The following prayers are for you to pray for restoration of your marriage and also a prayer that you can pray to restore the marriage of others.

As Christians we go through difficult times in our marriages much like the unsaved world. However the one thing we have is our Savior Jesus Christ whom we go to with our marriage restoration prayers.
He is waiting on us to come to Him and allow Him to work in our lives. The word of God says “Whom God has joined together let no man put asunder”. Therefore, it is His will that your marriage should work. When you go to Him in prayer keep this in mind so that you do not doubt that this is His will for your life.
There are times when even after you’re prayed these prayers for restoration of your marriage it still does not get restored. Well, there are several things you need to keep in mind:
- Are you both saved? If not then you need to look at the Prayer of Salvation also know as the Sinners Prayer
- God wants what is best for both of you so you need to be open to where He will lead you. You should both be praying through this process and confessing your sins so that there is nothing standing in the way of your answered prayers.
Here is the Marriage Restoration Prayer that can be prayed for someone that you know who may ask you to pray for them.
Lord, I come in the name of Jesus asking that you to make a way in this wilderness of healing and restoration for ________ (name of wife & husband) in their marriage. Lord, that your grace is sufficient to carry them through difficult times, your power is made perfect in their weaknesses and the power of Christ is in them. 2 Corinthians 12:9 As Christians, greater is You that is in _____________ (name of wife & husband) than the evil one in the world because your power is greater than the power of Satan and all who do his work. 2 Chronicles 32:7 I am so thankful that You are watching to make certain that your Word is fulfilled and that You are performing it in our marriage. Jeremiah 1:12 Thank you that you will complete the work that you started in this marriage. Philippians 1:6 O Sovereign LORD, you are God! Your words are trustworthy, and you have promised these good things to me. You have said that You will build a home for them and that it pleases You to bless their marriage so it will continue before You forever. You have spoken, and with your blessing, this home and marriage will be established with blessings forever. II Samuel 7:25-29
Lord, I pray that you will allow healing and reconciliation to take place. That whatever hurts or disappointments they have experienced can be mended through the power of your undying eternal Love. We realize Father that they cannot change anything that has happened. But, they can go forth together keeping, renewing and once again honoring their vows. We ask that you endow them with wisdom to endure and a tongue that speaks healing, restoration & peace.
Abba, I ask that you would mend their hearts closely together and be the center of their marriage. Lord we ask that they seek forgiveness for any wrong doing. We pray that they extend love and patience to one another and that the lines of communication, sensitivity as well as understanding are once again opened. We ask that you will allow all the pain, hurt and disappointment to begin to subside. Lord we ask that forgiveness is welcomed by each of them. Lord we ask that you would allow your JOY to flow once again from heart to heart between them. Father we ask that you direct them as they seek you first in building trust, transparency and intimacy. Father we pray peace over their household, in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Here is a Prayer for Restoration of Marriage that you can pray for yourself.
Almighty Father, You are omniscient, omnipotent and able to do things that are impossible for man. I humble myself before you today Lord and ask you to restore my marriage. Please bring my wife/husband back to me so that we can fulfill Your word that those whom You have joined together let no man put asunder. Forgive me for my part of sin in this separation and show me what I need to do to restore my relationship with You and my relationship with her/him. I Pray, O Lord, to reunite us in Jesus name. Please have mercy upon us O God and I will always be thankful to You for restoring my marriage . I ask for the forgiveness of our sins. I pray for all those people who are may have come in between our relationship that you would set them on the right path and reveal to them the truth of your Word. I freely offer my forgiveness to them for their part in this separation. Fill us all with your Holy Spirit and guide us into your truth. I forgive my spouse for all the past hurt and pain and pray that you would cleanse my mind and my heart from carrying any thoughts that are not from you, in Jesus Name, Amen
We pray that the Lord will honor your prayer and that He will indeed restore you marriage according to His word. Please visit us again and take some time to look around our site for more Prayers. God Bless you and keep you and cause His face to shine upon you and grant you His peace.
Please pray for Teddy and Lisette.. we have been separated for 5 months now and she is saying she will seek divorce, I have never been with another woman, never physically touched her nor abandoned her but have said things that were unbecoming of a loving husband let alone a Godly man who is loving his wife as Christ has loved the Church… I have since confessed and repented of those words and pleaded with her to not divorce, to allow the Lord time in healing us both, returning to Him above all and allowing His love to pour out in restoring us in Jesus mighty name!
I will pray for you. God is able. Nothing is impossible to God. Press on. Pray without ceasing. Fast. Pray pray pray.
Amen! Thank you for your prayers and sharing this burden with me.. On Sept 4th, by Gods Grace, me and my wife finally talked after 5 months of silence and we are now reconciling and in His strength working toward full marital restoration… To God Be The Glory!!
Please pray for restoration of my marriage. My husband moved out 4 years ago and we have been living separately but seeing each other till he decided to 💍 someone else. I am broken
Please pray for my wife and I to be united and reconciled . We are currently separated and she is having affairs with several men
Please pray for my husband who knows the lord but who is in adulteries with several women for over 10 years, Its generational on his dads side. pray as the lords leads you for this and restoration
Please pray for my marriage. There is not infidelity but 2 people who have grown apart. This marriage started falling apart years ago and after 2 kids it’s just gotten worst. We are barely friends and we speak less and less to each other day by day. tomorrow is our 13 yr anniversary and it makes me very sad. Anything is possible with God and I know I need to fix my relationship with God first before he can do anything in my marriage. Pray for me. Pray for my husband. Thank you.
I stand in agreement with with all of you… I am also standing on God’s promises in His word for my husband to be saved and for the restoration of our marriage of 43 years yesterday 2/22/1980 and I am asking God on y’all’s behalf as well…God says “when you have done all you can, to STAND”. I am Standing please Stand with me.
I’m asking for prayer of reconciliation for the me and my husband he there was infidelity on his end and we’ve been separated since November of 2022 he says he want the marriage but puts forth no effort he doesn’t call text or try to spend time with me. Our first court date for divorce is Feb 24th I’m not going I believe God is going to heal this marriage. Please stand in agreement with me.
I am praying for you and your husband to help reunite… I am going through the same thing my husband left me 6 1/2 weeks ago he is accusing me of things that NEVER happened some things 40 years ago some in 2017-18 and there is adultery on his part… I have forgiven him and now he says that I cheated on him 40 years ago, that NEVER happened… he says that his son is not his child… that is impossible as I was not with anyone else he says I threatened to poison him and that he got sick that night… I didn’t threaten him and I don’t remember him getting sick and if he did, it was nothing I did… hang in there, God says He will make a way when there seems to be no way.. that is where I am looking with my physical eyes … there is no way so now it is up to our Heavenly Father… I am standing on His word, praying my husband will be saved and he will come home…please don’t give up He says that where 2 or more are gathered as touching ANYTHING He will do it… you and I are gathered here and I am agreeing with you in prayer for your marriage and asking you to agree with me for mine… God Bless You … are you saved? Is your husband saved? It is very important
I ask for prayer for God to restore our marriage and bring it back from destruction. For God to bring us closer mentally, emotionally and physically and for God to heal our hearts and minds. Thank you.
Praying for you both, Anthony 🙏🙏🙏
Can u pray my husband finds salvastion with proof . I have been praying for him for yrs we’ve been married for 20 yrs . My husband and I have been through a lot of things .together but recently I feel like there is something going on I dont know about . Some strange behavior .his parents have both passed away . And their have been drug use and infidelity on his part .
.I’m not saying I’m perfect i have my wrongs . When chris and I got together we weren’t walking with the lord thank u very much I will be praying also
I need pray for my married, my husband Anthony file papers for divorce in the court. He is very anger and aggressive with me, the enemy attack his mind and put my husband against me. Sometimes when he is in his right mind he act nice with me. Pray God touch his mind and heart, and put love for his wife Yhamile and healing my married.
Please pray for my marriage. My husband asked for a divorce. He is having an emotional affair and his mother is pushing him to end the marriage. Please pray for us.
Hoping your marriage is restored