This prophetic word for June 2022 is titled Molasses.
Who is this word for? For those who are currently walking out what God has instructed them to do but it seems really hard, slow going, and taking a lot longer to accomplish things than you first anticipated.
Imagine we’re all at this 7-course fine dining restaurant, the only difference is what we are being served is based on our choices and some of us tend to eat a little slower. One may be just starting the 2nd course while the other in on the 7th course. There are details in each course that may help you identify where you are now and how to move forward.
1st Course
Since January, we all started off with a bang. It felt like there was some resistance there and the Lord had already given me a vision of the enemy destroying the eggs, what was being birth in this season. The new birth, new beginnings, something new. If you were on the 7 days prayer and fasting with us, you already know this. We prayed and everything was reversed. The eggs were put back to their original state and what was stolen was returned. This allowed many to continue and things started to move forward swiftly.
If you were not on the fast and believe you are still stuck in this position, then you need to read Proverbs 6:31, meditate on it and PRAY, demand that the thief return what was stolen and then some, and then you will be able to move forward.
The enemy is well aware that he is unable to stop what God is doing in your life this season so all he’s doing is stealing – your breakthrough, joy, peace, your money, relationships, opportunities, ideas, you name it if you leave it careless, it will be taken.
2nd Course
There were so many breakthroughs within the first 1.5 – 2 months of the year. Could be a longer period of time for you. The point to this course is that you have movement and it is all going great and there is a straight road ahead.
3rd Course
Then things started to sloooooow down. Well, I discerned that in the spirit. It’s not that things came to a screeching halt, but it was just taking longer to get accomplished. Were you feeling that too? You’re not sure if it’s warfare… it’s just slower. I then had to try to get an image or verbalize (put into words) what I was picking up in the spirit. Sometimes the best way to get clarity is to put into words what you are sensing. So then, the only thing I could come up with was that it felt like walking in Molasses. Or as it is called in other countries, Treacle. This sticky substance that is making it harder for people to walk. Imagine in your mind what it would be like if you were walking in ankle deep molasses and then knee deep, like that. Honestly, I was trying to figure out if this was a good thing or a bad thing. The more we walked forward the harder it seemed, hmmm.
4th Course
Since becoming a Christian, reading the Old Testament and realizing that God said that He was going to bring the Israelites into a land flowing with Milk and Honey, I have yet to fully understand what that means. Do you know what it means? Why milk & honey? Why not bread & butter? Or Couscous & Lentils, to keep the vegans happy? I just never understood why He chose to use milk & honey.
Understanding Milk (the Main Course)
(Leviticus 20:24) “But I have promised you, ‘You will possess their land because I will give it to you as your possession—a land flowing with milk and honey.’ I am the Lord your God, who has set you apart from all other people.”
Milk – Chalab, which means milk, suckling. Like a baby. It comes from the root word Cheleb which means fatness, the best part.
Scientific research has shown that the mother’s breastmilk provides not only nutrition but medicine as it helps the child fight off illnesses and diseases. Therefore, children can get natural immunity through breastmilk. It is the Chalab, the fatness, the best part.
Milk – the first stage of blessings after you enter the Promised Land. It is something NEW (reference 1st course) New Home, New Marriage, New Ministry, New Church, New Business, New Relationship, New Believer in Christ. This is when you are the most vulnerable. You need to start with milk. The new thing needs to be nurtured and fed.
Sometimes you can start off well, things can get moving but then you may feel a slow down because the baby needs to be fed!
(1 Peter 2:1-3) “So get rid of all evil behavior. Be done with all deceit, hypocrisy, jealousy, and all unkind speech. Like newborn babies, you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation. Cry out for this nourishment, now that you have had a taste of the Lord’s kindness.”
When you are a new Christian, you can start off good but if you don’t continue with reading the bible on your own and in prayer you will fall behind and end up back into your old habits. God has to slow you down.
The foundational stuff. If you get the foundation right, you will build very well. DON’T RUSH IT!!!! Take your time. You want to build out the foundation properly on anything new that God is giving you. The thief is there lurking because he wants to steal it from you when it is in its infancy.
When the news came out that there was a Baby Formula Shortage, right then you should see that as another attack on the baby! Natural and Spiritual
Think about it, if the baby can’t get milk it will die.
Now for those of you who say “why can’t the mothers just breast feed?” Well, it’s not that easy. Did you know that there are some babies who have special needs and require specific formulations? And you can’t just change formula with special needs babies, it can be detrimental.
The enemy is after the milk because the last plot to destroy the babies didn’t work. For you spiritually it is a sign that you are in the promised land and at your first level of blessing.
He first will try to steal it and then replace with a counterfeit. FAKE.
>>>>>>> Read This!!!! Just read the headline<<<<<<<<<<<
They will do anything to get at the babies. If they can’t get them one way they find another. We have to keep on our toes. Vigilant.
(1 Peter 5:8-10) “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your family of believers all over the world is going through the same kind of suffering you are.”
Prayer: Lord, is there something new that you gave me to nurture that I have neglected?
Watch your kids. Pay attention to your boys and girls – spiritual or natural. They need to be nurtured and protected until they get to the point where they can fend for themselves.
5th Course
Understanding Honey (Main Course)
Honey – Debash means honey, honeycomb
Associated with blessings and abundance in the Promised Land. Do you dream or have visions of bees? Or there every now and then there is one following you? This is generally a sign of blessings, abundance, prosperity.
Honey is a forever food. It never spoils or gets old, did you know that?
I want you to think of it this way, you start with milk which is a highly unstable food/blessing needs to be refrigerated to be preserved and protected but you end with honey. You end with the food/ blessing that is imperishable. Unmovable and unshakeable. A type of blessing that can never be taken from you once it reaches maturity. Do you think Job’s double blessing could be taken from him? No. It’s secure when it gets to the honey stage.
And notice God didn’t say a land flowing from milk to honey. It’s milk and honey, which means they are perpetual and always there together, why is that? No matter how mature we are in our marriage, ministry, businesses and we have stability in that area, I believe God is always bringing something new to us to birth.
The two things can exist together in your life.
We are not meant to be stuck in one spot. You can have one thing in a maturity stage and another that is in an infancy stage so you always have milk and honey. And if you have honey, God may position you to help someone else/mentor them with their milk because you have the experience and you know the steps to bring it to maturity.
Another interesting point about honey is that it cannot be fed to infants. Their system is not mature enough to handle that. So when we try to rush the process of what God is doing we can create damage because it is not time and we cannot handle it.
The difference between the two:
Milk – the only food that can be consumed by a newborn for the proper development, unstable and needs refrigeration, needs to be replaced regularly with fresh milk to prevent spoilage.
Honey – mature, shelf stable, forever food.
6th Course
Perspective Change
(Psalm 37:4) “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.”
I am convinced that when we have truly found our delight in the Lord, the prayers that we pray or even or thoughts are actually inspired by Him.
My way of describing what I was feeling in the spirit was “walking in Molasses”. Well, though I felt that way it clicked in my head that I never asked the Lord about it. A couple of weeks ago I started to wonder if there were any bible verses that referenced Molasses and so I went looking. Or should I say, God made me go look up molasses in the bible? (Proverbs 25:2)
Lo and behold, I found out that most people when they think of “the land of milk and honey” they are thinking primarily of honey produced by bees. And, that’s what I thought too.
However, upon further study I found out that back then, actually even today in Israel, honey is not only referring to honey made by bees but also honey made from fruit like figs, grapes, pomegranate or dates. A thick fruit syrup which they also say is a type of……Molasses!!!! WHAT??????
I’ll say it like this…
Honey IS Molasses…
Molasses IS the Honey
I was in shock. I said to the Lord, I thought this difficulty of walking in Molasses was a bad thing??? Then I find out, it’s NOT!
The honey is so THICK that it is making it difficult to walk.
The VISCOSITY of your blessing is so RICH that you are literally having to lift up your legs and push forward to move!!!!
You are literally walking in the honey in your Promised Land. Molasses.
If you use honey regularly it flows freely in the jar but if it sits there for several months it starts to get harder. You could flip the jar upside down and it will stay at bottom. It’s aging. Maturing. You need a spoon or a knife to get it out.
The devil delayed you for so long that by the time you got to the blessing that thing hit MATURITY within months!! LOL
LOL!!! It’s called ACCELERATION! Because we’re delay so we have to catch up now. MOLASSES
FOREVER FOOD. Inheriting a matured blessing.
So then walking in Molasses is not a bad thing because it is the signal that you are in your Promised Land, whatever you are doing with the Lord is at a level that is MATURE.
ALL the delays you suffered up until this point just matured the blessing for you. It aged well!
Let me say it another way, some of the things that you are getting ready to step into is already matured.
Another interesting thing is that this date molasses is used as a part of the Passover Meal (Pesach) in the charoset. It says that it is a fruit paste. Well, some use this date molasses instead of the apples & walnut paste as their charoset in the meal.
Do you know the other time of year when this date molasses is used alot? Shavuot! Which is June 4-6!!! You. Just. Can’t. Make. This. Up!!!!!
I sure hope you wore that elastic waist pants or skirt because we still have the 7th course!
7th Course
How to walk through Molasses
The final course. I’m going to let you come up with it. You all have done such a great job on the Prophetic Training 1 and Training 2, that I feel that if I don’t open it up to you to give me your insights on this, we could miss some really good revelation on how to walk through molasses. From the past training videos you came up with such brilliant perspectives and something tells me that you have something to say about this that would be helpful to everyone that is at this point.
Think of it like this, an unopened bottle of honey/molasses can stay at a liquid consistency. The unopened bottle represents YOUR honey before you touched it or entered the promised land. Once the bottle is opened (you entered into the promise) it will begin to harden because it is exposed to air. That is why it is getting harder to walk through it.
Here is the question you need to answer in the comments, how do you change the viscosity of the molasses so that it is easier for you to walk through it? Or if you’re thinking you wouldn’t change it, then how do you walk through it?
As before, don’t read anyone else’s comments before leaving your own. Stop, pray, think about it, how do we spiritually walk through the molasses? If no one comments what I was shown, then I will write next week on how we do it.
I’m looking forward to your comments.
To make molasses easier to “walk” thru you need oil. The oil in the spirit is prayer, the oil of joy, the oil of the anointing. This oil only comes with relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The greater the relationship the greater the oil and the easier it is to walk thru it.
The walk may not.always seem easy but once the pouring starts, the results is worth it.
I don’t see us changing the consistency. I see the hardened molasses as a paved way, and I see our fingerprints and footprints all on it. We pray for God to take the molecular structure and make it so we can take a utensil (knife) and spread it out to walk on it on the designed paths he has laid out.
I’ll make sure it doesn’t stay at one position unopened. Would prefer to stir it up and use whatever has already been deposited,( the stamina) to keep moving forward to avoid satanic delays of almost there but never there!
You spiritually walk through molasses by staying hot! Fervency in prayer keeps you burning for the Lord! I thought about how I have my hot cup of tea and add honey to a spoon and dip it in and stir! When we stay stirred up in the Lords heat/fire it melts the honey! Staying on fire for the Lord helps us to walk through the molasses. When we keep our lamps trimmed and burning we can move through molasses. The heat lowers the viscosity of the molasses making the particles in it easier to pass by one another but when we allow it to cool down it heightens it causing the difficulty of movement!
My desire is to stay on fire so I can move through the molasses!
Thank you for pulling on us!
This word is very timely and a lot of what I’ve been through this year.
You have to sit in the refiners fire! As, when honey/molasses/ syrup hardens you usually have to place it in boiling water for it to begin to melt and be liquid again…ie a life on the altar, in obedience and trust.
Walking thru molasses is to apply the sweetness or honey of the word daily to our walk. We can add honey to everything in the natural and also in the spiritual. Our hearts will never go hard.. Also giving the sweetness of the word away to others will keep the molasses honey soft. The more we give away the easier it is to walk. As we give it away there will always be a fresh supply.
“Oh taste and see that the lord is good for he taste like honey in a rock”. Amen
I believe when honey gets hard the best way in the natural to restore its state is to heat it up . I felt the Lord saying to not let the fire of the Holy Ghost off . To be walk in the hard molasses means to stay focused on Him and not fan the fire of the Holy Ghost . The Holy Spirit fire that we carry will warm the honey so that it can become easier to walk on . It means our intimacy in Him and our true attention is on Him and we are totally committed to His word , prayer and his direction . Allowing the fire of the Holy Spirit in us will help us navigate the molasses I believe .
I remembered while reading this post of Manuka honey which is rather expensive and when I was given a jar as a gift I kept it one side and ate every day just a half a teaspoon to prolong and treasure this special honey. Its been almost 5 years and even the memory gives pleasure. So for me I think slowly, inhaling the fragrance as I follow His leading knowing in adoration that the molasses both runny and thickened does not change in its purpose to bring sweetness and a brightness to ones eyes for others to see.
I feel we should be prayer ful and in obedient to Gods voice and direction in the time of blessing Isaiah 30vs21 comes to me
Hello, to make honey soft we put it in the sun and wait until the light warms it, so if we look to God and His Light upon our lives we should have a way forward that is pleasant and glorious to see..
I love honey and over the years I’ve had it harden and not bulge unless you attempt to gather it with a spoon. When you do this, there is never a small amount. There is always a big heaping (yay!). Another way to make the honey softer is to apply heat. In this case sit the mason jar in hot water. The spiritual meaning of water mainly represents emotions, new beginnings and purification . Also, John 4:15 water of life being the Holy Spirit. As we continue to press in to the presence of God ( Holy Spirit) the fire of God will cause this walk to be easier and we will begin to see the NEW.
I think faith is key to walk in the molasses, you must have complete assurance that you are in a daily relationship with God and that all things work for the best. As well even when you don’t feel assured, you have to act like so…by trust in his plans.
After sitting with this word, I am confident that the thickness of the molasses doesn’t need to be changed because it is representative of the blessings the Lord has spent years preparing for us- these blessings are matured and ready for us! As we walk through the molasses with Him, we will arrive at the honey that flows, that is fresh; it is tbis honey that we will work with Him to mature and cultivate as we walk with Him on our promised land!
Once you open that bottle of honey I believe that we should in some cases change how we store it so it does not get hard. We also need to use it more often. Instead of getting scared and worry about why are things becoming difficult, we should set our faces like a flint and just keep going….keep using the honey/molasses often so that it stays moving.
We need to be mindful not to have our blessings in our hands and then allow the devil to convey that its not the blessings we are holding
I will prepare for it.. I walk right with God.. I won’t let it get expose to anything.. I would watch and pray.. we have to prepare and have faith.. don’t let nothing taint the honey..