How Does God Speak to Us?
Discerning the Voice of God in Your Daily Life
by Nicole Murray
I want to tell you how I was led to write this book. I manage a prayer ministry and we do prophetic words as the Lord gives them to us. I’m a firm believer that God does speak to His children and that anyone of us can receive prophetic words from Him.
The purpose of the prophetic word is not to add to anything already written in scripture but to encourage, build up the body of Christ, warn the people of God and give insight into future events all while staying in line with what is written in the scriptures (1 Corinthians 14:3).
I generally receive a prophetic word from the Lord at least once per month and they are directed to the body of Christ. You should know that I do not consider myself a prophet; however, I do have the gift of prophesy.
Around May 2019, I noticed that the prophetic words were starting to slow down and I was not receiving them with the same frequency as I did in the past. God didn’t have anything new to say. While I was still receiving words from Him concerning my personal life, there was no message given for the body of Christ as a whole. There were months when I received nothing. I asked Him after awhile what was going on, why wasn’t I receiving any more prophetic words for the body of Christ?
He told me that He wanted me to teach the people how to hear from Him themselves.
When He said that, I knew that something was coming where people needed to hear God for themselves. I figured it was possible there would be a few false prophets here and there and perhaps some leaders in the church that would fall into some kind of sin and the people needed to know how to seek God for directions and answers.
I had no idea what was about to happen.
All during the time when God was silent, I would still see messages from the Lord from many different prophetic voices. It was puzzling to me because I didn’t understand where they were getting them from. Please understand this doesn’t mean that God can’t speak to someone else and not give the information to me. He can do whatever He wants to do. I just found it strange that no one else was saying or hearing what I was hearing. Generally, with the prophetic a few people will hear the same message. This is why it was odd to me. They were all just “cranking out” these prophetic messages at the same level of frequency.
Upon a closer look I noticed that there was nothing new about the messages but it was more of a regurgitation of past messages just being repeated over and over again. You know…”God is going to bless you this year” “This is your year” “You’re getting double for your trouble this year” But I saw no one saying that God was slowing down on the messages and wanted them to teach the people how to hear for themselves.
I marveled at the fact that sometimes we can get into the flow of things and miss when the Holy Spirit has removed His presence from it.
In November 2019, in obedience to what the Lord said, I taught my first class on the subject and then the Lord told me to do another one in February 2020.
Then in March 2020 COVID-19 hit and we were all on lockdown. And it was at that moment when I started to get the picture that this was more than just a few random false prophets where people needed to protect themselves.
This was about the entire church of Jesus Christ knowing how to connect with their Savior and King personally. Knowing how to hear from Him personally without the pastor, or the prayer team, or the worship team or anybody else giving instructions.
It was bigger than what I expected.
Then with the United States elections in full swing and all these prophetic voices coming out with prophecies of what God told them, coupled with the greatest divide we have ever seen in the church, it became even more evident that now more than ever we needed to hear God for ourselves. We can’t rely on our leaders anymore. What if they are wrong? Should you wear a mask or not? Should you take the vaccine or not? Should you defy the authority and go to church or not?
The truth is, only GOD can answer those questions concerning the health and well being of you and your loved ones.
What if what they are telling you is based solely on their own desires? How would you know? The only way is to hear God for yourself.
That’s why I wrote this book.
I pray that through this book not only will you get drawn into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ, but also your ears would be opened to hearing His voice.
The book is available world wide and will be rolled out to bookstores in the next few weeks. You can get the ebook and paperback on Amazon now and it should be posted to the retailers websites within a week. Click on the link or banner below to see where it is available now.
I asked my aunt to buy me this book from Amazon since they are living in the US now. They came here in the Philippines for a tour. While they were on board the airplane, my aunt was reading the book. I was praying beforehand that the message of this book will speak to her.
Hi, I just discovered your ministry online today. I am impressed with the tone and spirit of what I read. I have been following the Lord Jesus for 60 years. He is faithful, He is worthy! Bless the Lord.
Over the past 2 years I have been privileged to share about walking in the Spirit – a study of Romans and Galatians in my local church. Our emphasis has been and will continue to be hearing from the Word and the Spirit in your own personal walk with the Lord.
Well done! It’s all about the reality of the Holy Spirit speaking to each believer for himself. He loves, He teaches, He speaks – the only correct response is to worship. The friend of the Bridegroom stands next to Him and hears His voice and rejoices. Many Blessings, Tony.
Thank you a lot my sister in Christ, may the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be with you always.
I thank God always as I read these articles, for they prove to me what he showed me some months back when I was struggling with mentorship for so many years. I am a spiritually wounded toddler in my calling who needs a lot of care and support, it is only by God’s love and grace that I am still pushing on.
Just as it is in 1peter 2:2 I do crave pure spiritual milk and meat so that I may grow up to my salvation because I’ve tasted that the Lord is good in this ministry. Not that he is not good in other ministries, but just according to what he showed me.
I am eagerly waiting for the book, I’ll do my level best to have it, even if there are some you may think of, please let me know, I am looking forward.
Yes and Amen! Pre ordered my copy today.
I am so excited to have this book. i will purchase this soon i felt the Holy Spirit urging me to have it! Thank you Prophet Nicole…Shalom!
Can’t wait to get a copy! I love your teachings. The Lord led me to your page when I was seeking him praying for more. I said Lord this can’t be all there is. I got tired of the programs and traditions in the body of Christ and your teachings further explained what the Lord was showing me; gave me more clarity. I’m a person who has a great desire for the presence/face of God. If I stay too long away from him my heart and soul feels like I have suffered a great loss. Throughout this week I kept questioning God, because I realise some persons at my church stress more about being in the building. I said Lord people need to hear you for themselves not just through the Pastor. Fellowship is great but I said Lord your people don’t know how to seek you or spend alone time with you. And I have a burning desire for them to know.They have confined you to a building, as If that the only place you dwell. I even repented before the Lord and ask him if it’s me deliver me. Your teachings on seeking the presence of God has greatly opened my eyes further about entering his presence and I am so thankful. Nuff Blessings!!
Thank you Kellee, this is the new church that God is raising up. We no longer want religion we want a deep relationship with our Father. We want authenticity. There is MORE! The Amazing thing is when we get into a communication flow with Him we realize He is endless, an unlimited God who always has so much more for us. More than we can imagine. Ephesians 3:20
Amen! Yes the MORE is what we need and we won’t settle for less for he is endless. And I believe he loves that. I would say Lord I love what you did/show me last time but is that it? Isn’t there more? Call me greedy LOL but I want more of you. 😁