Prophetic Word – Dealing with Disappointments

This prophetic word is titled Dealing with Disappointments.   This post is probably the closest you’ll get me to speak about politics.  We stay away from that in this ministry it is not what we are called to do.

However, the Lord used what is happening in the political arena to reveal something to me that I believe we can all learn from.  Even though I am going to speak about politics in this post, the post is really about dealing with disappointments so you can use it in any area of your life where you may be in a situation where you’re feeling disappointed.

Who is this for?  Anyone going through a season of disappointments.

The scripture for this is

1 Samuel 15:23

For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft,
And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.
Because you have rejected the word of the Lord,
He also has rejected you from being king.

I woke up with this scripture in my spirit last week after sharing in the email on Friday about praying against word curses.  By the way, for those of you who just found this ministry there are things shared in the the emails that are not on the website so you can sign up to get on the email list below if you want to have access to that.  We send out emails once per week.

Anyway, I believe I was warring all night last Friday against word curses and I woke up with this scripture. That’s when I realized what God was saying about the times we are living in.

Do you remember that 2020 presidential election?  Whew!  What a contentious mess!  I remember when President Trump lost after so many prophetic voices said he would win, it sent the Christian community into a tailspin.  What happened then?  Few repented for it and others just doubled down on it.  They kept insisting that he won and the election was stolen.

I listened to a few of them and was puzzled that they just couldn’t admit that they had missed it.  It is what I would’ve done if that happened to me.  I would tell you that I don’t know what happened, apologized for it and then tell you that I need to seek the Lord and I’ll get back to you when He responds.  And I would step away until I know that I am hearing clearly.

That is not what happened, the church hung on to that for such a long time.  Within a month I was able to clearly see, this is idolatry.  They wouldn’t let it go.

Stubbornness is as Idolatry

You know, it’s OK to be disappointed when things don’t go your way.  But you need to step back and ask the Lord “what happened here?”.  It is so important to have a relationship with the Lord so that you can ask Him for yourself.  You do not need to go seeking it out from a prophetic voice.  You may need to be patient and wait for the answer.

God loves you and He is more concerned about your relationship with Him than He is about who the president is.  Therefore if there is something within your heart that needs to be pruned, He’s going to use whatever tool necessary to prune it.  Because He loves you.

The church was full of idolatry and God needed to expose it and He used this to do it.

I thought for sure that they would be over it in about a month or two but they were not, this thing went on for years.  I believe it was around the 2 year mark when the majority started to abandon the thought but there were still some die hards that refused to let it go.

Does this mean that all these prophets were false prophets?  No.  I really don’t think so.  Here’s how I see it.  Prophecy can change and an election is a very volatile environment.  It would be like someone prophesying that Nineveh would be destroyed.  Well, it was scheduled for destruction BUT God sent Jonah and they repented so that was stopped.  It changed.

The Bible tells us this about Samuel

1 Samuel 3:19

The Lord was with Samuel while he grew up. He did not let any of Samuel’s messages prove false.

It only says this about Samuel and this tells me that it is possible to be a prophet of the Lord and get it wrong sometimes.  Making the mistake is not so much the issues, is what you did after you made the mistake that matters.  There is always repentance.

Why did they stay stuck for so long?

1. Pride.  It says I am right.  And it will never let go.

2. Idolatry because they thought God couldn’t use anyone one else to accomplish His will it had to be THAT man.  No one else, just him.  When the truth is God can use anyone.  When he steps away from the presidency in 4 years isn’t God going to use someone else then?

3. They stayed in an echo chamber and refused to leave it.  This is when you surround yourself with people that think the same way you do, you refuse to listen to anyone else that has an opposing view point.  The echo chamber consisted of prophetic voices, church leaders and the traditional and social media.

When you have a prophetic gifting the last thing you want to do is fall into idolatry because what happens then is the idol will start speaking, not God.  So you will be prophesying and it’s not God but your idol that’s talking.  My advice to you is whenever you hear a prophetic voice and they are just on one topic, be careful, because this could be their idol.  I wrote a post here already about false prophetic words and idolatry

Remember when God told Abraham to go sacrifice Isaac?  Why would He do that after making Abraham wait so long for his son?  Well, He wants to make sure that Abraham wasn’t turning this child into an idol. For real!  Some of the things we labor over in prayer can easily turn into an idol if we are not careful. You can read the story in Genesis 22 and it starts out with these words…Some time later God tested Abraham.  God just wanted to show that Abraham had not fallen into idolatry.

We are in a season of testing, don’t fall for the temptations while you’re in it.

This does not mean that Trump, and all the people in the Republican Party are worshipping idols.  NO, that is not it.  There were many that had fallen into this but it was not everyone.

I knew that there was going to be no overturning of the election because God is never going to give you your idol.  I will tell you this as well, I knew Trump was never going to step into the presidency until the church release that back to Him, God.

When he won this time around I was happy to see that because it told we, the church, made progress in this area. <<<receive this statement as one that reflects the spiritual state of the church.


The part I wasn’t expecting was this….

Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.

2024 and now we have the flip side, the other party and what am I looking at?  Witchcraft.

It is OK to be disappointed when things don’t go your way but what you don’t want to do is launch into witchcraft by sending word curses to a groups of people.

I can’t put all the videos on here because most have profanity but you can go on Youtube and search for the black women election meltdown to see what happened after the election.  It was crazy.  I really wasn’t expecting that.  The cursing of the black men started before the election even happened.

This demoralizing, condescending bashing of black men was happening.  And I couldn’t ignore the timing of God telling me to put out that word about the men and that we needed to pray for them.

I wasn’t expecting that because it had never happened in any election cycle before.

The very nature of witchcraft is one that is controlling and manipulative.  It is Jezebelic in nature because it says “Naboth give me your vineyard, or else!!”  There are consequences for not following along.  Death. (1 Kings 21). And so the destruction of the spirit of the black men began weeks before the election started.

So because the men didn’t fall in line, or so the women assumed, they proceeded to curse them with their mouths when they lost the election.

Only for them to find out a couple days later, that most black men did vote for their party!!  Therefore, they cursed them for no reason.  It was a LIE. You see the devil doesn’t play fair.  He went after the men.  And of all the men to go after, the black men?  That was low.  And when they were speaking these curses those words are not spoken to one specific man, no, they were sending it to an entire race of men.

Here’s what you need to learn from this, whenever you face disappointments.  Sit still and be quiet for a minute because it is highly possible that things are not as they seem and it could just be a trap from the enemy to cause you to CURSE your own blessing.  You fly off the handle in a rage and what you thought was…was not!

Once they realized that they were wrong, did they repent and cancel those curses?  Nope.  They went after the people who the data told them voted against them…Hispanic men and white women!  And they proceeded to curse them.

Prayer: I cancel every word curse spoken against the men in Jesus name! Every witchcraft, spell, incantation leveled against the black men, we dig it up now at the root in the name of Jesus. We call on the fire of God to burn up the curses so that they do not land on the men in the name of Jesus. We send the fire of the heaven to every spirit of control, manipulation, backlash, retribution, retaliation, to every Jezebelic spirit related to these curse we say BURN UP in the name of Jesus and fall to the ground. You shall run up into a wall of Holy Ghost fire in Jesus name. We call every and all word curses null and void, in the name of Jesus. We cancel the disrespect, dishonor and condescension leveled on the men in the name of Jesus. We cut every mind controlling witchcraft spells sent against these women’s minds, in Jesus name, Amen!!!

The white women got so scared they started to wear blue bracelets to show the sisters that they voted with them. So now you’ve got to wear some kind of external symbol to mark yourself?  Seriously?

But they didn’t stop there they resorted to this…  you can stop the video after you see the rings.


Can you believe this?  What in the world is going on here?  WITCHCRAFT.

They are encouraging people to skip Thanksgiving and Christmas all together if your family didn’t vote the same as you did. Division and the breakdown of the family unit.

I am pretty sure, it has been happening for decades now that family members are voting for different political parties, am I right??  So what changed this year? A demonic spirit is on the loose and it is completely controlling people.

And it didn’t stop there…

Did you hear about the 4B movement?  Look it up in YouTube.  In protest of the election results, the women shave their heads, refuse to interact with any men, no more sex, they won’t have children, encouraging women to divorce their husbands!   This then evolved into the 5B,6B,6B4T, 7B,8B, 10BT & 12BT Movement, I really wish I was making this up.  >>>>>Please watch this video<<<<<<<<

This is the most heartbreaking thing I’ve seen in a long long time.  What I see when I look at this young lady is hurt, so much hurt and pain.

Look at what the devil did, he made them curse their own race, curse the men, then cut themselves off completely, no children, only speak to other women who look like you.  If they keep this up do you know what they just did?  They will cause their own race to go into extinction.  And, it wasn’t a white man that came from the outside and did it to them, NO, they did it to themself!  And, then the devil made them believe that this is progress.

Oh Spirit of Might, come down into the homes of these women and surround them with Your Love like a warm cozy blanket and don’t let them go until these demonic spirits break off them.  God cause them to crumble under Your love, let them cry out all of that hurt and pain God, until these spirits pack and leave them permanently, in Jesus name, Amen.

I heard President Biden say at the start of his campaign that this was about to “soul of America” and I thought was the ickiest, creepiest statement.  But now I get it.  This whole thing is not about the election.  I hope you can see it clearly.

This atmosphere changed back in 2020 and we are still in it.  That is what I am telling you.

Stubbornness is idolatry and rebellion is the sin of witchcraft.  And if you engage in any of this God will not bless you.  The second part of 1 Samuel 15:23 says “Because you have rejected the word of the Lord,
He also has rejected you from being king.”

And I will say it again, I’m not saying that the leaders and everyone who voted for the Democratic Party is involved in witchcraft.  No, many of them are being sucked into this now but it’s not everyone.

Most of the things they are afraid will happen why they are freaking out like this WILL NOT.  It is a LIE.  Because that spirit is pushing them over the edge so they do very drastic things.  They are destroying themselves…and others.

The Good News!

We had what happened back in 2020 as an example of what NOT to do.  You can’t sit there in pride because it don’t matter if you are right.  God is more concerned about you and your relationship with Him than He is about who won the election.  If you have witchcraft on you, you are not going to be blessed.  Stay away from the echo chamber, if you are listening to anyone in the media that is reinforcing this in your life, turn it off.  Otherwise, this would be like sitting there watching paint dry for four years!  Do you have time for that?  No!  You cannot change it so what is the point?  Spend time with your family as you always do.  Things can change in 4 years time. Enjoy your family while you have them with you.  If you engaged in any of the witchcraft, whether it escaped your mouth or you had it in your heart, you will need to repent.

Likewise, if you were involved in the idolatry of 2020, you need to repent too.

And now, let’s change your perspective on this.  

Are you ready?  Rub your eyes so that you can really look at these images and listen to these videos and catch the shift.

This is Kamala Harris after she lost the election.  She’s with her family.  She moved on.  So you should be with your family too..

Here she is with her husband and her step children. Who are we cursing?  And for what reason?

She moved on, with her family.

That’s not all, did you see our First Lady going to cast her vote on Election Day???  Are you ready for it?  Rub your eyes now because I don’t want you to miss it.

It appears Dr. Jill Biden moved on… in more ways than one!  LOL.  She just had to make sure she got the last word in by letting you know that while she moved on she’s still very much “salty” about how they handled her husband.  We heard you loud and clear, Dr. Jill, loud and clear.  I’m pretty sure she is not going to be wearing a blue bracelet either!

She is choosing her family over everything else.

And here is the President, he has obviously moved on as well.  He was clear, no sign of dementia, he appeared unburdened by what has been, the man is happy.  It doesn’t even look like he was reading from a teleprompter.

Now since they have obviously all moved on, with their families, I believe we all should as well.

I do not believe in praying against people, even those I don’t agree with.  So in that spirit let’s pray that God will direct VP Kamala Harris in the direction He would like her to go next, that President Biden finishes out his term strong, that he remains in good health, that the transition will be peaceful, and that he is protected on all sides.

For President Trump pray that he is protected as well and kept in good health for the entirety of his term.  That God will use him to accomplish all that the Lord has put upon his heart to do.  Pray that his entire team will receive their instructions from the Lord and that they are surrounded by good godly advisors to get the job done.

Pray for the things you want to see instead of praying against people and watch how God will answer that prayer even through the people you didn’t vote for.

Lord, deliver us from idolatry and witchcraft free us from this nation and cause us to unite like never before, in Jesus name, Amen.


9 thoughts on “Prophetic Word – Dealing with Disappointments”

  1. This was such a great post! I thought about this,

    Sit still and be quiet for a minute because it is highly possible that things are not as they seem and it could just be a trap from the enemy to cause you to CURSE your own blessing.

    Lord forgive me for cursing my own blessing! And also, FAMILY OVER EVERYTHING, is what I’m a strong proponent of, especially as of late!
    Honestly, I believe President Trump has the wealth/magnate anointing on him. This is definitely good for the people of God, especially concerning the wealth transfer. Bring it on Jesus!!

    1. Beck, It was already said above. It doesn’t matter if you’re right when there was a spirit there that God was trying to deal with. Sometimes He’ll make you lose in a season so you can stop, step back, look at it, figure out what you did wrong, fix it, then come back and win in the next season. There was a problem there. Now, we are on the other side and they too will need to stop, step back, look at it, figure out what they did wrong, fix it, then come back to win in the next season. Now we are battling witchcraft and that is what we need to fix in our own lives. God doesn’t care if we are right, HE is coming back for a bride without spot or wrinkle, we have to look within and see what God is trying to show us that needs to be pruned and get it pruned. Otherwise, we are always going to be losing. Blessings

  2. The last few paragraphs resonated most with me. None of the politicos have any direct impact on my home or anyone in it. We don’t watch the news and limit exposure to social media. Yes, pray, but it will likely be a clown car with frequent passenger changes. It’s time to move on.

  3. This was a needed prophetic lesson because we just experienced what happen in the Book of Judges about getting leadership. The President is right, it’s about the heart of the people. It shows the heart of many is full of idolatry, hate, and the truth of them not being surrendered and humbled to God so they can be healed, and our country can be healed. It also shows the backlash of years of black men “demoralizing”, putting down, and the accusing black women of all types of behavior that caused an angry spirit to rise in them to return the hurt they experienced. The women should have stopped listening to the angry men that are speaking from a place of hurt and fear. They should have started praying for the spirit of truth to overtake them, pray for a protective covering over the men, a positive restoration of the unity of the family, and a return to worshipping God the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit to guide their lives. It shows that there is still work to be done teaching on renouncing ungodly covenants, the truth about the importance of family, and standing for God, even when no one around you is standing for Him. Sadly I feel the hurt, anger, and pain the sister in the video and many women around me have against men. They don’t understand they are in a spirit of confusion as well because the path they are on leads to extinction. They don’t understand they have given themselves freely over to the spirit of witchcraft. So we need to pray for everyone that is full of pain and hurt, that God heals them of it and reals the truth. You mentioned the Book of Jonah and how God’s plan for Nineveh was changed by how they reacted to the message of repentance and salvation. We have a lot of work to do. Praying, fasting, sharing the Word with America so we can repent, receive salvation, and allow God to heal the land. May God reveal the truth, show us how to humble ourselves, and quickly come and heal America.

  4. AMEN!! I heard a number of “election sermons” prior to Election Day, but this is the first “post-election sermon” I have seen! I’ve actually been formulating one myself, if for no other reason than to have edifying words to say to people on either side when election topics arise. Basically, no matter who we voted for, our job is to keep our eyes on Jesus.
    1) Daniel 2:21 “… He changes times and seasons; HE raises and deposes kings…”
    2) Proverbs 21:1 The heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord; HE directs it like a watercourse wherever HE pleases.

    We are called to unity, love, respect. No matter who is in the office, GOD is on the throne! He is still the One in charge, and we still must answer to Him for how we treat others and how we represent Him to this world.
    We must pray for our leaders. They are human and will fail. Read the Bible. God used wicked leaders to accomplish His purposes, and He used faithful leaders who failed miserably.
    Our responsibility is to vote as wisely as we can, and then keep our eyes fixed on the ONE who will never fail us.

    Thank you for this!

  5. I haven’t been paying attention to the trends and dangerous reactions you mentioned, so i was unaware of them until i read this post. My focus has always been and continues to be where my Father calls me to be, doing the work He called me to do, interceding the according to His word and prompting, and saving my energy for the matters of His Kingdom. Since the 5th i have also been reminding believers that we are first and foremost Kingdom’s citizens, to remind where our priorities should be.
    Thank you for this post. May we all have oil in our lamps until the Groom comes, and stay alert. God bless you.

    1. I to hadn’t seen the videos, but has been reminding those around me that they can’t have a spirit of fear, but stay with God. God has always provided and when you stay focused on Him, he will continue to provide.

  6. Thank you, Nicole. Timely. Going through a disappointment! Missed a promotion. Indeed it is about the relationship. I’m examining my heart. I’ll sit with Abba and listen. There has been too much noise and distractions.

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