Some of you may read this title and think “A prayer for healing a sick pet, really?”
The truth we know that in most countries animals are kept outside of the house. So I would imagine some of you would not think of praying for a sick pet. Especially when you think of all the people that you know that need prayer. I’m hoping that by the time you read this article, you will change your mind about this.
You see, to many people their pet is much like a member of the family. This is their baby.
I am also convinced that dogs were put on this earth to teach us how to love unconditionally.
The first time someone asked me to pray for their sick dog it did take me by surprise but since I told her I would do it I went with the request to God and asked what was His perspective on praying for a dog or a cat.
These are the thoughts that came to me:
1. If pets weren’t important to God then He never would have commanded Noah to take two of each type and put them on the ark when He was about to destroy the earth with a flood. (Genesis 7:16). Let’s face it He wouldn’t have created them in the first place!
2. Isaiah 65 which is the picture of the new heaven and the new earth has the wolf and the lamb eating together while lions will eat straw. Even a snake is mentioned! This is the picture and harmony among all animals on the new earth.
3. Remember that man was the one that brought sickness and death to the earth through sin. This means that animals, much like man, was created to live forever. Even the plant life would live forever because there would be no death. Can you imagine your garden blooming year round and nothing dying? We are the ones responsible for animals getting sick.
4. Nowhere in the bible does it say that your pet hamster, pigs or pet fish has a soul that needs to be saved. While pets are important to God, they are not to be viewed above humans. You shouldn’t love your animals more than you love a fellow human being. We have souls that need to be saved and animals do not. The bible clearly shows us that God puts a greater love on humans and so should you. Matthew 6:26 (NIV) “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”
5. Revelation 19 has Jesus coming back on a white horse. Through this we know that animals are in heaven.
So now that we have established that pets are important to God and that they are in heaven, let’s talk about the process of healing.
Are you wondering: Can prayer heal the sick animal?
Here are some scriptures to consider before praying for your animals
Proverbs 12:10 (NIV) “The righteous care for the needs of their animals,but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.”
Psalm 145:9 (NIV) “The Lord is good to all; He has compassion on all He has made.”
Exodus 23:12 (NIV) “Six days do your work, but on the seventh day do not work, so that your ox and your donkey may rest, and so that the slave born in your household and the foreigner living among you may be refreshed.”
The sabbath rest was not only intended for you but for your animals as well. Since we have dominion over animals we should be the ones enforcing the rest.
What does the bible say about healing?
Jesus was known in the Bible as the great healer and there are many healing prayer scriptures that you will find speaking of those that he healed. Do you know the story of the woman who had the “issue of blood”? It was her faith that gave her the strength to press on through the crowds until she got to Jesus. She was praying for healing and her faith was so strong that she knew that just by the simple act of touching the hem of his garment she could get that healing that she was praying for. It was the full belief that she had in the healing power of Jesus that caused her to do what she did – in this case she did not even ask! She just touched a piece of Jesus and she was made whole because she believed.
Your sick pet cannot ask either but you know what they need so you can make supplication for them. Activate your faith and belief in the healing power of Jesus and ask for them.
Can you recall a place in the Bible where Jesus refused to grant the request of a prayer for healing? No, there is no record of that. Ask God to strengthen your faith so you can believe for healing for your sick animal.
Here is a little prayer for healing your sick pet
Lord I know that I am your child and as such you hold me higher than the angels and the animals that you have created. Even so, pets are all important to you whether it is a dog, cat, lizard, snake, hamster, pig, a fish whatever it may be, you created it. Lord, I thank you for your awesomeness and power, for providing for my every need and the needs of my animal. So, Lord, I come to you now praying for healing for my sick pet, ________. I am in need of your help. You know the exact illness that is afflicting my pet even though he/she cannot speak; I trust your divine guidance in_________life. Help them Lord; deliver _________ from any pain and suffering. Grant ___________ your peace as I place him/her in your capable hands. I ask for healing, I ask for strength, I ask O Lord that your perfect will be accomplish in this pet’s life for your glory, in Jesus name. Amen
If this prayer has blessed you and your animal, please share it with others.
Here are some bible verses about hope
Here is a prayer for hope
Here are some scriptures for encouragement
Please please pray for my beloved pet dog Sam he has a bad mast cell cancer now lymph build up he now today started not walking on that leg and won’t eat he looks miserable my husband is taking him for chemotherapy tomorrow please I don’t want to let him go to this evil disease he is my heart I love him dearly, I’ve been praying so much please send blessings for cancer healing for my Sam I really don’t know what I’d do without his love and loyalty!! Thank you for reading this please help I’m in desperation.
I just said the above prayer over my kitty.
Please pray for my kitty Mama. She was diagnosed with Lymphoma and she has multiple masses in her intestines. She is doing ok considering. I decided against chemotherapy. I opted for steroid therapy at home. I am hoping it will help her for a while. It is a last resort.
Everything seemed normal a few weeks ago. I took her to the vet for constipation. They relieved her but the same problem kept reoccurring. They did an xray and noticed a mass. The ultrasound revealed several masses.
Dear God, I want to place Piku in your loving and fatherly hands. God, I did all I could. I did my best. God please heal my child, he has suffered enough, he has gone through enough pain. Please grant him peace, heal all the illnesses in his body and make him fine and healthy again. Restore his appetite and please keep your merciful hand on his head. My baby is innocent, all he ever did was to bring sunshine in my life when there was none, I have always looked at him like a child of mine and this is just hard and difficult to see. It’s making me just as weak as he is. I am full to my capacity now and I cannot breathe. Please look over my child. Make him fine and healthy and again. Please God.
Please pray for a wild bird named buddy, he got caught in a net but we got him out and may not make it through the night, so please pray for him, Its almost like i can understand even though he cant speak, I really want to help him so he can have a long, Beautiful life, And if he does not make it at least we tried to take care of him and he can go to god and have a beautiful everlasting life, In Lords name we pray.
Before asking for prayer , I just wanted to let everyone know that I have been praying for The all needs that I have read regarding their best friend. I just ask that you agree with me that our wonderful friends will be heal in Jesus Name. Just tell your pet that she or he is heal , lay your hand on them. God is good!!
Please pray for Beau….He is only 4 years old and needs a miracle. He was diagnosed with leukemia and was told his life span is short. He is one of Gods special creatures and we ask Jesus to hear our prayer and heal him. Amen.
Please Lord every thing is u created in this world… My parrot monu is continuously vomiting. Please heal him Lord Jesus Christ I beg u please heal him by ur divine mercy and love for my baby please friends pray for her sake…
My name is Dale and I need some prayer for my (dog)son his name is cowboy Lawrence and I love him dearly it would probably kill me if the Lord takes him from me I don’t know what’s wrong it just started yesterday and I have been up all night praying over him I’m giving him water with a dropper and gave him antibiotics and crying my heart out to the Lord Jesus Christ but I don’t believe in to much prayer,thank you and God bless you and I could use some prayer as well for strength and will power
Please pray for my sons fur baby Leni. She is a sweet 4 yr old German Shepard. She’s in the hospital and very sick. They diagnosed her with a severe case of Myasthenia Gravis. Basically her esophagus muscles no longer work and the muscle in her legs are failing. This gave her pneumonia from aspirating on her food and water. The doctor is giving her a 50/50 chance to make it through this. She is spending the night and probably the weekend. If she can hold down food and water over the weekend she will probably recover but if she can’t then they will have to euthanize her. Asking for prayers/positive energy. thank you 🙏🏼
Please pray for my little 5lb mi-ki dog.He isnt a dog to me, he is my baby. His name is Buddy, he is only 3 years old. His bloodwork is showing very high enzymes. We are trying to figure out what’s wrong. He may have to have a biopsy of his liver. Please pray wirh me that he can be helped with medication before they have to go that route. Please dear Lord hear my prayers. Please fellow animal lovers pray with me for my BUDDY.
I dont have to tell you how my heart aches for him. Buddy is my best friend, im sure you know the feeling. As i’m typing this the tears are running down my face- i dont want to cry a loud cause Buddy will get upset. PLEASE PRAY WITH ME FOR MY BUDDY. thank you.
Praying for complete healing for Buddy, and peace and comfort for you in Jesus name. Amen.
Im praying for you buddy , my coco is also my best friend she has diabetes and she’s been refusing to eat and nothing holds in her tummy so we’re trying to give her just fluids such as pedialite. Pray for my baby please .
Judy, I am experiencing the same thing with my dog Walter. I’m crying with you tonight. Buddy and you are in my prayers. Please pray for my Walter. Jesus please give us strength.
Please pray for my pet and friend Minnie, as I live alone with her GOD has used her to teach me unconditional love. Minnie is in a vet hospital receiving treatment for pulmonary distress as the vet says is related to her heart condition. Pray in agreement with me that the LORD heals Minnie of this affliction and restores her health, by faith I am believing GOD heals all.Thank you and your ministry for your support and prayers.