Prophetic Word – Acceleration

prophetic word acceleration

This Prophetic Word is titled Acceleration.

Who is this word for?  Everyone

This is a dream from a friend and as I was interpreting it I realized that this dream has a universal message for the body of Christ.  This word can be for anyone. So as you read it, if it resonates for you, you can step into this and follow the instructions in the dream to get the same results.

I was given a red car, super sporty and super fast.  I was driving the car and took a curve at high speed and entered a wide road!

This entire time there were no cars on the road.  I was driving very fast.

I turned left and out of the corner of my eye I looked to the right, to see if there were cars coming – no, none – but the reality is that I was going so fast that when I watched for cars coming, I was already in the middle of the road, straightening the steering wheel, I was flying.

Then the road was no longer paved but dirt and I continued without slowing down. Then the dirt road transitions into mud, muddy ponds.  This was the first time I saw other cars, they were going slowly and some were in the mud.  I was thinking to myself that I should slow down, then it was like I was seeing my car from up in the air from behind.  Suddenly, instead of slowing down the car began to accelerate through the mud at an even greater speed and it jumped over the cars that were stuck in the mud. At this point I realized that I was no longer driving the car even though I was sitting around the steering wheel.

Up ahead I saw more cars that were going at a super low speed.  Instead of slowing down, my red car did not brake but rather climbed on top of the car and used it as a ramp and flew over and jumped the area to land further ahead. I didn’t see it land until the car landed on it. Whoever was driving the car at this point did so knowingly with control.

Then there was another scene but it was the same dream…

I then saw several people sitting around, they were working with their hands molding clay. They were talking about what happened and about the person who was driving the vehicle, “and she did like this”, another commented “and she did this and she did that”, they weren’t complaining about it but I also picked up they didn’t approve of how it was done.  All of them were focusing their comments towards this one woman.

This woman was sitting in the midst of them and she appeared to be the daughter of the person in charge/the boss, she was wearing a white blouse, and I think her hair was partially covered with a white cloak, in the style of the time of Jesus.  She remained silent working with her clay but appeared to be thinking about what they were all saying to her. She worked and listened and each time they made a comment about the person that was driving the car I could see her furrow her brows but she said nothing.

Then, after several comments, a Man’s voice was heard, He intervened so that when they made their comment to this woman He then made a comment to the woman as well.  So that it sounded like this:

They would say “but she danced like this” to her, then He would say “she danced like your dad”.
They would say “but she talked like this” to her, then He would say “she talked like your dad”.

There were several statements made and He continued to make His own statements following what they said to this woman. While He’s talking to the woman the rest of them heard Him but He was not talking to them, He was talking to her.  I don’t remember all the statements but I remember there were a total of 5 statements.  Then I woke up.


The car
First the car is one for speed which shows that there is an acceleration coming.  Red means the blood of Jesus, so this acceleration is covered under the blood.  She was given control of this car to move towards the things that the Lord has called her to do.

As she is driving she’s noticing there is no one else on the road.  This is because everyone else has gone ahead of her and she’s alone in the back trying to catch up.  Perhaps she feels delayed.

Many of you may have been in situations where you were on the same level with others and then you noticed that they moved ahead of you. They were getting blessed and you were not. They were hearing from God on their next instructions and you were not. It was like you were being forgotten.  You may not even know why that was happening when you were doing everything correct.  So you have been in this pattern of waiting on the Lord to move on your behalf so you can move ahead as others have.  That time is upon you now!

There was some equipping that was happening during the waiting period where now she is able to go around corners at high speed.  Also, even though she felt like she’s behind everyone else she’s about to catch up and realize that she hasn’t lost any time at all.

The Mistake
With this new found confidence and in an effort to catch up with everyone else, she made a wrong turn.
She went left (it’s not right) and this is when everything changed.  There was dirt (sin), and that turned into mud.  I see mud as besetting sin.  These are the things that have sat there for some time.  You can drive through dirt but you get stuck in mud.

What happened to some of the people who went ahead of you
Sometimes you can feel like you are left out or left behind when really you were being preserved from certain things.  God could also be working on you still and you are just not ready.  Some of the people who went ahead of you you may find you are just about catching up to them.

They made mistakes too, they went left.  Got caught up in some things, didn’t keep their eyes focused and they are stuck.  So while they appeared to be ahead of you, you catch up to them and pass them.  Now you are ahead and they are behind.

In life this is what we call the process.

When God takes over
Something happened when God kept her behind, some level of intimacy and relationship was being developed.  She didn’t intentionally take the left turn, this was an honest mistake.  God in His grace takes over to make sure that she’s not stuck in that spot with everyone else.

You know, there is a difference with willful sinning – they often lead to some serious consequences.  And, some sins we fall into based on mistakes we made that were not necessarily intentional.  I find that God helps us out of those types of sins much easier.  It was never her intention to sin, she made a mistake.

If she went right, she wouldn’t have been in the dirt and mud, but she went left.

Now the question you should be asking yourself is why didn’t God help those other people?  You see, some times in life no matter how much we think we know, we need to understand when it is time to surrender control to the Lord.  Let go and Let God.  Perhaps that is why she was delayed to begin with.  In those seasons when she was on her own, she had to learn total reliance upon the Lord when things are not working out.  Because she honed the skill of releasing things to God she knew exactly when to let go of the steering wheel and allow the Lord to take over.  We know this because when she saw the mud and the cars slowing down she was no longer in the car but in the spirit, up in the air viewing the car from behind.  That means she immediately switched into “God’s viewpoint”. Once she went to see what God had to say, God took over! She tapped into the realm of the spirit, the heavenly places to assess the situation from God’s perspective.

Perhaps this is a quality the others had yet to master. They were all still there trying to figure it out on their own.  Perhaps blaming others for the reasons they were stuck.  Not accepting responsibility for the wrong turn they made.  Not repenting to remove the mud from their life so they could accelerate but instead they sat there trying to work it out with their flesh. Using human wisdom in a moment that no amount of head knowledge could get them out of this situation.

In the place where she should’ve been stuck, she miraculously was not!  Jesus did take the wheel. He accelerated in places where there should’ve been a standstill.  And caused her to drive over the other cars as if she was in a monster truck!  LOL

She successfully gets through that by allowing the Lord to take control of her life and now she is met with….criticism.

Here are these people, talking about her.  Why?  Jealousy is definitely a part of it.  How come you got through that mud when we left you years ago back at the village?  I don’t approve of how you went about doing what you did?  Why couldn’t you stop to help us?  I don’t approve of the tactics you used to get out of this situation?  You were handling that a little too aggressive.  Who does she think she is?

Do you know what they did wrong?  The same thing they did why they are still stuck in the mud….they did not consult the Lord before they opened their mouths.

Aimlessly speaking and never consulted God.  If they did, they would’ve found out it was God who was driving the vehicle the whole time so that every move that was made during that season of transition was done under the complete instruction of the Lord.

Matthew 12:36-37

“And I say to you that every careless word that they will speak, men will give an account of it in day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

Instead of remaining quiet and asking the Lord what did they do?  They went to find someone else in authority whom they knew could hear God, perhaps a prophetic voice to side with them.  They want this person to use their spiritual authority to speak against this woman driving the vehicle.

What happens?  There’s a reason why this woman is in the position that she is in, not only can she hear God, she remained quiet, listened, questioned within herself if what they were saying carried wisdom and she WAITED on God to speak.  She didn’t open her mouth, she let GOD respond.

Isaiah 64:4

Since ancient times no one has heard, and no ear has perceived, and no eye has seen any God besides You, who acts on behalf of those who wait for Him.

And what did God say?  Everything that the driver was doing was according to HIS INSTRUCTIONS.  In other words, when they were sitting there making their comments they were actually making bad comments about God Himself.  They were criticizing how God chose to do things.

John 5:19
Then Jesus answered and said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.

I find it interesting that they were working with pottery.  It says that these are all people in authority, they are molding and shaping things/people.  And perhaps this one driver was using a mold that none of them created and so they decided to criticize the one that they never fashioned with their own hands. They can take no credit for the work because it was God’s design. They had never seen anything like this before.

Jeremiah 18:1-10
This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: 2 “Go down to the potter’s house, and there I will give you my message.” 3 So I went down to the potter’s house, and I saw him working at the wheel. 4 But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.
5 Then the word of the Lord came to me. 6 He said, “Can I not do with you, Israel, as this potter does?” declares the Lord. “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, Israel. 7 If at any time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, 8 and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned. 9 And if at another time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be built up and planted,10 and if it does evil in my sight and does not obey me, then I will reconsider the good I had intended to do for it.

So here we see that repentance changes the trajectory of our lives.  This is why I knew that the driver repented and hence allowed the Lord to make a correction and she was able to continue accelerating while the other sat unrepentant, stuck in their sin.

For me, this is the only reason why she was helped and they were not. They loved their sin.

Isaiah 45:9
“What sorrow awaits those who argue with their Creator. Does a clay pot argue with its maker? Does the clay dispute with the one who shapes it, saying, ‘Stop, you’re doing it wrong!’ Does the pot exclaim, ‘How clumsy can you be?’



John 8:26
“Many things I have to speak and to judge concerning you. But He who sent me is true, and the things which I have heard from Him are those which I have come into the world to speak.”


John 15:5
“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.

Proverbs 11 The Message
9 The loose tongue of the godless spreads destruction; the common sense of the godly preserves them.
12 Mean-spirited slander is heartless; quiet discretion accompanies good sense.
13 A gadabout gossip can’t be trusted with a secret, but someone of integrity won’t violate a confidence.
14 Without good direction, people lose their way; the more wise counsel you follow, the better your chances.
17 When you’re kind to others, you help yourself; when you’re cruel to others, you hurt yourself.
18 Bad work gets paid with a bad check; good work gets solid pay.
19 Take your stand with God’s loyal community and live, or chase after phantoms of evil and die.


If you’re feeling like you’ve been forgotten, God has not forgotten you!  God has you and you should be using this time to get closer in your relationship with Him.  When you do get going if somewhere along the way you make a mistake, you need to stop, repent, and ask Him to get you back on track.  This is not hard to do.  It just requires humility to admit when you made a mistake.

Understand that when you start to succeed more people will begin noticing you, once that happens get ready for the critics to arrive.  It’s this “crabs in a barrel” mentality, as you try to climb up they all start pulling you back down.  This happens a lot in the church. For some reason there is always a group that will just not like the fact this it is YOU.  While this may be hurtful to you, you need to remember that God is the one who accelerated and elevated you into that position.  You did not put yourself there! And, you owe no one an explanation for how you got there either.

If you are the one watching someone get accelerated or elevated, even though you may question within your heart what you are seeing or how they are doing what they are doing, it is not your place to be speaking about this publicly.  You need to consult the Lord before you say a word about anyone.  Because there’s nothing worse than you opening your mouth only to find out you are speaking against God Himself. Not that the person is God but they are working based on the Lord’s instructions.

Reminds me of when Aaron and Miriam decided to take it upon themselves to criticize Moses that did not turn out so well for them.  Read that story in Numbers 12

If you felt like you were making progress and then things just started to slow down, stop and reflect. When did the slow down occur?  What happened then?  You may actually realize that somewhere there you made a mistake.  Acknowledge it.  Ask for forgiveness and ask God to get you back on track.  When we stubbornly decide to continue down the same path even after realizing that we are in the mud, understand that God can only help us when we acknowledge the wrong doing.  God can get you back on track, go to Him.

I pray this blessed you because it did bless me and I believe it holds some reminders for us in this season.


8 thoughts on “Prophetic Word – Acceleration”

  1. I had to come back to this email because I’m still experiencing all the ridiculous, unwarranted criticism. It is really so unnecessary, and I’m surprised it’s coming from strong Christian, generally good-hearted people. Sometimes it stings and sometimes it’s hilarious – depending on the situation, but just wanted to come back and say THANK YOU for writing this. I know God is the One bringing me through this strange time of transition… I’m breaking generational curses, changing my family’s spiritual path to be on a right one … like, I know I’m doing the right things, that is why the criticism from strong Christian women (because usually men wouldn’t be so pushy/nosey lol) throws me, except that you warned this would happen.

    God showed me it would happen, too, so reading your word was more confirmation of what He’d shown me last Spring (when I started to seriously make changes that people started to notice). Thank you, I appreciate all you do for this ministry and want to send in a Christmas Thank You donation from my heart.

  2. “And perhaps this one driver was using a mold that none of them created and so they decided to criticize the one that they never fashioned with their own hands.”
    This really spoke to my situation, and so did the whole article. Thank You, Father, exhortation, guidance and encouragement.

  3. I saw myself in this dream. I was such a kingdom-focused Christian that I ended up falling into a sin I never imagined. It pains me to know that I made that mistake. God shows me His grace every day, but it pains me to think that I was once that person.

  4. Thank you so much, Nicole. This word is spot on for me. I’ve been in the season of transformation and had taken a couple of “left” turns. I am repenting and asking forgiveness and asking the Lord how to go deeper with Him. I know all that I need to set aside and I’m just asking for ways/strategies to meet with Him and spend time in His presence and word.

  5. This message is so on point . I actually told my friend yesterday that I feel like I’m on my own the odd one out . Now I have been encouraged by this .
    Also my daughter has stopped me from seeing my lovely granddaughter whom I baptised . She’s 6 and lives Jesus but my daughter is getting deeper into witchcraft and was furious when she found out what I’d done . I’m praying for her healing and deliverance . Thank you Nicole

  6. This word is confirmation!! I have recently been elevated in my house of worship and can sense the jealousy and the question marks. However,”God is the one who accelerated and elevated you into that position” so I will not explain it or feel guilty for where He has placed me and is taking me!

    Also, I recently had a dream where I was getting ready to lift off in a helicopter, I immediately knew it was God “changing my viewpoint” as well as accelerating some things in my life! He has truly been blessing me in this time of transition! Hallelujah

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