This is a one week fast for 2025. The fast begins 5 days after you sign up.
Here’s how this will work.
- When you sign up you will receive a welcome email, please check your spam folder to be sure you receive all the emails.
- The Fast begins 5 days after you sign up. This will give you the time you need to gather the items for the fast.
- During the fast, every day you will receive the email for that day which will have a prayer focus and scripture meditation.
- Each day will be different, and the prayer and scriptures need to be done in the order you receive them for greater results. We also give you the opportunity to submit your dreams on our dreams forum for interpretation. God speaks to us so much through dreams and there are times when we need help knowing exactly what He is saying.
- By the end of the fast you should notice:
- Clarity
- A sense of freedom and peace in your mind, body, spirit and soul. It is a complete detox.
- Direction on how to move forward in 2025, not from us but from God since the whole purpose of the fast is to get you more focused on Him.
- And the best part, answered prayers! You will learn some prayer strategies on how to get answers and this will result in massive breakthroughs to your prayers.
- Cost: Being willing and obedient to follow what the Lord will reveal to you during this process. Showing up every day to do the exercise and read the Bible verses. Shutting off the social media, TV and any other outlets that will bring the evening news, fear or distraction into your atmosphere. This one week break from the media will allow you to hear clearly. Other than that, it’s free.
Sign Up For The Fast By Clicking Here
A few things to have on hand to start the fast:
- Your bible (physical & digital copy, if you have it)
- Notebook & pen for journaling
- An audio recording device (most phones have one just be sure you know how to use it)
- Anointing oil
- Communion elements We take communion every day during the fast. The type of fast recommended:
Most people do a Daniel Fast reference Daniel 1:12. You can find more information about this type if fast by clicking here. If you more experienced at doing a Daniel Fast, perhaps consider doing a juice fast.
Please do what is best for you and your health, consult your doctor. If you know you cannot do this, then do your best.
Other things to fast:
- Social media
- Television
- Radio
- News/Media
Unless you must, please consider shutting it all down for the week.
How badly do you want what you are fasting for? I’m sure it is worth sacrificing some things for one week.
Scroll down & read the comments below from others who joined the fast from previous years.
Sign Up For The Fast By Clicking Here
I really appreciated the word on crowns and realized I had received some that I had been still fighting for.My wife and I had an argument on the last day of the fast and our marriage is one of the things we have been fighting for.We listened to the last part of the prayer call and I felt the Lord say It is finished!We were still fighting for something we already have received.We will be buying a couple Adirondack chairs.God Bless you all.
The end of 2024 was tough for my little girl and me. She spent almost two weeks in the hospital and was discharged on New Year’s Day. She was still in pain and barely able to walk—I had to carry her to the bathroom. My heart ached, and with school resumption just five days away, I was deeply worried. Would she miss the first week of school? Would this set her back emotionally and academically?
In my worry, I presented it to God and made it the first request on my prayer list during the just-concluded fast. I prayed: that God, the Great Physician, would completely heal my daughter and make her able to attend school on the first day of resumption.
Then, something incredible happened. On Sunday, we got an email—school was canceled for Monday, January 6th. I was relieved that she’d have one more day to rest. But then another email came on Monday: school was canceled for Tuesday and Wednesday. By Wednesday, yet another email announced Thursday was canceled, and finally, on Thursday, school was canceled for the rest of the week.
By the time school resumed on Monday, January 13th, my baby girl was well enough to walk on her own and go to school with her classmates! 🙌
This experience reminded me once again that God’s timing is perfect. Not only did He heal her, but He orchestrated events so she wouldn’t miss a single day of school. To Him be all the glory!
Whatever you’re believing God for, don’t lose hope. He’s always working behind the scenes in ways we cannot imagine. 💛
I just want to give God thanks and praise to his wonderful name. Indeed God is love 🙏🏻 in the month of December 2024 i had no dreams, I could not remember a single dream, I was so down in the spirit, I felt like God abandoned me. But God knew i needed to go on this fast. On the second night of the fast i kept getting dreams back to back even to this moment .My dream life has restored😍.God revealed so much to me in these dreams. One of the things I loved about this fast we were told to divorce some stuff in our lives and ask for the 7 fold repayment!!! Yes a-lot of stuff needed to be divorce. Lastly I want to say a big thank you to Nicole and her team, this ministry has being a blessing to my life, May God continues to bless you all🙏🏻❤️.I leave with joy knowing that in the midst of all that am going through God has given me joy. I will laugh, smile, dance and just be thankful to God. I am richly blessed and favored by God Almighty.🙏🏻🙏🏻🥰
I ‘ve got joy joy joy down in my heart hallelujah!
Yes, He keeps me dancing in every season Hallelujah.
I was dancing like crazy on Sunday morning. After prayers with the Team and Nicole, l decided with my sons to turn my property into a student accommodation for unniversity students in Zimbabwe. I travelled on the 3rd to pray and bless the place and on the 5th was back to prepare for the 6th.
Students started phoning and by the 9th of January 6 students had arrived and one elderly lady making all seven. This has only been possible through these prayers, devorcing the poverty mind and lack, demanding a seven fold repayment of abundance all round. This fast was just meant for me. In all challenges, there was a way out. On
the 12th everything was in place. WHY Would l not dance with Joy… GOD, Abba Father, thank you. Am even getting ready to view one of the properties to move in to after four years of living in a place l was not happy to be in.
May all the praise and honor go to Him who is excellent and true. Nicole and Team, thank you. AMEN.
I experienced a very pleasant surprise on Day 4 of the Fast (01/09) while taking a glance at my emails. I received a credit report update that my score had changed and surged by 44 pts. To GOD be the glory. I believe the Arm of the Lord is moving in a mighty way on behalf of his people.
On the first two days, I had period pains during my prayer times. I remember on the second day using the anointing oil and rubbing it against my lower abdomen. On the 8th of January the cramps were gone. Praise God!!
Durning my fast, my children would join me every evening for prayer to share their 2025 goals with the Lord and do communion with me. We ended up having one of my children’s friends come one time and then he asked me if he could join the rest of the times so we had another little guy (15 years old) apart of what God is doing. Praise the Lord.
I was able to come to terms with things I’ve been holding on to since childhood and the Lord had me divorce those things and things in my bloodline that have been a hinderance to me. He also worked on me about my internal posture! I’m excited to see all the 7 and 49 fold repayments come rolling in in Jesus name! Amen
This retreat is truly a gift of God’s grace, freeing me for the seven-fold Love, Joy and Peace that He desires for us to receive. I am freed from past automatic responses of negativity to circumstances and have ability to control of what I take in/on and divorce/rebuke demonic influences.
Thank you for your prayers!!!
One of my requests is for debt elimination. On day 6 of the fast, two credit cards were completely paid off! Owe no man nothing but the love Him is here!