This prophetic word is Transition Part 4. If you’ve missed the other ones on transitions you can read them here Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. I’m recommending that you read them in order and process the information in order as these build on each other.
Who is the word for? Anyone that’s going through a transition.
I received all of the prophetic words on transitions in the same week and this was the final one in the series that the Lord gave me as I met with Him.
Have you ever just sat with the Lord? Not asking for anything, just in silence. Yes, ladies, it is possible! Sssshhh, LOL. He was also not saying anything we were just enjoying a nice sunset together. We were sitting and hanging out together in the heavenly realms and then I went into an open vision.
The Vision
I saw a man and he was running and jumping to ensure that he was avoiding graves that appeared to be dug for him. His movements reminded me of an obstacle course, some kind of spartan race, because he had to be agile to avoid falling into the grave. When he landed after jumping over them, it wasn’t in some kind of a “super human” form but the landings were quite normal like he was not expecting to jump but he had to quickly do it. It was either jump or fall in the pit. There were moments when the jump called for him to land on all fours so that he needed to dust off his hands and keep running once he got up.
The key was that he landed the jump and missed the grave and not so much the style of how he landed or how dignified he looked.
He was jumping from one mound of dirt (the dirt that was piled up from the grave being dug) to another mound of dirt. The plot was to cover him as soon as he landed in the pit, so the dirt was piled up next to each grave.
In total there were 6 graves. They were lined up 3 on one side and 3 on the other. When he finally got through this “obstacle course” of pits and he stopped running and jumping , he brushed off his hands, straightened and adjusted his clothes and continued walking straight ahead. It appeared he was going up a slope. Some kind of a hill and the sun was coming up over the hill. Then right in front of him came the face of a famous male prophet, just the face not the actual person, like a hologram.
And that was the end of the vision.
Interpretation of the vision
Even though the vision was self explanatory to me, I was caught off guard seeing the face of that prophet. He said nothing but I knew that he was about to give advice to this man and the man was not to take the advice.
I didn’t ask God at the very moment why this particular prophet was there because like I said, we were sitting in silence, and I didn’t want to ruin the moment by talking. So I just sat there quietly and waited until our time together was finished so that I could spend some time pondering the vision. I figured if the Lord wanted to tell me about this prophet He would but He didn’t.
This vision featured a man but this is for women too. All of these words on transition are for both men and women.
Now that you’ve made it through Transitions 1-3, which required you to deal with some things, you are seen escaping these graves that the enemy dug for you. The graves could be all of a part of what you learnt in the words for transitions 1-3. All of these were pits the enemy put in front of you to trap you. A lot of times he’ll use people to trap you.
6 is the number of man. This tells me that these are people that are going to attempt to set traps for you to fall in. You will jump over them, in Jesus Name, Amen. It matters not how you look when you land the jump, just don’t fall into the pit. Don’t worry if there’s a little bit of dirt on your white shirt, you can dust it off, readjust your clothes after, just don’t fall in the pit. This vision tells me that you have a very close relationship with the Lord and He is going to clearly show you the grave and you’ll jump over it instead of falling into it. The man saw the graves, none of them were a surprise to him. He went from one to the other to the other. It was consistent running and jumping and moving from side to side. If you are finding yourself going from one battle to the other, you may currently be jumping from one to the other. A part of why the landings didn’t look so polished is based on the exhaustion from just one jump after the other.
Like being in the gym and you start to experience muscle fatigue and your trainer says “give me 2 more”, you feel like you can’t do it but you can! It’s easy for you to start losing form the longer you go.
Do you have multiple people coming after you? One after the other? Yep. That is what this is.
Proverbs 26:27
He who digs a pit will fall into it, and he who rolls a stone will have it roll back on him.
The same one who dug the pit will fall into it. The Bible has many stories that point to this.
Esther 7:10
So they hanged Haman on the gallows he had prepared for Mordecai. Then the fury of the king subsided.
If the plot was entrapment, they will fall into it.
Psalm 57:6
They spread a net for my feet; my soul was despondent. They dug a pit before me, but they themselves have fallen into it! Selah
Proverbs 28:10
He who leads the upright along the path of evil will fall into his own pit, but the blameless will inherit what is good.
He who digs a pit may fall into it, and he who breaches a wall may be bitten by a snake.
If you stick close to the Lord, you have nothing to worry about because HE is going to show you the grave and tell you how to avoid it.
Pray, saints. Pray.
In times of transitions, you must stick close to Jesus.
So there were 6 graves and they were lined up 3 on one side and 3 on the other. I don’t know what that means but I believe as always sometimes these specifics mean something to somebody. The only thing that comes to me is that 3 is a number of completeness/perfection and your enemies believed they set the perfect trap for you but it won’t work… twice. It may just be 2 traps but it was so perfectly set, and they still failed!!! Nothing funnier than when your enemy thought they got you figured out only for them to find out, they actually have no idea who you are in the spirit! LOL. While they were busy setting traps the Lord was busy pointing them out to you.
To them, you looking like such a chump on the outside, until they tried and realize they read you wrong!
After he finished all of this, I could tell it was over because he adjusted his clothes and started walking at a normal pace forward. Right in his path came this large face, almost like a holographic image of a prophet. Does the fact that it’s a hologram of sorts of someone’s face mean something to you? Write it in the comments. It wasn’t the person, just a giant face of the person.
As soon as the prophet’s face appeared, I was puzzled and then the vision closed – it was an open vision. I sat there stunned. First, because why that prophet? I don’t know him to be false. He is actually well respected.
The only thing that came to me is that the man in the vision knows this prophet personally. I got out of the vision before I could see or hear what comes next but it was like I knew what was about to happen.
Here it is….
This prophet is about to give you advice on the direction you’re going in and you are not to take it. The information is not correct. He’s coming as a friend to offer you some advice but you need to ignore it.
You’re already heading up the hill towards the sunrise, if you listen to him it will be a diversion.
Even though I never asked the Lord at that moment. He knew what I saw because He was the one that gave me the vision. So as soon as our time together ended I received this scripture which was what He gave me to put it in context…
Matthew 16:21-23
21 From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.
22 Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. “Never, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to you!”
23 Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”
Oooooh….a few verses earlier this same Peter was the one that was being lauded for hearing revelation from the Father in heaven that Jesus was the Messiah. So he went from holding such great revelation from the Lord, to having a devil cast out.
I’m saying to you, receive this prophet as someone who is “about to have a Peter moment”, in that they are going to give you advice and you are not to follow it.
You can even put my face there if you want to….or any other person you consider a part of your inner circle that you allow to speak into your life. This could be anyone that you take or receive advice from <<<<that!
This prophet is not a bad guy, he’s just about to be used by the enemy to send you off track.
Why? You made it through Transitions 1, your made it through Transitions 2, you made it through Transitions 3, and now you got through the last step which is escaping all the graves. The enemy has ran out of options!
So what does he do next? Since he can’t get to you, he has to use someone within your inner circle that you trust. That’s what’s up!
This is why I’m not telling you the name of the prophet, because this would be irresponsible of me to share that, when this man is not a false prophet. And the interpretation stands whether you know who it is or not.
His name means Humble and From the Battleground. That means he appears with great humility and has gone through many battles. This is why this man trusts this voice. He’s not a bad person.
It’s not about the prophet it is about the fact that, to you, this is a trusted person. That means it could be anyone!
What does Jesus do the very next chapter after Peter had that misstep? Cut him off. No. Revoke his apostle card? No.
There was Peter up on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus. Our Lord allowed him into a very private encounter… because he was a friend of God.
Jesus knew he missed it back there but hey! he still has a good heart and it was not said with evil intentions.
They were still friends and Peter was still a part of the inner circle. He rebuked him and move on!
Same with you. If he’s a grown mature Christian, he’ll get it…eventually. Yeah, Peter, thanks but no thanks for that advice!
Sometimes we can offer advice to people when we think what they are going through is the same thing we went through. Remember this prophet had been humbled by his battles therefore he has a lot to share that would help the world. But that’s not necessarily the advice you need to follow. every. single. time.
While things can be similar, they are not the same. Your kids might be the same age, similar, but they’re not the same kids so it’s not the same. You may have met your spouse the same way, similar, but these are not the same women so following that advice could prove wrong. You may have similar types ministries, but they are not the same because you may be reaching a completely different demographic, located in a different state with people who have different needs.
The point is even though there may be similarities, you are not the same. The Lord is not looking to duplicate the same people. The age we are in now will have many pioneers. Firsts. It’s never been done before. So if you follow them too closely you may miss your niche. The thing that makes you unique.
Do not follow anyone’s advice when you are in times of transition without double checking the advice with the Lord.
You can’t afford to be off, not when you are this close. The doors that are opening are old doors and some new. You don’t want to head off down the wrong path because some prophet, regardless of how well respected they are, sent you in the wrong direction.
Pray about everything.
A couple days after this just to make sure that this prophet was not false, and that I clearly understood why this prophet was in the vision, I went back to the Lord to ask about him specifically.
He impressed upon me that this prophet was not a bad person, He then explained what was happening here…
“Too much reliance on known voices can lead you down the wrong path”
Yes, there is wisdom found in the counsel of many but you can’t rely only on this. If you keep running to a prophet to get the word of the Lord, you’ve substituted God for that person or those persons. The prophet is also human so he can give you the wrong advice too. That’s why everything needs to be brought back to God in prayer to see if what you were told is indeed from God. The Lord wants us to go to Him directly ,especially in seasons of transition.
Then He said this…
“You are being heavily watched and monitored by the enemy that is why You need to come to me”
When we develop the habit of sitting quietly with the Lord, He can download things into our spirit and the enemy will have no knowledge of it.
Believe me when I tell you, the enemy knows when you are in a transition, and because he doesn’t know the entire plan of God for your life he sits around and watches to see how it’s going to play out so he can spoil it. It’s that dragon waiting to devour the baby (Revelation 12:4). If he sees where you’re going for advice, he’ll find a way to corrupt it or divert your attention away from what God wants to say to you. Once you pick up clearly on what God is asking you to do…Sssshhhhhhh….move in silence! Once you open your mouth and voice that thing into the atmosphere it is out there!!! Sometimes it’s not even the person you told that is the problem but the fact that you may have monitoring spirits in around you that picked up on the plan and takes it right back to their demonic camps to plot how they can stop you.
Then the Lord said….
“A lot of the voices started out good but now they are tainted”
So the Lord is saying that some in the Five Fold Ministries (Ephesians 4:11) started out good but because of outside influences, or the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life, they succumbed to the temptations and now they are preaching from their flesh or the “I got bills to pay” spirit. They lost focus.
These ones you can spoil them easily, they are entrenched with materialism. They cannot hide. It is so obvious. These are not the people you want to listen to. If they are flashing the lifestyle, it is a red flag!!! They’ve lost their way.
Then He said…..
“Go to the voices of old there was something pure in what they said. You will hear My voice behind you saying this is the way walk in it and I will show you the path”
The men of old that you are to listen to are the ones where when you look at their lives they remained humble regardless of what they had – financially or even in their spiritual gifts. These are the men and women of old that you need to look at. Over time materialism has crept into the church and this became the “standard” for Christian success. Saints, this is a lie!
As you find these men and women of God from old, keep in mind some of them may have already gone home to be with the Lord but their teachings and resources are still available for you to learn from them, God will begin to highlight the ones you should be listening to. He will indicate the ones you are to glean from.
This is not for you to imitate them, because we are ALL to imitate Christ, but for you to learn how to grow in fame, fortune and influence and continue to remain humble. Fame, Fortune and Influence are not bad things, but these are to be used for GOD’S Glory in the world. Because these things will give you a seat at the table to shape policies and laws BUT will you be able to get to that level and remain humble? Not lose sight of why you have the fame, fortune and influence? This is the question. We have a lot to learn in this arena.
There are many in the Bible who had fame, fortune and influence and remained humble. Selah.
Making sure you’re not lost in the sauce, I want to make sure you know these are two different messages rolled into one.
1 – The voices that you are listening to for advice and direction are to be brought back to the Lord.
2 – The people who you choose to use as mentors – living or dead – should be the ones who gained success and still remained humble. Learn how to use fame, fortune and influence while remaining humble. There are men and women of God who did it, find them and learn.
These two could be the same person but it could also be two different groups of people. You could very well one day be the one who has to fame, fortune and influence and what you don’t want is for God to say of you…they started out good but now they are tainted. Lord, let it never be said of me, in Jesus Name, Amen! That’s why you have to be very selective who you choose to mentor you.
I pray that this is clear and has helped you. This doesn’t mean you shut yourself off to teachings from others, no, what it means is that you need to use a greater level of discernment in deciding when you need to listen and who you choose to listen to and God will confirm it to you.
MOP this is such a powerful word, recently after sitting on a hard word for my church leadership about issues the Lord said He was dealing with (issues undealt with from before their time of leadership) and He clearly stated they could not stop it but they were equipped to navigate the next step. I sought Godly counsel which agreed with me on how I could (or not address the issues fully). Left with sense of I liked the answer but something was amiss. Next time I was talking with the Lord He asked about the counseling and He said very clearly ” Is that what I asked you to do?” No Lord “Then go and do as I asked”. Bottom line when I shared one of the leaders had enquired of the Lord and He had told them to hear what I had to share.
I saw the same interpretation!
All Praise, honor and glory be to our Lord Jesus Christ, for HIS goodness, HIS mercies, and HIS love.
God is such a good Father.. and I am so grateful for this ministry and His hand upon it
This is my testimony in regards to the words on transitions, these words were posted after I can gone through the process:
For years I’ve been in this country (US) in an inbetween phase in regards to my immigration status. these means i’m unable to earn an income, and have been quite restricted in some areas. There was always one obstacle or the other (especially finances) blocking any attempt i made to move things along. I know God himself has kept me in this position to teach me to lean on HIm, seek HIs face especially through my wilderness (training) season, else i would have been consumed by the cares of this world.
Earlier this year i sought the Lord about my status and what the next steps would be in regards to moving past this limbo state, and it appears seeking God’s face on this matter ushered me into intense testing. (Mind you I was seeing 11:11, 1:11, 111 everywhere -signifies transition)
unexpectedly my brother gives me the money to begin the filing process that would ultimately secure my immigration process in this country, about $3000. Initially i was excited and praised God about the blessing but completing this process would ultimately mean I would have to disobey an instruction the Lord had given me during the onset of Covid-not to take the shot. The shot is now required for any person going though the immigration process and going through the impossible process of a waiver costs more money and would most likely be denied.
On top of this the persecution came from my mother and brother- so all these years i was waiting on God’s direction in regards to my status, my family perceived me to be lazy and a religious fanatic, and so I was ultimately harassed NOTE: God’s blessings, make us rich and ADD NO SORROW
For months I had been seeking God’s face, fasting, praying, sometimes being frustrated with God for not saying anything or giving direction about the matter and just allowing the constant persecution..
Until 2 weeks ago… my Youtube feed all of sudden started getting bombarded with warnings about the shot and news feeds on seemingly healthy people suddenly dropping dead, getting strokes, heart attacks etc. Guys, i never watch the news, unless the Lord leads me to a specific article, clip etc, i try as much as possible to gaurd my gates, so it’s not a matter of my algorithm pushing the recommendations of these videos. This was just God, and a clear message from Him that his stance never changed for ME on this matter.
this post mentioned the voice of a prophet in the dream: in my situation that prophet ended up being my mother. My mother is very prayerful and sometimes I share my burdens and concerns with her so that she and the community of women she prays with will agree with me in prayer. well in the midst of this transitional period she tells me that she and another prophetic voice within their prayer group-received a word for me from God: to not fear, I could take the shot and God will protect me from harm. Lord have Mercy!!
While my testimony is not yet complete in the physical, i just wanted to encourage someone on this platform on these points
-the blessings of God maketh rich and addeth NO sorrow
– if you haven’t received new instructions from God stick to what he already told you
-“You are being heavily watched and monitored by the enemy that is why You need to come to me”- From the word above
-Do not follow anyone’s advice when you are in times of transition without double checking the advice with the Lord. -from the word above
Now i have $3000 (wealth transfer) and waiting on the Lord’s instructions on what and how to use these funds because I know He does not want me to use the money for this process ( SEE Transition 3 prophetic word)
Yes and Amen! Because we always have to go back to “what did the Lord say?”. We can have two situations that are exactly the same and the Lord can give each one a different answer.
Thank you Nicole for this timely message. I remember this morning I wasn’t saying Lord I have been coming to you with same problems and have even talked to some prophets but looks like the problems are getting bigger what should I do. Seek another prophet. Her I get the solution is I need to sit with Lord. Have a quiet time with the Lord. The Lord bless you and am coming back with a testimony
This a very good word!! I recently had a trusted figure that gave personal thoughts that I thought were off color. I respect the person greatly and always listen to their advice but this time, it didn’t fit my situation.
Regarding the hologram face, I immediately thought about the Wizard of Oz. Dorothy, Scarecrow and Tin Man wanted to meet this elusive, larger than life and respected figure only to find out he wasn’t who they thought or people said he was. He was a common man just like them. I think many times, we look at prophets as special people who are superhuman and God does not want us looking at them like that — idols. Respect but don’t put them on a pedestal or like they don’t make mistakes. There’s only one God and He chooses who He wants to use and that should be humbling if He chooses to speak thru and use you!
Oooh Dee, excellent interpretation! I love it. Worse yet, when we start believing our own hype. Help us Jesus! Thank you for sharing. Blessings
Amen!! Nicole, this entire series on transition has been powerful and informative. Such a wealth of insight and wisdom. I’m so thankful for the visions God has also given you that so clearly ties what He is sharing though you, together. I read these messages over and over and allow Him to highlight the areas for me to focus on and it almost feels timeless. For what He revealed to and through you can help just as much now, as it can a year from now. So much to glean, process and execute, as He leads!
Thank you Nicole for this word. Indeed, thank you.