe that God wants him to fullfil his purpose on this earth I hear you you speaking ABT the word where people don’t repent of their wrong ways and I see it hear by us in South Africa and where I stay in Cape town Mithells plain some is senseless killings our kids eat foods from spaza shops and some of them die I would always pray for God to have mercy on those that did not repent yet I pray for your elections pray that a lot of us in this country are not conscious of what is happening around us so please pray with me for beleive ers to open their spiritual eyes God bless

  7. Thank you MOP, for this timely prophetic word. I pray that we that have been privilege to be on this platform and get this word of knowledge will act on it and continue to encourage the people around us to define their stand with God. In confirmation to this word. Last night I had a dream and in the dream I was seeing both wealth and the plagues released simultaneously. May God bless you abundantly for your obedience and service in His vineyard 🙏

  8. Thank you MOP, for this timely prophetic word. I pray that we that have been privilege to be on this platform and get this word of knowledge will act on it and continue to encourage the people around us to define their stand with God. I confirmation to this word. Last night I had a dream and in the dream I was seeing both wealth and the plagues released simultaneously. May God bless you abundantly for your obedience and service in His vineyard 🙏

  9. Yes something is coming. It’s not even the perfect storm anymore, not even The Great Depression 2.0 as many have predicted but THE. STORM. The mother of all storms.

    Billy Graham wrote a book called ‘Storm Warning’ many years ago. David Wilkerson warned in the infamous ‘The Vision’ decades ago. I’m certainly nowhere near the stature of these great men of God but during the beginning of the year I was suddenly warned and given the sign of Jonah, and in April/May, there was that strange sign of Jonah in the eclipse as well. I finally understood what it meant when Jesus mentioned sign of Jonah in the NT. It’s a storm of judgment coming to His Church. When His Church walks in rebellion and has not repented, it affects the secular world (ie Jonah and secular men in the boat). They both get thrown into a storm. Judgment begins in His House.

    Something is coming. Something very big. And many are feeling the same too. Covid was just the precursor, in a way, a warning and preparation to get our houses in order. To be rebuilt on Solid Rock instead of sinking sand.

    I dunno what’s coming as I’m no prophet or watchman but all I know deep down it’s coming. Only a matter of time now. Even the Wall Street guys will tell you that all eyes are on the elections. You can feel it in the markets too – v few major movements, like it’s all preprogrammed for something. I think the US elections will trigger a cataclysmic series of tidal wave events that will change the political landscape of the MENA region forever, and will affect the entire world too.

    Jesus’ first words and final words to the Church was ‘repent’. And it hasn’t changed at all. It’s a warning to myself first and foremost.

    1. I can feel it coming, too, along with hearing many prophecies, just as you have mentioned. The Lord suddenly gave me a specific word about a week ago, ” You have until Nov.24″. No specifics but in my spirit I know I must never shift my focus from Him, and interestingly I sense I have been given new strength to stay attuned to the Spirit. My prayer for you is that your discernment of your role and focus will be magnified as I wonder if you are being prepared for a leadership position with God’s favor and blessings for you and others.

    2. I also think we will see the greatest revival ever too, amidst the fiercest storms ever. That’s what happened right after Jonah repented and went to Nineveh to preach one of the shortest sermons ever.

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