Week 5 – Lenten Prayer to Develop a Friendship with God

Prayer to be Friends With God
Prayer to be Friends With God


Here is a video from William Barry which calls us to have a friendship with God during this season of lent.




Prayer to Develop a Friendship with God

Father God, help us during this lenten season to not only call you Father but to call you friend!  Show us how to develop that relationship with you.  We tell our friends everything and we want to be able to tell you everything as well.  We want to develop trust with you, the kind of trust that we had when we were little children. Give us a desire to talk to you daily as a friend, to share our day with you and to listen to Your advice.  We know You will be speaking with us as we take the time to talk to you, in Jesus name, Amen

How to come into a relationship with God

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