This is the Prophetic Word for August 2024 and it is Part 3 in a series on Transitions. If you missed the first two here they are Part 1 and Part 2. This is a series that will help you in seasons of transitions.
This particular prophetic word has to do with transitioning into a wealth transfer.
Who is this word for? Everyone. Well, that is if you are interested in partaking in the wealth transfer.
Let’s do a little exercise, grab a pen and paper or a device to write some notes and I’m going to ask you a question and you need to write the answer before you read any more, are you ready?
First, let’s say you look at your bank account and you notice that there is $10,000 there. It wasn’t a mistake, it is all legal. Write down the first 5 things you would do with that money, put it in the order that you would use it.
Do not read anymore until you’ve written down what you would do with $10,000. Be honest because absolutely no one is going to know what you wrote. You’ll need this to understand how you will transition….
The Lord impressed upon me that a part of our transitioning into a wealth transfer not only has to do with our physical location, alignments and physical preparations but we need to transition our mindset and shift in our hearts.
Think of it as a Heart and Mind Transition. You know, all of us want a change but the truth is you will never change if you don’t have a change of heart and also a change or mind. Your mindset. Your thinking has to change.
Proverbs 4:23 NCV
Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life.
There is a connection between your heart and your mind. Your mind then creates your thoughts which will lead to your actions. So what’s in your heart, eventually becomes your actions.
Luke 6:45
The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.
This is why you need to transition your heart and mind for this wealth transfer.
I want to share some things that the Lord has been showing me over the past several months about this so that you can shift.
The wealth transfer is coming from God, this is not luck.
What He’s doing in this hour is making sure that you are ready for this. Not just ready because you desire it, anyone can desire this. Ready, because your heart and your mind is ready to receive it.
He told me that what I am about to share with you, most of you are not even aware that you are doing this. This post is going to cause you to take a long hard look at your heart and your mind. Not for you to feel condemned but for you to know what is going on inside of you so that you can transition this way of thinking and shift your heart so that you are ready for what God is bringing.
The wealth transfer is already underway but how much of it you will personally receive is being determined by your heart and your mind.
Transitioning your Mind
You’re not going to wake up and see $10 million dollars in your bank account. If that happens it’s going be 0.1% of the people. This is the first shift you need to make. Otherwise, you may sit there waiting for something to happen and not even realize you’re already in the wealth transfer. Because you’re looking for it to happen one way and it’s not happening that way for the majority of us.
Remember when the Israelites were going in to possess the promised land, I am sure they thought they would cross the border and just all walk to their land and live happily ever after. Did they get all the land on day one? No. Here’s how God remove the enemy for them to take possession…
Exodus 23:29-20
I will not drive them out before you in a single year; otherwise the land would become desolate and wild animals would multiply against you. Little by little I will drive them out ahead of you, until you become fruitful and possess the land.
He’s going to drip feed the money to make sure that you can handle it.
So it will be $100 that will turn to $200 to $500 to $1000 to $1300 to $2500 to $4500 to $10,000 to $100, 000 to $1M
That is how the Lord showed me it is going to happen for the majority. It started with $100. Little by little.
He’s going to test you
Getting from $100 to $200 is a test. Some of you are already in the test. Some of you failed the test already and some of you are on your way to retake the test. Which is why He is having me give you this word now so that you don’t fail the test a second time.
God is so gracious that He showed me that even for those of you who failed the test the first time, it wasn’t a complete forfeiture, instead He is bringing the same test around again – perhaps with difference circumstances – so that you have a chance to pass it.
You will not see the wealth transfer until you pass the test.
Don’t get mad, I am just the messenger.
Why? Because what you are being tested on is a requirement for the transfer.
1 Corinthians 4:2
Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful.
The word Steward in Greek is oikonomos: the manager of a household, a steward, guardian, treasurer.
The word Faithful in Greek is pistos: faithful, reliable, sure, trustworthy, loyal.
God is going to give the wealth transfer to the people who are faithful. In other words, He needs to know that He can trust you.
Hence, the test.
The Lord walked me through 3 examples of how the test may show up. Your test may look very different from this but these should give you an idea. The thing with tests is that you don’t get any notice that you’re even in one and sometimes you fail it and you don’t even know you failed it.
It’s like things were moving and then all of a sudden, things started to slow way down. You see God was already walking you in that direction but when the test was failed, he had to hit the brakes, go around again with you and give you another shot at it.
Here are some examples:
First Example of a test
What if Joseph never dealt with his unforgiveness towards his brothers? Towards Potiphar and his wife? Towards the cupbearer who forgot about him in prison? And who knows who else he had to forgive while he was a slave for about 13 years before he went into Potiphar’s house. This man had so many opportunity to be unforgiving. I think he had to deal with all of that while he was in prison so that when he got out he was ready for God to use him.
Joseph was basically the person they all went to when the famine came. Do you see how he could’ve really hurt many people if he was still holding unforgiveness? There was no way, he was going to be a faithful steward with unforgiveness in his heart. This is a heart issue and would’ve disqualified him from being Prime Minister, do you see that? It had nothing to do with managing money.
I repeat, you will be tested on this. You see when you have an unforgiving heart, there’s generally not one person but several people. Because the devil likes to take our one thing and multiply it so that we never step into our destiny.
The second example:
Let’s say God told you to go and give Joe $500. This was a sacrifice for you, so when you got the money together and go to do it you find out that Joe just received $1000 from someone, $2500 from another person, $5000 from another person. Right across the street from Joe lives Suzie and she has no money. You made the decision, since Suzie is in need, to give the $500 to Suzie because she’s obviously in need and Joe already has $8,500. After that you find out that Joe received another $1000 so you are very sure you made the right decision. You walk off feeling quite good that you gave the $500 like God told you.
Were you obedient? No.
Why would you make a decision to change who gets the money without consulting God? What you should’ve done is stop, go into prayer and ask the Lord again. Lord, I know you said I was to give the money to Joe but Suzie seems to need it more than Joe. Should I still give it to Joe? This is what you should’ve done and waited for an answer before proceeding.
You see, you have no idea what God is doing with Joe so when you go off script you are actually standing in the way of God’s work. Even if in that moment it appears to be the right decision to you, you didn’t follow the instructions.
Now, for a test like this, don’t just say… Oops I failed it the next time He tells me to give this person something I will do it. No, because this post is about heart condition, not about “I made a mistake” condition.
You need to examine WHY? Why did you change the instructions.
If you got there and Joe had zero and Suzie had zero, you would give the money to Joe. But because you decided Joe has enough you changed the plan. What is that? You’re now heaven’s Robin Hood? It’s actually Jealousy.
You made the decision that Joe has too much. God already knew what Joe had when He sent you there to give the money. It was a test. And, you may not even realize it is in your heart until He shows it to you.
Psalm 139:23-24
Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
If you struggle with Jealousy and Envy, you need to shift and transition from that because it is going to limit what God can give to you.
Jealousy and Envy are thieving spirits – Selah
They want what others have. I want that, you shouldn’t have it. You have too much it should be give to this person. Covetousness is a thieving spirit.
This has to shift in your heart because it is going to hinder how much God will give you. Divorce it! Because it is robbing you of a larger portion of the wealth transfer. Don’t just say you failed the test, examine why you failed the test…get to the root of the issue.
The Third Example:
This lady keeps walking from house to house asking for money year after year and every year you’re seeing she has another child. You’ve given her in the past but every year there’s another child. This time you decide to give to another family and feel good about your decision because you’re still helping people in need. The truth is you’ve judged her actions and decided to punish her by not giving to her. Did you ask God before you decided not to help her?
Using money to manipulate and control people’s actions and decisions.
The point here is that we should be asking the Lord before we decide where to give and what to give and in this hour what I see him doing is transitioning our minds and hearts to be in alignment with Him on our giving. When we have things in our hearts like being judgmental towards others while labeling it as discernment, having unforgiveness, being jealous or envious, revengeful tendencies, biases, manipulating people through your giving, a competitive spirit or any such fleshly actions, it clouds what we are doing.
In these instances while God will still bless us He cannot fully give us what He planned. We can’t step into God’s best because our hearts will stand in the way of what He’s doing in the earth.
He then has to take that wealth and give it to someone that He knows is not connected to their feelings or emotions because you chose to be disobedient to the instructions of the Lord.
WIFM Giving
You know, coming from a conservative church background for the first 6 years of being a Christian, I never heard Malachi 3:8-10 preached in regards to giving. It was never used, not even once. And people gave. For the first 6 years of my Christian life I gave without even giving it a second thought because when the entire word of God is preached (Genesis to Revelation) you don’t need to strong arm anyone to give money. They give because they know what the Bible says.
It wasn’t until I got into the pentecostal church environment that I saw this. Then I started thinking “Hmmm, I can make a demand on my giving, that’s a new concept, I should try it”.
Do you know what this does? It takes your eyes off God and what He’s doing and puts it completely back on you getting. It is no longer about giving, instead it is about getting. It’s treating the kingdom of God like a stock, a mutual fund, you’re looking for returns on that investment.
When we say that we have to give into “good ground”, do you mean good ground because that is the place the Lord is using to build His kingdom or do you mean good ground because you’ll see money into your bank account tomorrow when you sow today? Search your heart. It’s a slippery slope to the throne of mammon.
This kind of thinking doesn’t give to the kingdom of God. It gives to get. WIFM giving. What’s In it For Me.
Is that really what the church of Jesus Christ has become? We have to transition our hearts away from this.
I fell into that trap and it worked for about a year and then God did me a huge favor by shutting it down. Stopped giving me anything for my giving. I actually got back less than what I was giving. When I inquired about what was happening He showed me that for the first 6 years of being saved I have no idea how much money I gave. Did you know that? I don’t how much money I gave. I never tracked it. I was never asked, I just did it. And I had zero lack.
But here I was with less money, tracking it and wondering why it wasn’t working….and I had lack. The Lord reminded me of what I used to do in the beginning, of how FREE I was from even thinking about it and advised me to return to those day.
I ran from that thinking so fast because God made it clear that this was putting people in bondage, shifting our focus from giving into getting. Giving money into the kingdom of God like it’s putting money into a slot machine in a casino hoping to hit the jackpot.
Just Give, that’s all. No strings attached.
The minute I returned to how I was doing it before, I realized how much freedom there was in just trusting God to take care of me as I obey Him.
Please understand, He brings it back because there is a law of sowing and reaping but our hearts can’t be connected to it when we give.
You can’t be sitting there thinking about what you’re getting back when you tithe or give a donation. I hope you can discern the difference here. It is about where your heart is when you give.
Sowing seeds for prophesy
There’s a post here about the connection between this and idolatry. The problem with this one is that if you give $100 when you got $1000, then when God gives you the $10,000 you’re going to be looking for a bigger prophet to give $1000. Then when you get a million dollars, you’re going to want to go pay to have dinner with a bigger prophet and give them $100,000 just to have them be your personal prophet. You’re buying prophetic words with God’s money.
Getting more money, won’t stop you from doing this. What it is going to do is cause you to give even more money to bolster this type of behavior. You should Read 2 Kings 5 to see the consequences of paying for people’s prophesy. If you’re buying a prophesy when you have $100, you’ll buy a prophesy when you have $1 million because these are just numbers, when your heart never changed.
We need to shift, transition, from this type of behavior and thinking. This is so wrong and what is going to happen is God will not be able to move you into a wealth transfer until you get delivered from this kind of thinking.
As we get closer to The Day, you are going to see some disgusting behaviors from these false prophets and preachers. They will become desperate as God starts to dry up their resources and the economy gets worse. The more desperate they become is the more pressure they are going to apply to the people of God – manipulative gimmicks and tricks. Asking people to pay $1,000 for a course to learn how to build a “Goshen” for their families in a famine. The people who are really suffering and need a Goshen will never be able to afford it. Does this sound like God to you?
Genesis 45:10-11
10 You shall dwell in the land of Goshen, and you shall be near to me, you and your children, your children’s children, your flocks and your herds, and all that you have. 11 There I will provide for you, lest you and your household, and all that you have, come to poverty; for there ares till five years of famine.”
They didn’t pay for Goshen, it was given to them.
Neither did Jospeh pay for his seat at Pharaoh’s table, that was given to him
You can’t pay for God’s blessings. He just gives it to you. The blessings of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow to it.
If you have fear attached to your giving, it is a problem. That becomes another thing hidden deep in your heart that you need to be delivered from. Because if you give from fear, you’re not giving to God, you’re giving to a spirit of fear. Once you sowed into the spirit of fear, guess what? You gave it permission to continually attack you. So every week you are now afraid that you won’t be able to feed your family or pay your bills. Do you see how it works? When you sow into a spirit…. that is the spirit you reap. Divorce it!
The minute you pick up on that spirit of mammon, when you’re listening to a preacher or a prophet or whomever, you have to get out of there. Turn off the TV, shut down that video, change the channel. Don’t sow into it. They are showing you their hearts and that they worship at the throne of mammon. Pay attention and don’t sow into it. Did you know that poor people can have a spirit of mammon? Yes. They sowed into it. Divorce it!
Stop Making Assumptions
Back to the $10,000 in your bank account, did you ask God before you wrote down the 5 things?
A lot of us do things on automatic pilot. My church gets 10%…does it? What if God wanted you to give them 20% this time?
What if God didn’t want you to give them any of the money because this was extra money and He had another plan for it?
You have to stop making assumptions in this season. Where money is concerned and handling the wealth transfer, the minute you start to notice money coming in you need to IMMEDIATELY stop and ask God. Why do I have this money and what do you need me to do with it, OK? No more assumptions!
And after you give what you had slated for giving, what were you planning on doing with the rest of the money? Did you ask God about that part? Another assumption is that as long as we give God His portion we can do whatever we want with the rest. This is also a bad idea because perhaps He has strategies on how you should spend that which will make that money grow but you never asked.
Proverbs 21:20
The wise have wealth and luxury, but fools spend whatever they get.
You will always be poor if you’ve never asked God how you should be spending the money you have. Even the portion that is for you. Ask Him how you are to spend the rest after you’ve given. Discipline yourself to ask about all the money.
Did you know that 70% of the people who win the lottery go bankrupt within 3 – 5 years? No, I’m not telling you this so you can play the lottery.
If you are expecting a wealth transfer the best time for you to ask God about what you are to do with the money is before you get it. And, not just the portion you are giving to Him but all the money. That is if you want to have it longer than 5 years.
So what do you do?
You know you have to give, so you give. No strings attached. When you give you ask God where you should give. You don’t make decisions based on your own feeling because sometimes the people He’ll tell you to give to are not the ones you would’ve selected.
Every time you do this correctly, you are breaking the enemy’s back with your obedience.
The more God can trust you to do what He’s asking you to do with HIS MONEY, is the more He’s going to give you to manage. It is truly this simple.
Matthew 25:14-29
14 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. 15 And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey.16 Then he who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents. 17 And likewise he who had received two gained two more also. 18 But he who had received one went and dug in the ground, and hid his lord’s money. 19 After a long time the lord of those servants came and settled accounts with them.
20 “So he who had received five talents came and brought five other talents, saying, ‘Lord, you delivered to me five talents; look, I have gained five more talents besides them.’ 21 His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’22 He also who had received two talents came and said, ‘Lord, you delivered to me two talents; look, I have gained two more talents besides them.’ 23 His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’
24 “Then he who had received the one talent came and said, ‘Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed. 25 And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours.’
26 “But his lord answered and said to him, ‘You wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown, and gather where I have not scattered seed. 27 So you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received back my own with interest. 28 So take the talent from him, and give it to him who has ten talents.
29 ‘For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.
Can you guess who is Joe in the story and who is Suzie? What seems unfair to you at times, could be God’s doing. It is not your job to play Robin Hood or be jealous of the ones that God has chosen to give the wealth to. There is a reason they have it. Just be obedient.
This word is not about how much you give, neither is it about where you give, it is about your heart and what’s going on in your mind when you give.
Whether you’re giving $10 or $10 million, is irrelevant. These are just numbers and the same principle applies.
As a steward, you are going to be responsible for giving, distributing the wealth. So if you can’t get in touch with what is motivating you to give, or not give, you will make the wrong decision.
Before I walk into any church, or conference, I already know how much money I’m giving because I had the conversation with Jesus at home before I arrived there. So no amount of manipulation is going to change it. The decision was already made, and the decision was not mine. I ask, how much am I supposed to give them and He gives me a number. When I am sowing Into a ministry I already know how much money I’m giving them at the beginning of the month so whether the preacher gives me a goosebump message or he has a chimpanzee for a guest speaker is irrelevant because Jesus and I already discussed it. I’m completely detached from it. If the message blessed me beyond my wildest dream, I’ll comment on it or send them an email telling them how much it blessed me, but that is not going to cause me to give them more money…because the decision was already made and my giving is not attached to how “blessed” I was by the message that week. I am not led by my emotions. The only time this changes is if there is some special project, then I’ll ask about that. It’s not my money! Therefore, the One whose money it is tells me what He wants me to do with His money!
I should tell you about the time when I sowed thousands of dollars into a church, when I say thousands… I mean thousands, and then I found myself without a job and they wouldn’t help me pay my mortgage when I went asking for help. Yeah. Because they didn’t have it in the budget? No, “because I didn’t meet the requirements for assistance”. By the way, I prayed before I went to ask them for the money and the Lord told me to ask them!!! HE SET ME UP!! LOL. I kid you not! I was in shock. By the way, they know me, I am not some person that walked in off the streets. And then guess what Jesus told me to do after that? Still tithe there. Oooooh the burn!!!! The burn, the burn, the burn. It was the most awful feeling in the world and I remember crying tears when I wrote the check after the incident. I cannot describe the feeling to you. But I did it. Because obedience doesn’t always feel good and that’s why they call it a test. You see, they expected me not to give them any more money after what they did, possibly even leave the church …because that is what most people would do. But when they realize that I continued giving, a lesser amount because that’s all I had, even after what they did…woooo….you should’ve seen the red carpet of favor that was rolled out after that! It was very clear, after they got the check, that they reflected and realized they made the wrong decision because all that they did for me after that…. totaled more money than if they just gave me the money for my mortgage that month. I ended up with more. They were trying to make up for it, I could feel it. If I didn’t continue tithing, it would never have worked out like that.
By the way, if you are going through this now, I am not telling you to do this…you need to ASK GOD. It worked in my favor, but you might get a different outcome.
The point here is, don’t just stop giving to someone because you’re mad at them. Ask God. Sometimes it is God’s way of moving you out of there. Other times, there’s another reason He made it happen like that and you are about to find out. I was just starting out in ministry and this was my test from God to see if I could obey the instructions, even if it hurt me…. It revealed me to me….and, it revealed me to them. You see you don’t know a person when you agree with them, you know a person when you disagree with them. This is when the character comes out. Their hearts start to speak with the actions. After that they asked me to come and work for them in any newly created position, meaning I tell them what I want to do, with my own schedule because they knew MOP was my focus, meaning I was doing the same volunteer hours as I was doing before. This was not a 9-5. They paid me to be a volunteer, working the same volunteer hours. Carte Blanche!
Start examining your heart where your giving is concerned. When you see that there are issues within you, pray, fast if you need to and ask God to fix that within you.
I know for sure that even if you did fail this test already, He’s bringing it around swiftly. I am sure! He doesn’t want you to fail it again, hence, the timing of this word. A lot of you are about to get delivered from some stuff that you didn’t even know was in your heart. Yield. When He shows you, just repent and now that you know what is there you are better equipped to pass the test when it comes around again.
Prayer: Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Teach me how to obey your leading and promptings. Cause me to examine when I feel resistance from my flesh. Show me the root issues that are there that I have yet to acknowledge and deliver me from them. Thank you for bringing the tests I may have failed around again so that I can be ready for the wealth transfer and all that You are doing in this next, in Jesus name, Amen.
1 Corinthians 4:2 AMP
In this case, moreover, it is required [as essential and demanded] of stewards that one be found faithful and trustworthy.
The Door of Testing
I’ve noticed that every time I am getting ready for a promotion in the spirit, a test comes. I’m talking big promotions, not small upgrades. Since this one is associated with the wealth transfer, it will directly have to do with money and trust.
The first time we talked about the wealth transfer was in September 2022, those doors are coming back but understand that those doors had tests associated with them. He’s just brought the same tests back to qualify you for those doors. That is what is happening. If you look at some of the tests you’re facing you may find that you had to go through it in 2020, maybe 2021. These are the tests to access some of those doors.
Every time these types of tests come I get the same feeling. Like my stomach doing flips because I am having to walk through something that I don’t want to walk through but I know that I must. They are difficult tests that are required for your promotion. What I do to keep myself on track is that I remind myself this is a test and I just need to pass it. I just need to pass it. I just need to pass it. I know what God is expecting of me and I just need to pass the test.
And I always remember this >>>He’s never going to give me a test that I cannot pass<<<<< The minute I get through it, everything changes.
This is how it has always worked for me. I don’t back up. I don’t run. I don’t try to escape it because this only prolongs that stomach churning feeling. And who wants to relive this again? Isn’t it better to just get it done the first time? I face it head on. And I walk through it no matter how difficult it is. And let me tell you when you get to the other side of that…wooo hoooo (fist pump)….smooth sailing. The stomach churning stops instantly and everything around you reflects that you walk through that door of testing already and you’re on the other side of it.
Signet Ring
Once you pass the test and have been found faithful, He gives you a signet ring (Haggai 2:23, Genesis 41:42, Esther 8:8). This is a sign of trust and gives you the authority to act on His behalf in the earth where it concerns the storehouse of heaven in wealth, finances, resources and how it is distributed in the earth because He knows He can trust you to operate the storehouse according to His will.
Amen, Hallelujah.. I praise God for showing me confirmation through your word. I was conflicted with giving and prophesy. I have divorced that ministry. I also fell short on giving and Gods test. Thank you for this message.
This is just a test and I need to pass it. Am sure going to adopt that line as a reminder every time. Lord help me. Two weeks ago we were in a season of praying and fasting as a church and on one of the days we were praying for God to fill our hearts with love for those around us. And I felt I needed to give a specific amount of money to a friend of mine that is struggling financially. I battled with the thought and questioned whether it was God. I said things like, but Lord I have given to this friend over a long period of time, surely the contribution made is enough and the other was that the amount laid on my heart was too big. Then in your sharing you mentioned something on keeping track of how much you give with an expectation of something in return, that spoke volumes to me and I also realized I wasn’t like that in my early days after accepting Christ. WELL I just read the post today and guess what this friend of mine called asking for help of the exact amount that was laid on my heart. Oh my………(this is just a test and I need to pass it) Thank you Nicole, this word was timely. God bless you and use you more.
Thank you so much for your obedience and for sharing this word with the US. It allowed me to truly look within and a reminder to consult God about all things not just some! One thing that truly stuck out was asking God to remove our feelings and emotions tied to giving ..WOOOOOOO! Forever Blessed. Glory to God.
Thank you for be obedient to share this word from God. I learned that it’s not enough to ask God to align my will for my life with His will for my life. I need to ask Him to reveal to me what I have done wrong, repent, and ask God to guide my every decision. I had a dream of a yard full of money growing up from the ground. Another dream of a houses that were so full even the animals were enjoying themselves. God does love laughter the animals were playing in the abundance around and even all up on the porch of one of the homes. Although the pressure is real I know that it’s only a test to see if I’ll do things my way or be still and fo things His way. I believe the God is using this message to prepare us to not be greedy, but freely giving when and where He tells us to give. The Holy Spirit is already activated in us. I pray that we all are obedient and seek Him before doing anything. Again, thank you for releasing what God has shown you.
Wow, wow, wow!! I had just been praying almost everything you said in this word and when I read your words they are confirmation!
So many times, especially in Christiandom, we do things out of habit or what was taught us.
“The point here is that we should be asking the Lord before we decide where to give and what to give”… I would usually just go off emotions or promptings I felt in terms of giving. Your words give a new perspective. I’m exited about the wealth transfer and giving how God wants me to give!!
Thank you for this detailed teaching.This teaching show the omissions that we make thinking we are doing the right things in the face of God. I repent and yield to the Holy Spirit to heal and prepare my mind, heart,thoughts and decisions to give how God want me to give.
Wow….Amen. This is very convicting for me. I see where I have assumed and walked in resentment and unforgiveness. I see how I have held back giving to one person specifically who I judged irresponsible and unwise. I repent. I will ask from now on with all money (what I give Him and what I need to steward for him) what HE wants me to do with it. Forgive me Lord. Thank you Nicole!
Dear Sister,
Yesterday/ Today early morning, I felt strongly in my spirit to check my mail and your message was here. I absolutely connect with the message here as it is a documented reflection of the testing I have been through. I would go as far as to say over 20 years now,back and forth. Today, when I reflect the tests you have mentioned, I learned it the hard way but now I think why wouldn’t anybody pass those tests. I do also strongly believe that wealth transfer is NOT for everybody because the amount of testing and trials you have to go through is on another, another level. I do believe financial breakthrough is for everybody. Ofcourse, the idea of prosperity is having no lack. Most of the times when problems arise,financial help comes from non believers because believers have hardly anything to spare after living from month to month paycheck. This is also another reason why we must honour God first and follow his instructions. Emotional giving is a curse and many of us have fallen prey to it. There are some of us who don’t have a penny but in debt, but believe God for wealth to build his kingdom and his kingdom only. I wish everybody will be blessed those who are believers in Christ and to hold the ground for Christ. As sister said here, God will not bring you a test that you won’t pass. That is beautiful. I love the fact God showed me this but for me, it just meant a reflection of my journey and I’m ready.
Amen! You are correct about not everyone receiving the wealth transfer at the same level. As the parable of the talents states they were given 1, 2 & 5 talents. There are levels & with each test we increase to a higher level. That’s why Yielding to the Holy Spirit is needed so we can receive all God has for us. Blessings
Thank you for a beautiful explanation
My God this word is so good! As a financial coach, I completely understand the heart’s mindset and money’s connection. I have dealt with this in my own life and the lives of my clients. this is how God trained me to be a financial coach.
When my first test came around I thought I did what God wanted me to do but I never asked the question “What did he want me to do”. Now that is the question I ask ALL THE TIME. I have learned to be obedient and obey quickly! All this is confirmation of my assignment to get God’s people’s heart mind, and money back in alignment with God quickly.